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Published September 28, 2020 | Published
Journal Article Open

Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA

Abbott, B. P.1
Abbott, R.1
Abbott, T. D.
Abraham, S.
Acernese, F.
Ackley, K.
Adams, C.
Adya, V. B.
Affeldt, C.
Agathos, M.
Agatsuma, K.
Aggarwal, N.
Aguiar, O. D.
Aiello, L.
Ain, A.
Ajith, P.
Akutsu, T.
Allen, G.
Allocca, A.
Aloy, M. A.
Altin, P. A.
Amato, A.
Ananyeva, A.1
Anderson, S. B.1
Anderson, W. G.
Ando, M.
Angelova, S. V.
Antier, S.
Appert, S.1
Arai, K.1
Arai, Koya
Arai, Y.
Araki, S.
Araya, A.
Araya, M. C.1
Areeda, J. S.
Arène, M.
Aritomi, N.
Arnaud, N.
Arun, K. G.
Ascenzi, S.
Ashton, G.
Aso, Y.
Aston, S. M.
Astone, P.
Aubin, F.
Aufmuth, P.
AultONeal, K.
Austin, C.
Avendano, V.
Avila-Alvarez, A.
Babak, S.
Bacon, P.
Badaracco, F.
Bader, M. K. M.
Bae, S. W.
Bae, Y. B.
Baiotti, L.
Bajpai, R.
Baker, P. T.
Baldaccini, F.
Ballardin, G.
Ballmer, S. W.
Banagiri, S.
Barayoga, J. C.1
Barclay, S. E.
Barish, B. C.1 ORCID icon
Barker, D.
Barkett, K.1
Barnum, S.
Barone, F.
Barr, B.
Barsotti, L.
Barsuglia, M.
Barta, D.
Bartlett, J.
Barton, M. A.
Bartos, I.
Bassiri, R.
Basti, A.
Bawaj, M.
Bayley, J. C.
Bazzan, M.
Bécsy, B.
Bejger, M.
Belahcene, I.
Bell, A. S.
Beniwal, D.
Berger, B. K.
Bergmann, G.
Bernuzzi, S.
Bero, J. J.
Berry, C. P. L.
Bersanetti, D.
Bertolini, A.
Betzwieser, J.
Bhandare, R.
Bidler, J.
Bilenko, I. A.
Bilgili, S. A.
Billingsley, G.1
Birch, J.
Birney, R.
Birnholtz, O.
Biscans, S.1
Biscoveanu, S.
Bisht, A.
Bitossi, M.
Bizouard, M. A.
Blackburn, J. K.1
Blair, C. D.
Blair, D. G.
Blair, R. M.
Bloemen, S.
Bode, N.
Boer, M.
Boetzel, Y.
Bogaert, G.
Bondu, F.
Bonilla, E.
Bonnand, R.
Booker, P.
Boom, B. A.
Booth, C. D.
Bork, R.1
Boschi, V.
Bose, S.
Bossie, K.
Bossilkov, V.
Bosveld, J.
Bouffanais, Y.
Bozzi, A.
Bradaschia, C.
Brady, P. R.
Bramley, A.
Branchesi, M.
Brau, J. E.
Briant, T.
Briggs, J. H.
Brighenti, F.
Brillet, A.
Brinkmann, M.
Brisson, V.
Brockill, P.
Brooks, A. F.1
Brown, D. A.
Brown, D. D.
Brunett, S.1
Buikema, A.
Bulik, T.
Bulten, H. J.
Buonanno, A.
Buskulic, D.
Buy, C.
Byer, R. L.
Cabero, M.
Cadonati, L.
Cagnoli, G.
Cahillane, C.1
Bustillo, J. Calderón
Callister, T. A.1 ORCID icon
Calloni, E.
Camp, J. B.
Campbell, W. A.
Canepa, M.
Cannon, K.
Cannon, K. C.
Cao, H.
Cao, J.
Capocasa, E.
Carbognani, F.
Caride, S.
Carney, M. F.
Carullo, G.
Diaz, J. Casanueva
Casentini, C.
Caudill, S.
Cavaglià, M.
Cavalier, F.
Cavalieri, R.
Cella, G.
Cerdá-Durán, P.
