Technology Roadmap for Flexible Sensors
- Creators
Luo, Yifei
- Abidian, Mohammad Reza
Ahn, Jong-Hyun
Akinwande, Deji
Andrews, Anne M.
Antonietti, Markus
Bao, Zhenan
Berggren, Magnus
- Berkey, Christopher A.
Bettinger, Christopher John
Chen, Jun
- Chen, Peng
Cheng, Wenlong
- Cheng, Xu
Choi, Seon-Jin
Chortos, Alex
Dagdeviren, Canan
- Dauskardt, Reinhold H.
Di, Chong-an
Dickey, Michael D.
Duan, Xiangfeng
Facchetti, Antonio
Fan, Zhiyong
Fang, Yin
- Feng, Jianyou
Feng, Xue
Gao, Huajian
Gao, Wei1
Gong, Xiwen
- Guo, Chuan Fei
- Guo, Xiaojun
- Hartel, Martin C.
- He, Zihan
Ho, John S.
Hu, Youfan
- Huang, Qiyao
Huang, Yu
Huo, Fengwei
- Hussain, Muhammad M.
- Javey, Ali
Jeong, Unyong
- Jiang, Chen
Jiang, Xingyu
- Kang, Jiheong
- Karnaushenko, Daniil
- Khademhosseini, Ali
Kim, Dae-Hyeong
Kim, Il-Doo
Kireev, Dmitry
- Kong, Lingxuan
Lee, Chengkuo
Lee, Nae-Eung
Lee, Pooi See
Lee, Tae-Woo
- Li, Fengyu
- Li, Jinxing
- Liang, Cuiyuan
Lim, Chwee Teck
- Lin, Yuanjing
Lipomi, Darren J.
Liu, Jia
Liu, Kai
Liu, Nan
- Liu, Ren
- Liu, Yuxin
Liu, Yuxuan
Liu, Zhiyuan
- Liu, Zhuangjian
Loh, Xian Jun
Lu, Nanshu
- Lv, Zhisheng
Magdassi, Shlomo
Malliaras, George G.
Matsuhisa, Naoji
- Nathan, Arokia
- Niu, Simiao
Pan, Jieming
Pang, Changhyun
Pei, Qibing
Peng, Huisheng
Qi, Dianpeng
Ren, Huaying
Rogers, John A.
- Rowe, Aaron
- Schmidt, Oliver G.
Sekitani, Tsuyoshi
- Seo, Dae-Gyo
Shen, Guozhen
Sheng, Xing
- Shi, Qiongfeng
Someya, Takao
Song, Yanlin
Stavrinidou, Eleni
- Su, Meng
Sun, Xuemei
Takei, Kuniharu
Tao, Xiao-Ming
Tee, Benjamin C. K.
- Thean, Aaron Voon-Yew
- Trung, Tran Quang
- Wan, Changjin
Wang, Huiliang
- Wang, Joseph
- Wang, Ming
- Wang, Sihong
- Wang, Ting
Wang, Zhong Lin
Weiss, Paul S.
- Wen, Hanqi
- Xu, Sheng
Xu, Tailin
Yan, Hongping
Yan, Xuzhou
- Yang, Hui
Yang, Le
- Yang, Shuaijian
Yin, Lan
- Yu, Cunjiang
Yu, Guihua
Yu, Jing
Yu, Shu-Hong
Yu, Xinge
- Zamburg, Evgeny
Zhang, Haixia
- Zhang, Xiangyu
- Zhang, Xiaosheng
Zhang, Xueji
- Zhang, Yihui
- Zhang, Yu
Zhao, Siyuan
Zhao, Xuanhe
- Zheng, Yuanjin
Zheng, Yu-Qing
- Zheng, Zijian
Zhou, Tao
Zhu, Bowen
- Zhu, Ming
Zhu, Rong
Zhu, Yangzhi
- Zhu, Yong
Zou, Guijin
Chen, Xiaodong
Humans rely increasingly on sensors to address grand challenges and to improve quality of life in the era of digitalization and big data. For ubiquitous sensing, flexible sensors are developed to overcome the limitations of conventional rigid counterparts. Despite rapid advancement in bench-side research over the last decade, the market adoption of flexible sensors remains limited. To ease and to expedite their deployment, here, we identify bottlenecks hindering the maturation of flexible sensors and propose promising solutions. We first analyze challenges in achieving satisfactory sensing performance for real-world applications and then summarize issues in compatible sensor-biology interfaces, followed by brief discussions on powering and connecting sensor networks. Issues en route to commercialization and for sustainable growth of the sector are also analyzed, highlighting environmental concerns and emphasizing nontechnical issues such as business, regulatory, and ethical considerations. Additionally, we look at future intelligent flexible sensors. In proposing a comprehensive roadmap, we hope to steer research efforts towards common goals and to guide coordinated development strategies from disparate communities. Through such collaborative efforts, scientific breakthroughs can be made sooner and capitalized for the betterment of humanity.
