Published January 2013 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Hypervelocity Boundary Layer Studies for Inward Turning Inlets


Inward turning hypersonic vehicle inlets have the theoretical potential to achieve higher efficiency than conventional two-dimensional geometries. However, the design of axisymmetric, streamtraced inlets depends on the capability to model boundary layer behavior over surfaces with concave curvature. In this work, we carry out a fundamental study of boundary layers flows, which are known to be significantly influenced by three-dimensional effects, at high stagnation-enthalpy, hypersonic conditions over surfaces with different concave geometry. Surface heat transfer and boundary layer visual thickness data over models with cubic, quadratic and blended concave surface curvature are compared with a flat plate baseline case. For all models, concave surface curvature produces an increase in the heat flux over flat plate laminar values. We demonstrate that reasonable estimates of the laminar heat flux augmentation due to concave surface curvature may be obtained from the local turning angle at the conditions of these experiments.

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© 2013 by University of Illinois. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. This work was funded through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research YIP award FA9550-08-1-0172 with Dr. John Schmisseur as program manager. The authors would like to thank Ryan Fontaine, Dr. Manu Sharma, Andrew Knisely and Dr. Andy Swantek for their contributions to this work.

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August 19, 2023
October 17, 2023