Published December 30, 2023 | Supplemental Material
Journal Article Open

High-dimensional isotomics, part 2: Observations of over 100 constraints on methionine's isotome

  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology


The abundances of different isotopic forms of a compound, or isotopologues, will vary based on its physical and chemical history. The number of isotopologues increases combinatorically with the size of a molecule, and even small molecules such as amino acids have thousands of potentially observable isotopic variants. However, due to the analytical challenges of separating and observing isotopologues, only a few dimensions of isotopic diversity are routinely measured. Overcoming these challenges requires both an experimental method to observe many isotopic properties and a theoretical framework for interpreting these experiments. In Part 1, we presented such a theoretical framework; here, we demonstrate an experimental method, which we apply to methionine. Our approach uses a Q Exactive HF Orbitrap to perform several “M + N experiments”, where a sample is ionized, a subset of its isotopologues with cardinal mass N daltons greater than the unsubstituted isotopologue is selected and fragmented, and the proportions of all detectable isotopic forms of those fragment ions are quantified. We perform M + 1, M + 2, M + 3, and M + 4 experiments of a methionine sample and standard where the sample has a 100 ‰ enrichment of 13C at the methyl carbon relative to the natural 13C abundance at that position in the standard, and is otherwise identical to the standard. We observe isotopic forms of 8 fragment ion species for each version of the M + N experiment. With the assistance of a forward model of expected mass spectra, we identify isotopic peaks for each fragment ion based on observed mass and abundance, screen these for data quality, and quantify abundances for 146 unique isotopic peaks at precisions of ≈ 0.3–3 ‰. We present our direct observations and use them to reconstruct the concentrations of 19 individual singly, doubly, and triply-substituted isotopologues; doing so gives fewer constraints and broader error bars than working with the direct observations, but may be more interpretable for some applications. We also examine possibilities for measuring additional peaks, which are primarily limited by the detection limit of the Orbitrap-IRMS method. We then suggest some possible uses of our direct measurements for chemical forensics and hypothesis testing. Our results demonstrate the diversity of isotopic constraints currently observable and interpretable for organic molecules.

Copyright and License

© 2024 Elsevier B.V.


We thank Cajetan Neubauer, Gabriella Weiss, Elliott Mueller, Guannan Dong, Elise Wilkes, Laura Chimiak, Nivedita Thiagarajan, Sarah Zeichner, and Renée Wang for their helpful discussion on the content of this manuscript. We also thank Fenfang Wu for the assistance with the EA-IRMS measurements. Finally, we thank Max Lloyd, Guannan Dong, Peter Martin, and Sarah Zeichner for their contributions to the data processing scripts used in this article.

We additionally thank Huiming Bao and the Orbitrap-MS team at ICIER, Nanjing University, Shuhei Ono, and one anonymous reviewer for insightful and constructive comments on the content of this manuscript.


Data Availability

Data is publicly available at the places indicated in the manuscript.


This work was supported by the Simons Foundation, Award Number 626103 and DOE-BES funding to JME.

Additional Information

Supplementary material: Additional figures and analysis regarding issues raised in the manuscript.


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August 28, 2024
August 28, 2024