Published April 2018 | Supplemental Material + Accepted Version + Submitted
Journal Article Open

Field-effect transistors made from solution-grown two-dimensional tellurene


The reliable production of two-dimensional (2D) crystals is essential for the development of new technologies based on 2D materials. However, current synthesis methods suffer from a variety of drawbacks, including limitations in crystal size and stability. Here, we report the fabrication of large-area, high-quality 2D tellurium (tellurene) using a substrate-free solution process. Our approach can create crystals with process-tunable thickness, from a monolayer to tens of nanometres, and with lateral sizes of up to 100 µm. The chiral-chain van der Waals structure of tellurene gives rise to strong in-plane anisotropic properties and large thickness-dependent shifts in Raman vibrational modes, which is not observed in other 2D layered materials. We also fabricate tellurene field-effect transistors, which exhibit air-stable performance at room temperature for over two months, on/off ratios on the order of 106, and field-effect mobilities of about 700 cm^2 V^(−1) s^(−1). Furthermore, by scaling down the channel length and integrating with high-k dielectrics, transistors with a significant on-state current density of 1 A mm^(−1) are demonstrated.

Additional Information

© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. Received: 25 October 2017; Accepted: 16 March 2018; Published online: 17 April 2018. W.Z.W. acknowledges the College of Engineering and School of Industrial Engineering at Purdue University for startup support. W.Z.W. was partially supported by a grant from the Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Junior Faculty Enhancement Award Program. Part of the solution synthesis work was supported by the National Science Foundation (grant no. CMMI-1663214). P.D.Y. was supported by the NSF/AFOSR 2DARE Program, ARO and SRC. Q.W. and M.J.K. were supported by the Center for Low Energy Systems Technology (LEAST) and the South West Academy of Nanoelectronics (SWAN). Y.L. acknowledges support from Resnick Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship at Caltech, and startup support from UT Austin. Y.L. and W.A.G. were supported as part of the Computational Materials Sciences Program funded by the US Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences (award no. DE-SC00014607). This work used the computational resources of NREL (sponsored by DOE EERE), XSEDE (NSF ACI-1053575), NERSC (DOE DE-AC02-05CH11231) and the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at UT Austin. The authors thank F. Fan for discussions. These authors contributed equally: Yixiu Wang, Gang Qiu and Ruoxing Wang. Author Contributions: W.Z.W. and P.D.Y. conceived and supervised the project. W.Z.W., P.D.Y., Y.X.W. and G.Q. designed the experiments. Y.X.W. and R.X.W. synthesized the material. G.Q. and Y.X.W. fabricated the devices. G.Q. and Y.C.D. performed the electrical and optical characterization. S.Y.H. and Y.X.W. performed the Raman measurements under the supervision of X.F.X. and W.Z.W. Q.W. and M.J.K. performed TEM characterization. Y.L. carried out the first-principles calculations under the supervision of W.A.G. Y.X.W. and G.Q. conducted the experiments. W.Z.W., P.D.Y., Y.X.W., G.Q. and R.X.W. analysed the data. W.Z.W. and P.D.Y. wrote the manuscript. Y.X.W., G.Q. and R.X.W. contributed equally to this work. All authors discussed the results and commented on the paper. Data availability: The data that support the plots within this paper and other findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. The authors declare no competing interests.

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Accepted Version - NatureElectronics-FET-Te-YuanhuaLiu-WenzhuoWu.pdf

Submitted - 1704.06202.pdf

Supplemental Material - 41928_2018_58_MOESM1_ESM.pdf


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August 19, 2023
October 18, 2023