Cerretani, G.
Cesarini, E.
Chaibi, O.
Chakravarti, K.
Chamberlin, S. J.
Chan, M.
Chan, M. L.
Chao, S.
Charlton, P.
Chase, E. A.
Chassande-Mottin, E.
Chatterjee, D.
Chaturvedi, M.
Chatziioannou, K.
Cheeseboro, B. D.
Chen, C. S.
Chen, H. Y.
Chen, K. H.
Chen, X.
Chen, Y.
Chen, Y. R.
Cheng, H.-P.
Cheong, C. K.
Chia, H. Y.
Chincarini, A.
Chiummo, A.
Cho, G.
Cho, H. S.
Cho, M.
Christensen, N.
Chu, H. Y.
Chu, Q.
Chu, Y. K.
Chua, S.
Chung, K. W.
Chung, S.
Ciani, G.
Ciobanu, A. A.
Ciolfi, R.
Cipriano, F.
Cirone, A.
Clara, F.
Clark, J. A.
Clearwater, P.
Cleva, F.
Cocchieri, C.
Coccia, E.
Cohadon, P.-F.
Cohen, D.
Colgan, R.
Colleoni, M.
Collette, C. G.
Collins, C.
Cominsky, L. R.
Constancio, M.
Conti, L.
Cooper, S. J.
Corban, P.
Corbitt, T. R.
Cordero-Carrión, I.
Corley, K. R.
Cornish, N.
Corsi, A.
Cortese, S.
Costa, C. A.
Cotesta, R.
Coughlin, M. W.1
Coughlin, S. B.
Coulon, J.-P.
Countryman, S. T.
Couvares, P.1
Covas, P. B.
Cowan, E. E.
Coward, D. M.
Cowart, M. J.
Coyne, D. C.
Coyne, R.1
Creighton, J. D. E.
Creighton, T. D.
Cripe, J.
Croquette, M.
Crowder, S. G.
Cullen, T. J.
Cumming, A.
Cunningham, L.
Cuoco, E.
Canton, T. Dal
Dálya, G.
Danilishin, S. L.
D'Antonio, S.
Danzmann, K.
Dasgupta, A.
Da Silva Costa, C. F.
Datrier, L. E. H.
Dattilo, V.
Dave, I.
Davier, M.
Davis, D.
Daw, E. J.
DeBra, D.
Deenadayalan, M.
Degallaix, J.
De Laurentis, M.
Deléglise, S.
Pozzo, W. Del
DeMarchi, L. M.
Demos, N.
Dent, T.
De Pietri, R.
Derby, J.
De Rosa, R.
De Rossi, C.
DeSalvo, R.
de Varona, O.
Dhurandhar, S.
Díaz, M. C.
Dietrich, T.
Fiore, L. Di
Giovanni, M. Di
Girolamo, T. Di
Lieto, A. Di
Ding, B.
Pace, S. Di
Palma, I. Di
Renzo, F. Di
Dmitriev, A.
Doctor, Z.
Doi, K.
Donovan, F.
Dooley, K. L.
Doravari, S.
Dorrington, I.
Downes, T. P.
Drago, M.
Driggers, J. C.
Du, Z.
Ducoin, J.-G.
Dupej, P.
Dwyer, S. E.
Easter, P. J.
Edo, T. B.
Edwards, M. C.
Effler, A.
Eguchi, S.
Ehrens, P.1
Eichholz, J.1
Eikenberry, S. S.
Eisenmann, M.
Eisenstein, R. A.
Enomoto, Y.
Essick, R. C.
Estelles, H.
Estevez, D.
Etienne, Z. B.
Etzel, T.1
Evans, M.
Evans, T. M.
Fafone, V.
Fair, H.
Fairhurst, S.
Fan, X.
Farinon, S.
Farr, B.
Farr, W. M.
Fauchon-Jones, E. J.
Favata, M.
Fays, M.
Fazio, M.
Fee, C.
Feicht, J.1
Fejer, M. M.
Feng, F.
Fernandez-Galiana, A.
Ferrante, I.
Ferreira, E. C.
Ferreira, T. A.
Ferrini, F.
Fidecaro, F.
Fiori, I.
Fiorucci, D.
