Published January 20, 2004 | Published
Book Section - Chapter Open

Characterization of the HEFT CdZnTe pixel detectors


We have developed large format CdZnTe pixel detectors optimized for astrophysical applications. The detectors, designed for the High Energy Focusing Telescope (HEFT) balloon experiment, each consists of an array of 24x44 pixels, on a 498 μm pitch. Each of the anode segments on a CdZnTe sensor is bonded to a custom, low-noise application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)optimized to achieve low threshold and good energy resolution. We have studied detectors fabricated by two different bonding methods and corresponding anode plane designs---the first detector has a steering electrode grid, and is bonded to the ASIC with indium bumps; the second detector has no grid but a narrower gap between anode contacts, and is bonded to the ASIC with conductive epoxy bumps and gold stud bumps in series. In this paper, we present results from detailed X-ray testing of the HEFT pixel detectors. This includes measurements of the energy resolution for both single-pixel and split-pixel events, and characterization of the effects of charge trapping, electrode biases and temperature on the spectral performance. Detectors from the two bonding methods are contrasted.

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© 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). This research was supported by the NASA Space Science "Supporting Research and Technology" (SR&T) programme under Grant Number NAG5-5398. FAH was further supported by a Presidential Early Career Award, Grant Number NAG5-5322. JL was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number DMR-020-4920. We are grateful for their support. We also thank Aleksey E Bolotnikov for sharing his invaluable experiences with CdZnTe detector testing. Jill Burnham, Branislav Kecman and John Klemic have played crucial roles in the fabrication and testing of the detectors.

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