Copyright and License
© 2023 American Chemical Society
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare the following competing financialinterest(s): A.M.A. and P.S.W. have a number of patentapplications related to the technologies described in this article
Y.L., Z.L., M.Z., and X.C. acknowledge the National ResearchFoundation, Singapore (NRF) under NRF’s Medium SizedCentre: Singapore Hybrid-Integrated Next-Generation μ-Electronics (SHINE) Centre funding programme, and AMEprogramming funding scheme of Cyber Physiochemical Inter-face (CPI) project (no. A18A1b0045). Y.L. acknowledgesNational Natural Science Foundation of China (62201243). C.J.acknowledges funding support from the National Key R&DProgram of China (no. 2019YFA0706100), the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (82151305), LingangLaboratory (LG-QS-202202-09). T.Q.T. and N.E.L. acknowl-edge support by the Basic Science Research Program (no.2020R1A2C3013480) through the National Research Founda-tion of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT.A.F. acknowledges the AFOSR (grant FA9550-22-1-0423). Y.L.and Y.Z. would like to acknowledge the NSF (award no.2134664) and NIH (award no. R01HD108473) for financialsupport. X.F. acknowledges the support from the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (grant no. U20A6001).L.Y. would like to thank the A*STAR Central Research Fund(CRF) and the AME Programmatic A18A1b0045 (CyberPhysiochemical Interfaces) for funding support. C.F.G.acknowledges the National Natural Science Foundation ofChina (no. T2225017). T.Q.T. acknowledges the Brain PoolProgram (No. 2020H1D3A2A02111068) through the NationalResearch Foundation (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science.Z.L. acknowledges the support from RIE2020 AME Pro-grammatic Grant funded by A*STAR-SERC, Singapore (GrantNo. A18A1b0045). X.G. acknowledges funding support throughthe Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (grant no.19JC1412400), the National Science Fund for Excellent YoungScholars (grant no. 61922057). C.D. acknowledges NationalScience Foundation CAREER: Conformable Piezoelectrics forSoft Tissue Imaging (grant no. 2044688) and MIT Media LabConsortium funding. D.K. and O.G.S. acknowledge LeibnizAssociation and the German Research Foundation DFG(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Program SCHM 1298/22-1,KA5051/1-1 and KA 5051/3-1), as well as the Leibnizassociation (Leibniz Transfer Program T62/2019). C.W.acknowledges the National Key Research and DevelopmentProgram of China (grant no. 2021YFA1202600), NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 62174082).A.V.-Y.T., E.Z., Y.Z., X.Z., and J.P. acknowledge the NationalResearch Foundation, Singapore (NRF) under NRF’s MediumSized Centre: Singapore Hybrid-Integrated Next-Generation μ-Electronics (SHINE) Centre funding programme, and AMEprogramming funding scheme of Cyber Physiochemical Inter-face (CPI) project (no. A18A1b0045). R.Z. acknowledgesNational Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no.51735007) and Beijing Natural Science Foundation (grant no.3191001). N.M. acknowledges the support by JST PRESTOGrant Number JPMJPR20B7 and JST Adaptable and SeamlessTechnology transfer Program through Target-driven R&D (A-STEP) grant number JPMJTM22BK. C.P. acknowledges theKorean government (Ministry of Science and ICT, MSIT)(2022R1A4A3032923). M.W. acknowledges the National KeyR&D Program of China under Grant (2021YFB3601200). X.Z. acknowledges National Natural Science Foundation of China(no. 62074029). S.X. acknowledges the 3M nontenured facultyaward. T.-W.L. and D.-G.S. acknowledge the Pioneer ResearchCenter Program through the National Research Foundation ofKorea funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & FuturePlanning (grant no. NRF-2022M3C1A3081211). C.T.L. wouldlike to acknowledge support from the Institute for HealthInnovation and Technology (iHealthtech), the MechanoBioEn-gineering Laboratory at the Department of BiomedicalEngineering and the Institute for Functional IntelligentMaterials (I-FIM) at the National University of Singapore(NUS). C.T.L. also acknowledges support from the NationalResearch Foundation and A*STAR, under its RIE2020 IndustryAlignment Fund − Industry Collaboration Projects (IAF-ICP)(grant no. I2001E0059) − SIA-NUS Digital Aviation Corp Laband the NUS ARTIC Research (grant no. HFM-RP1). X.Y.acknowledges funding support by City University of Hong Kong(grant no. 9667221). T.X. and X.Z. acknowledge NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (22234006). B.C.K.T.acknowledges Cyber-Physiochemical Interfaces CPI, A*STARA18A1b0045. H.G. acknowledges a research start-up grant(002479-00001) from Nanyang Technological University andthe Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) inSingapore. W.G. acknowledges National Science Foundationgrant 2145802. D.J.L. acknowledges support from the USNational Science Foundation grant number CBET-2223566.G.Y. acknowledges support from The Welch Foundation awardF-1861, and Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award. M.D.D.acknowledges funding support from NSF (grant no. EEC-1160483). J.