Isotope geochemistry and petrogenesis of peralkaline Middle Miocene ignimbrites from central Sonora: relationship with continental break-up and the birth of the Gulf of California
Middle Miocene peralkaline ignimbrites constitute a specific geodynamic marker of the early stage of opening of the Gulf of California, preserved either in central Sonora or the Puertecitos area, in Baja California. Very uniform ages (12-12.5 Ma) obtained on these rocks show that this volcanic episode corresponds to a specific stage in the tectonic evolution of the proto-gulf area. Field observations and slightly different Sr and Nd isotopic signatures support eruptions from several small volume magma batches rather than from a large-volume caldera forming event. Isotopic ratios help to constrain the petrogenesis of the peralkaline liquids by fractional crystallization of transitional basalts in a shallow reservoir, with slight contamination by Precambrian upper crustal material. Less differentiated glomeroporphyritic icelandites erupted at about 11 Ma, mark an increase in the magma production rate and highlight an easier access to the surface, illustrating an advanced stage in the weakening of the continental crust. The tilting of the Middle Tertiary sequences results from a major change in the tectonic regime, from E-W extension giving rise to N-S grabens, to NNW-SSE strike-slip motion that can be related to the transfer of Baja California from North America to the Pacific plate. The location of peralkaline volcanism coincides with the southern edge of the Precambrian crust and the southernmost extension of the California slab window at 12.5 Ma.
Additional Information
© 2008 Société Géologique de France. Manuscript received 20 February 2007; accepted after revision 11 September 2007. This study is part of the Ph.D. thesis of the senior author at the Université Paul Cézanne (Aix-Marseille 3). This work was funded by CONACYT and SFERE (129313/168910) scholarship grant. Sampling and mapping were carried out from 1999 to 2005 with the financial support of the Departamento de Geología de la Universidad de Sonora. Thanks to M.O. Trensz (ICP-AES analyses, CEREGE) to J.-C. Girard (thin-section preparation) and C. Merlet (electron microprobe, ISTEEM Montpellier). ENS Lyon supported Pb isotope facilities. This work also benefited from a 6 months post-doctoral fellowship at Seismo Lab in Caltech, supported by the US National Science Foundation grant EAR-0336961. Reviews by Christian Picard and Marc Tardy help to improve the manuscript. [H.L.] - Décédée en Janvier 2006.Attached Files
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Additional details
- Eprint ID
- 12557
- Resolver ID
- CaltechAUTHORS:VIDbsgf08
- Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT)
- Société Française d'Exportation des Ressources Éducatives (SFERÉ)
- 129313/168910
- Universidad de Sonora
- EAR-0336961
- Created
2008-12-13Created from EPrint's datestamp field
- Updated
2023-09-14Created from EPrint's last_modified field
- Caltech groups
- Seismological Laboratory, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences