Published February 22, 2022 | Submitted
Discussion Paper Open

Explicit Regularization via Regularizer Mirror Descent


Despite perfectly interpolating the training data, deep neural networks (DNNs) can often generalize fairly well, in part due to the "implicit regularization" induced by the learning algorithm. Nonetheless, various forms of regularization, such as "explicit regularization" (via weight decay), are often used to avoid overfitting, especially when the data is corrupted. There are several challenges with explicit regularization, most notably unclear convergence properties. Inspired by convergence properties of stochastic mirror descent (SMD) algorithms, we propose a new method for training DNNs with regularization, called regularizer mirror descent (RMD). In highly overparameterized DNNs, SMD simultaneously interpolates the training data and minimizes a certain potential function of the weights. RMD starts with a standard cost which is the sum of the training loss and a convex regularizer of the weights. Reinterpreting this cost as the potential of an "augmented" overparameterized network and applying SMD yields RMD. As a result, RMD inherits the properties of SMD and provably converges to a point "close" to the minimizer of this cost. RMD is computationally comparable to stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and weight decay, and is parallelizable in the same manner. Our experimental results on training sets with various levels of corruption suggest that the generalization performance of RMD is remarkably robust and significantly better than both SGD and weight decay, which implicitly and explicitly regularize the ℓ₂ norm of the weights. RMD can also be used to regularize the weights to a desired weight vector, which is particularly relevant for continual learning.

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August 20, 2023
February 1, 2025