-H.A acknowledges the National ResearchFoundation of Korea (NRF-2015R1A3A2066337). J.C. ac-knowledges the Henry Samueli School of Engineering &Applied Science and the Department of Bioengineering at theUniversity of California, Los Angeles for startup support and aBrain & Behavior Research Foundation Young InvestigatorGrant. K.T. acknowledges JST AIP Accelerated Program (no.JPMJCR21U1) and JSPS KAKENHI (grant no. JP22H00594).P.S.W. acknowledges the National Science Foundation (CMMI-1636136) for support. A.M.A., M.C.H., and P.S.W. thank theNational Institute on Drug Abuse (DA045550) for support.S.M. and X.C. appreciated the support from the Smart Grippersfor Soft Robotics (SGSR) Programme under the NationalResearch Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore underits Campus of Research Excellence and Technological Enter-prise (CREATE) programme.
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Additional details
- PMC11223676
- Ministry of Science and ICT
- 2022R1A4A3032923
- Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
- City University of Hong Kong
- 9667221
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 22234006
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 51735007
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 61922057
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 62074029
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 62174082
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 62201243
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 82151305
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- T2225017
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- U20A6001
- Leibniz Association
- T62/2019
- Agency for Science, Technology and Research
- 002479-00001
- Agency for Science, Technology and Research
- A18A1b0045
- Agency for Science, Technology and Research
- I2001E0059
- Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China
- 2019YFA0706100
- Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China
- 2021YFA1202600
- Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China
- 2021YFB3601200
- National Research Foundation of Korea
- 2015R1A3A2066337
- National Research Foundation of Korea
- 2020H1D3A2A02111068
- National Research Foundation of Korea
- 2020R1A2C3013480
- National Research Foundation of Korea
- 2022M3C1A3081211
- National Research Foundation
- Adaptable and Seamless Technology Transfer Program through Target-Driven R and D
- United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research
- FA9550-22-1-0423
- Japan Science and Technology Agency
- Division of Engineering Education & Centers
- 1160483
- Division of Electrical, Communications & Cyber Systems
- 2044688
- Division of Electrical, Communications & Cyber Systems
- 2145802
- University of California, Los Angeles
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- DA045550
- Division of Civil, Mechanical & Manufacturing Innovation
- 1636136
- Division of Civil, Mechanical & Manufacturing Innovation
- 2134664
- 3M (United States)
- Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems
- CBET-2223566
- Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- R01HD108473
- Welch Foundation
- F-1861
- Natural Science Foundation of Beijing Municipality
- 3191001
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- SCHM 1298/22-1
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- SCHM KA 5051/3-1
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- SCHM KA5051/1-1
- MIT Media Lab
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- JP22H00594
- Japan Science and Technology Agency
- National University of Singapore
- Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality
- 19JC1412400
- Nanyang Technological University
- 002479-00001
- Lingang Laboratory
- LG-QS-202202-09
- Institute for Health Innovation and Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore
- Institute for Functional Intelligent Materials, National University of Singapore
- Accepted
2023-03-28published print
- Accepted
2023-03-09published online
- Publication Status
- Published