Fishbach, M.
Fisher, R. P.
Fishner, J. M.
Fitz-Axen, M.
Flaminio, R.
Fletcher, M.
Flynn, E.
Fong, H.
Font, J. A.
Forsyth, P. W. F.
Fournier, J.-D.
Frasca, S.
Frasconi, F.
Frei, Z.
Freise, A.
Frey, R.
Frey, V.
Fritschel, P.
Frolov, V. V.
Fujii, Y.
Fukunaga, M.
Fukushima, M.
Fulda, P.
Fyffe, M.
Gabbard, H. A.
Gadre, B. U.
Gaebel, S. M.
Gair, J. R.
Gammaitoni, L.
Ganija, M. R.
Gaonkar, S. G.
Garcia, A.
García-Quirós, C.
Garufi, F.
Gateley, B.
Gaudio, S.
Gaur, G.
Gayathri, V.
Ge, G. G.
Gemme, G.
Genin, E.
Gennai, A.
George, D.
George, J.
Gergely, L.
Germain, V.
Ghonge, S.
Ghosh, Abhirup
Ghosh, Archisman
Ghosh, S.
Giacomazzo, B.
Giaime, J. A.
Giardina, K. D.
Giazotto, A.
Gill, K.
Giordano, G.
Glover, L.
Godwin, P.
Goetz, E.
Goetz, R.
Goncharov, B.
González, G.
Castro, J. M. Gonzalez
Gopakumar, A.
Gorodetsky, M. L.
Gossan, S. E.1
Gosselin, M.
Gouaty, R.
Grado, A.
Graef, C.
Granata, M.
Grant, A.
Gras, S.
Grassia, P.1
Gray, C.
Gray, R.
Greco, G.
Green, A. C.
Green, R.
Gretarsson, E. M.
Groot, P.
Grote, H.
Grunewald, S.
Gruning, P.
Guidi, G. M.
Gulati, H. K.
Guo, Y.
Gupta, A.
Gupta, M. K.
Gustafson, E. K.1
Gustafson, R.
Haegel, L.
Hagiwara, A.
Haino, S.
Halim, O.
Hall, B. R.
Hall, E. D.
Hamilton, E. Z.
Hammond, G.
Haney, M.
Hanke, M. M.
Hanks, J.
Hanna, C.
Hannam, M. D.
Hannuksela, O. A.
Hanson, J.
Hardwick, T.
Haris, K.
Harms, J.
Harry, G. M.
Harry, I. W.
Hasegawa, K.
Haster, C.-J.
Haughian, K.
Hayakawa, H.
Hayama, K.
Hayes, F. J.
Healy, J.
Heidmann, A.
Heintze, M. C.
Heitmann, H.
Hello, P.
Hemming, G.
Hendry, M.
Heng, I. S.
Hennig, J.
Heptonstall, A. W.1
Heurs, M.
Hild, S.
Himemoto, Y.
Hinderer, T.
Hiranuma, Y.
Hirata, N.
Hirose, E.
Hoak, D.
Hochheim, S.
Hofman, D.
Holgado, A. M.
Holland, N. A.
Holt, K.
Holz, D. E.
Hong, Z.
Hopkins, P.
Horst, C.
Hough, J.
Howell, E. J.
Hoy, C. G.
Hreibi, A.
Hsieh, B. H.
Huang, G. Z.
Huang, P. W.
Huang, Y. J.
Huerta, E. A.
Huet, D.
Hughey, B.
Hulko, M.1
Husa, S.
Huttner, S. H.
Huynh-Dinh, T.
Idzkowski, B.
Iess, A.
Ikenoue, B.
Imam, S.
Inayoshi, K.
Ingram, C.
Inoue, Y.
Inta, R.
Intini, G.
Ioka, K.
Irwin, B.
Isa, H. N.
Isac, J.-M.
Isi, M.1 ORCID icon
Itoh, Y.
Iyer, B. R.
Izumi, K.
Jacqmin, T.
Jadhav, S. J.
Jani, K.
Janthalur, N. N.
Jaranowski, P.
Jenkins, A. C.
Jiang, J.
Johnson, D. S.
Jones, A. W.
Jones, D. I.
Jones, R.
Jonker, R. J. G.
