Published July 2014 | Published
Journal Article Open

Microresonator frequency comb optical clock


Optical frequency combs serve as the clockwork of optical clocks, which are now the best time-keeping systems in existence. The use of precise optical time and frequency technology in various applications beyond the research lab remains a significant challenge, but one that integrated microresonator technology is poised to address. Here, we report a silicon-chip-based microresonator comb optical clock that converts an optical frequency reference to a microwave signal. A comb spectrum with a 25 THz span is generated with a 2 mm diameter silica disk and broadening in nonlinear fiber. This spectrum is stabilized to rubidium frequency references separated by 3.5 THz by controlling two teeth 108 modes apart. The optical clock's output is the electronically countable 33 GHz microcomb line spacing, which features stability better than the rubidium transitions by the expected factor of 108. Our work demonstrates the comprehensive set of tools needed for interfacing microcombs to state-of-the-art optical clocks.

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It is a contribution of the U.S. government (NIST) and is not subject to copyright in the United States of America. Received 4 April 2014; revised 16 June 2014; accepted 17 June 2014 (Doc. ID 209505); published 22 July 2014. We thank Elizabeth Donley and Andrew Ludlow for thoughtful comments on this manuscript and M. Hirano for supplying the HNLF. Funding Information: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (PULSE, QuASAR), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) and Kavli NanoScience Institute at Caltech.

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August 20, 2023
October 26, 2023