Published May 2008 | Published
Conference Paper Open

Decomposition of High Speed Jet Noise: Source Characteristics and Propagation Effects


Current research programs directed at supersonic engine exhaust noise reduction are demonstrating benefits of 3-4 dBA using passive methods to increase jet mixing and break up shock cells in over-expanded flows. While progress is being made, high speed jet noise continues to be a research challenge for small business jets and tactical military aircraft. The current work benchmarks high speed jet noise using laboratory scale jets for the purpose of a) identifying source and propagation mechanisms, and b) providing validation data for simulation/modeling methods. Laboratory scale experiments are presented over a Mach number range of M = 0.68 to 1.5 with static temperature ratio ranging from Tr = 0.68 to 2. A unique near field rotating phased microphone array technique was used to identify the large-scale turbulence structure noise source and Mach waves in supersonic shock-free jets. A companion paper documents the near field pressure statistics and projection of the convected wave packet to the far field. Validation against the directly measured far field levels quantitatively establishes the large scale structure noise contributions. The combined studies underpin a long term effort to develop modeling methods and new concepts for jet noise suppression based on controlling the evolution of the large-scale turbulence structures.

Additional Information

© 2008 by Robert H. Schlinker. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. Published Online: 4 Nov 2012. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of NAVAIR and TTC Technologies Inc., the SBIR partner in this work.

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