Ju, L.
Jung, K.
Jung, P.
Junker, J.
Kajita, T.
Kalaghatgi, C. V.
Kalogera, V.
Kamai, B.1
Kamiizumi, M.
Kanda, N.
Kandhasamy, S.
Kang, G. W.
Kanner, J. B.1
Kapadia, S. J.
Karki, S.
Karvinen, K. S.
Kashyap, R.
Kasprzack, M.1
Katsanevas, S.
Katsavounidis, E.
Katzman, W.
Kaufer, S.
Kawabe, K.
Kawaguchi, K.
Kawai, N.
Kawasaki, T.
Keerthana, N. V.
Kéfélian, F.
Keitel, D.
Kennedy, R.
Key, J. S.
Khalili, F. Y.
Khan, H.
Khan, I.
Khan, S.
Khan, Z.
Khazanov, E. A.
Khursheed, M.
Kijbunchoo, N.
Kim, Chunglee
Kim, C.
Kim, J. C.
Kim, J.
Kim, K.
Kim, W.
Kim, W. S.
Kim, Y.-M.
Kimball, C.
Kimura, N.
King, E. J.
King, P. J.
Kinley-Hanlon, M.
Kirchhoff, R.
Kissel, J. S.
Kita, N.
Kitazawa, H.
Kleybolte, L.
Klika, J. H.
Klimenko, S.
Knowles, T. D.
Knyazev, E.
Koch, P.
Koehlenbeck, S. M.
Koekoek, G.
Kojima, Y.
Kokeyama, K.
Koley, S.
Komori, K.
Kondrashov, V.1
Kong, A. K. H.
Kontos, A.
Koper, N.
Korobko, M.
Korth, W. Z.1
Kotake, K.
Kowalska, I.
Kozak, D. B.1
Kozakai, C.
Kozu, R.
Kringel, V.
Krishnendu, N.
Królak, A.
Kuehn, G.
Kumar, A.
Kumar, P.
Kumar, Rahul1
Kumar, R.
Kumar, S.
Kume, J.
Kuo, C. M.
Kuo, H. S.
Kuo, L.
Kuroyanagi, S.
Kusayanagi, K.
Kutynia, A.
Kwak, K.
Kwang, S.
Lackey, B. D.
Lai, K. H.
Lam, T. L.
Landry, M.
Lane, B. B.
Lang, R. N.
Lange, J.
Lantz, B.
Lanza, R. K.
Lartaux-Vollard, A.
Lasky, P. D.
Laxen, M.
Lazzarini, A.1
Lazzaro, C.
Leaci, P.
Leavey, S.
Lecoeuche, Y. K.
Lee, C. H.
Lee, H. K.
Lee, H. M.
Lee, H. W.
Lee, J.
Lee, K.
Lee, R. K.
Lehmann, J.
Lenon, A.
Leonardi, M.
Leroy, N.
Letendre, N.
Levin, Y.
Li, J.
Li, K. J. L.
Li, T. G. F.
Li, X.
Lin, C. Y.
Lin, F.
Lin, F. L.
Lin, L. C. C.
Linde, F.
Linker, S. D.
Littenberg, T. B.
Liu, G. C.
Liu, J.
Liu, X.
Lo, R. K. L.1 ORCID icon
Lockerbie, N. A.
London, L. T.
Longo, A.
Lorenzini, M.
Loriette, V.
Lormand, M.
Losurdo, G.
Lough, J. D.
Lousto, C. O.
Lovelace, G.
Lower, M. E.
Lück, H.
Lumaca, D.
Lundgren, A. P.
Luo, L. W.
Lynch, R.
Ma, Y.
Macas, R.
Macfoy, S.
MacInnis, M.
Macleod, D. M.
Macquet, A.
Magaña-Sandoval, F.
Zertuche, L. Magaña
Magee, R. M.
Majorana, E.
Maksimovic, I.
Malik, A.
Man, N.
Mandic, V.
Mangano, V.
Mansell, G. L.
Manske, M.
Mantovani, M.
Marchesoni, F.
Marchio, M.
Marion, F.
Márka, S.
Márka, Z.
Markakis, C.
Markosyan, A. S.
