Published December 22, 2022 | Submitted
Discussion Paper Open

Potential Singularity of the Axisymmetric Euler Equations with C^α Initial Vorticity for A Large Range of α. Part I: the 3-Dimensional Case


n Part I of our sequence of 2 papers, we provide numerical evidence for a potential finite-time self-similar singularity of the 3D axisymmetric Euler equations with no swirl and with C^α initial vorticity for a large range of α. We employ an adaptive mesh method using a highly effective mesh to resolve the potential singularity sufficiently close to the potential blow-up time. Resolution study shows that our numerical method is at least second-order accurate. Scaling analysis and the dynamic rescaling formulation are presented to quantitatively study the scaling properties of the potential singularity. We demonstrate that this potential blow-up is stable with respect to the perturbation of initial data. Our study shows that the 3D Euler equations with our initial data develop finite-time blow-up when the Hölder exponent α is smaller than some critical value α^∗. By properly rescaling the initial data in the z-axis, this upper bound for potential blow-up α^∗ can asymptotically approach 1/3. Compared with Elgindi's blow-up result in a similar setting [15], our potential blow-up scenario has a different Hölder continuity property in the initial data and the scaling properties of the two initial data are also quite different.

Additional Information

The research was in part supported by DMS-2205590. We would like to acknowledge the generous support from Mr. K. C. Choi through the Choi Family Gift Fund and the Choi Family Postdoc Gift Fund.

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