Published November 13, 2023 | Published
Journal Article Open

End-To-End Resource Analysis for Quantum Interior-Point Methods and Portfolio Optimization


We study quantum interior-point methods (QIPMs) for second-order cone programming (SOCP), guided by the example use case of portfolio optimization (PO). We provide a complete quantum circuit-level description of the algorithm from problem input to problem output, making several improvements to the implementation of the QIPM. We report the number of logical qubits and the quantity and/or depth of non-Clifford T gates needed to run the algorithm, including constant factors. The resource counts we find depend on instance-specific parameters, such as the condition number of certain linear systems within the problem. To determine the size of these parameters, we perform numerical simulations of small PO instances, which lead to concrete resource estimates for the PO use case. Our numerical results do not probe large enough instance sizes to make conclusive statements about the asymptotic scaling of the algorithm. However, already at small instance sizes, our analysis suggests that, due primarily to large constant prefactors, poorly conditioned linear systems, and a fundamental reliance on costly quantum state tomography, fundamental improvements to the QIPM are required for it to lead to practical quantum advantage.

Copyright and License

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.


We thank Brandon Augustino, Kyle Booth, Paul Burchard, Connor Hann, Iordanis Kerenidis, Anupam Prakash, Dániel Szilágyi, and Tamás Terlaky for helpful discussions. We are especially grateful to Earl Campbell for early collaboration during an initial phase of the project. G.S., H.K., and M.S. are thankful to Shantu Roy for his leadership, trust, and vision for the Intelligent and Advanced Compute Technologies team at AWS. We also thank James Tarantino for his support throughout the project.


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November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023