Markowitz, A.1 ORCID icon
Maros, E.1
Marquina, A.
Marsat, S.
Martelli, F.
Martin, I. W.
Martin, R. M.
Martynov, D. V.
Mason, K.
Massera, E.
Masserot, A.
Massinger, T. J.1
Masso-Reid, M.
Mastrogiovanni, S.
Matas, A.
Matichard, F.1
Matone, L.
Mavalvala, N.
Mazumder, N.
McCann, J. J.
McCarthy, R.
McClelland, D. E.
McCormick, S.
McCuller, L.
McGuire, S. C.
McIver, J.1
McManus, D. J.
McRae, T.
McWilliams, S. T.
Meacher, D.
Meadors, G. D.
Mehmet, M.
Mehta, A. K.
Meidam, J.
Melatos, A.
Mendell, G.
Mercer, R. A.
Mereni, L.
Merilh, E. L.
Merzougui, M.
Meshkov, S.1
Messenger, C.
Messick, C.
Metzdorff, R.
Meyers, P. M.
Miao, H.
Michel, C.
Michimura, Y.
Middleton, H.
Mikhailov, E. E.
Milano, L.
Miller, A. L.
Miller, A.
Millhouse, M.
Mills, J. C.
Milovich-Goff, M. C.
Minazzoli, O.
Minenkov, Y.
Mio, N.
Mishkin, A.
Mishra, C.
Mistry, T.
Mitra, S.
Mitrofanov, V. P.
Mitselmakher, G.
Mittleman, R.
Miyakawa, O.
Miyamoto, A.
Miyazaki, Y.
Miyo, K.
Miyoki, S.
Mo, G.
Moffa, D.
Mogushi, K.
Mohapatra, S. R. P.
Montani, M.
Moore, C. J.
Moraru, D.
Moreno, G.
Morisaki, S.
Moriwaki, Y.
Mours, B.
Mow-Lowry, C. M.
Mukherjee, Arunava
Mukherjee, D.
Mukherjee, S.
Mukund, N.
Mullavey, A.
Munch, J.
Muñiz, E. A.
Muratore, M.
Murray, P. G.
Nagano, K.
Nagano, S.
Nagar, A.
Nakamura, K.
Nakano, H.
Nakano, M.
Nakashima, R.
Nardecchia, I.
Narikawa, T.
Naticchioni, L.
Nayak, R. K.
Negishi, R.
Neilson, J.
Nelemans, G.
Nelson, T. J. N.
Nery, M.
Neunzert, A.
Ng, K. Y.
Ng, S.
Nguyen, P.
Ni, W. T.
Nichols, D.
Nishizawa, A.
Nissanke, S.
Nocera, F.
North, C.
Nuttall, L. K.
Obergaulinger, M.
Oberling, J.
O'Brien, B. D.
Obuchi, Y.
O'Dea, G. D.
Ogaki, W.
Ogin, G. H.
Oh, J. J.
Oh, S. H.
Ohashi, M.
Ohishi, N.
Ohkawa, M.
Ohme, F.
Ohta, H.
Okada, M. A.
Okutomi, K.
Oliver, M.
Oohara, K.
Ooi, C. P.
Oppermann, P.
Oram, Richard J.
O'Reilly, B.
Ormiston, R. G.
Ortega, L. F.
O'Shaughnessy, R.
Oshino, S.
Ossokine, S.
Ottaway, D. J.
Overmier, H.
Owen, B. J.
Pace, A. E.
Pagano, G.
Page, M. A.
Pai, A.
Pai, S. A.
Palamos, J. R.
Palashov, O.
Palomba, C.
Pal-Singh, A.
Pan, Huang-Wei
Pan, K. C.
Pang, B.
Pang, H. F.
Pang, P. T. H.
Pankow, C.
Pannarale, F.
Pant, B. C.
Paoletti, F.
Paoli, A.
Papa, M. A.
Parida, A.
Park, J.
Parker, W.
Pascucci, D.
Pasqualetti, A.
Passaquieti, R.
Passuello, D.
Patil, M.
Patricelli, B.
Pearlstone, B. L.
Pedersen, C.
Pedraza, M.1
Pedurand, R.
Pele, A.
Arellano, F. E. Peña
Penn, S.
Perez, C. J.
Perreca, A.
Pfeiffer, H. P.
Phelps, M.
Phukon, K. S.
Piccinni, O. J.
Pichot, M.
Piergiovanni, F.
Pillant, G.
Pinard, L.
Pinto, I.
Pirello, M.
Pitkin, M.
Poggiani, R.
Pong, D. Y. T.
Ponrathnam, S.
Popolizio, P.
Porter, E. K.
Powell, J.
Prajapati, A. K.
Prasad, J.
Prasai, K.
Prasanna, R.
Pratten, G.
Prestegard, T.
Privitera, S.
Prodi, G. A.
Prokhorov, L. G.
Puncken, O.
Punturo, M.
Puppo, P.
Pürrer, M.
Qi, H.
Quetschke, V.
Quinonez, P. J.
Quintero, E. A.1 ORCID icon
Quitzow-James, R.
Raab, F. J.
Radkins, H.
Radulescu, N.
Raffai, P.
Raja, S.
Rajan, C.
Rajbhandari, B.
Rakhmanov, M.
Ramirez, K. E.
Ramos-Buades, A.
Rana, Javed
Rao, K.
Rapagnani, P.
Raymond, V.
Razzano, M.
Read, J.
Regimbau, T.
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Reitze, D. H.1 ORCID icon
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Richardson, J. W.1
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Rosińska, D.
Rosofsky, S. G.
Ross, M. P.
Rowan, S.
Rüdiger, A.
Ruggi, P.
Rutins, G.
Ryan, K.
Sachdev, S.1
Sadecki, T.
Sago, N.
Saito, S.
Saito, Y.
Sakai, K.
Sakai, Y.
Sakamoto, H.
Sakellariadou, M.
Sakuno, Y.
Salconi, L.
Saleem, M.
Samajdar, A.
Sammut, L.
Sanchez, E. J.1
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Sanchis-Gual, N.
Sandberg, V.
Sanders, J. R.
Santiago, K. A.
Sarin, N.
Sassolas, B.
Sathyaprakash, B. S.
Sato, S.
Sato, T.
Sauter, O.
Savage, R. L.
Sawada, T.
Schale, P.
Scheel, M.1 ORCID icon
Scheuer, J.
Schmidt, P.
Schnabel, R.
Schofield, R. M. S.
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Schreiber, E.
Schulte, B. W.
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Scott, J.
Scott, S. M.
Seidel, E.
Sekiguchi, T.
Sekiguchi, Y.
Sellers, D.
Sengupta, A. S.
Sennett, N.
Sentenac, D.
Sequino, V.
Sergeev, A.
Setyawati, Y.
Shaddock, D. A.
Shaffer, T.
Shahriar, M. S.
Shaner, M. B.
Shao, L.
Sharma, P.
Shawhan, P.
Shen, H.
Shibagaki, S.
Shimizu, R.
Shimoda, T.
Shimode, K.
Shink, R.
Shinkai, H.
Shishido, T.
Shoda, A.
Shoemaker, D. H.
Shoemaker, D. M.
ShyamSundar, S.
Siellez, K.
Sieniawska, M.
Sigg, D.
Silva, A. D.
Singer, L. P.
Singh, N.
Singhal, A.
Sintes, A. M.
Sitmukhambetov, S.
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Slagmolen, B. J. J.
Slaven-Blair, T. J.
Smith, J. R.
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Somala, S.
Somiya, K.
Son, E. J.
Sorazu, B.
Sorrentino, F.
Sotani, H.
Souradeep, T.
Sowell, E.
Spencer, A. P.
Srivastava, A. K.
Srivastava, V.
Staats, K.
Stachie, C.
Standke, M.
Steer, D. A.
Steinke, M.
Steinlechner, J.
Steinlechner, S.
Steinmeyer, D.
Stevenson, S. P.
Stocks, D.
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Stratta, G.
Strigin, S. E.
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Sturani, R.
Stuver, A. L.
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  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology


AbstractWe present our current best estimate of the plausible observing scenarios for the Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA gravitational-wave detectors over the next several years, with the intention of providing information to facilitate planning for multi-messenger astronomy with gravitational waves. We estimate the sensitivity of the network to transient gravitational-wave signals for the third (O3), fourth (O4) and fifth observing (O5) runs, including the planned upgrades of the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors. We study the capability of the network to determine the sky location of the source for gravitational-wave signals from the inspiral of binary systems of compact objects, that is binary neutron star, neutron star–black hole, and binary black hole systems. The ability to localize the sources is given as a sky-area probability, luminosity distance, and comoving volume. The median sky localization area (90% credible region) is expected to be a few hundreds of square degrees for all types of binary systems during O3 with the Advanced LIGO and Virgo (HLV) network. The median sky localization area will improve to a few tens of square degrees during O4 with the Advanced LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA (HLVK) network. During O3, the median localization volume (90% credible region) is expected to be on the order of $$10^{5}, 10^{6}, 10^{7}\mathrm {\ Mpc}^3$$ 10 5 , 10 6 , 10 7 Mpc 3 for binary neutron star, neutron star–black hole, and binary black hole systems, respectively. The localization volume in O4 is expected to be about a factor two smaller than in O3. We predict a detection count of $$1^{+12}_{-1}$$ 1 - 1 + 12 ($$10^{+52}_{-10}$$ 10 - 10 + 52 ) for binary neutron star mergers, of $$0^{+19}_{-0}$$ 0 - 0 + 19 ($$1^{+91}_{-1}$$ 1 - 1 + 91 ) for neutron star–black hole mergers, and $$17^{+22}_{-11}$$ 17 - 11 + 22 ($$79^{+89}_{-44}$$ 79 - 44 + 89 ) for binary black hole mergers in a one-calendar-year observing run of the HLV network during O3 (HLVK network during O4). We evaluate sensitivity and localization expectations for unmodeled signal searches, including the search for intermediate mass black hole binary mergers.

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The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) for the construction and operation of the LIGO Laboratory and Advanced LIGO as well as the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) of the United Kingdom, the Max Planck Society (MPS), and the State of Niedersachsen/Germany for support of the construction of Advanced LIGO and construction and operation of the GEO600 detector. Additional support for Advanced LIGO was provided by the Australian Research Council. The authors gratefully acknowledge the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, for the construction and operation of the Virgo detector and the creation and support of the EGO consortium. The authors also gratefully acknowledge research support from these agencies as well as by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of India, the Department of Science and Technology, India, the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), India, the Ministry of Human Resource Development, India, the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación, the Vicepresidència i Conselleria d’Innovació, Recerca i Turisme and the Conselleria d’Educació i Universitat del Govern de les Illes Balears, the Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana, the National Science Centre of Poland, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Science Foundation, the European Commission, the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), the Royal Society, the Scottish Funding Council, the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance, the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA), the Lyon Institute of Origins (LIO), the Paris Île-de-France Region, the National Research, Development and Innovation Office Hungary (NKFIH), the National Research Foundation of Korea, Industry Canada and the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation, the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council Canada, the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations, and Communications, the International Center for Theoretical Physics South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Leverhulme Trust, the Research Corporation, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan and the Kavli Foundation. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the NSF, STFC, INFN and CNRS for provision of computational resources. This work was supported by MEXT, JSPS Leading-edge Research Infrastructure Program, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research 26000005, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas 2905: JP17H06358, JP17H06361 and JP17H06364, JSPS Core-to-Core Program A. Advanced Research Networks, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) 17H06133, the joint research program of the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo in Japan, National Research Foundation (NRF) and Computing Infrastructure Project of KISTI-GSDC in Korea, Academia Sinica (AS), AS Grid Center (ASGC) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) in Taiwan under grants including AS-CDA-105-M06. This article has been assigned LIGO Document number P1200087, Virgo Document number VIR-0288A-12, and KAGRA Document number JGW-P1808427.

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Changes between versions

Since publication of the previous version (Abbott et al. 2018f), several updates to the document have been made. The most significant changes are that we now frame our projections in terms of observing runs, we include final results from O2, and we updated our localization projections to include KAGRA as a fourth detector. Key differences are outlined below.

An Earlier Version of this article was published on 26 April 2018

The Original Version of this article was published on 08 February 2016


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March 1, 2024
March 1, 2024