Published 1975 | public
Journal Article

Rural development in Kasumpa Village, Zambia


For many rural dwellers in Zambia, as well as elsewhere in Africa, the movement toward independence represented an attempted movement toward a higher standard of living. The displacement of the colonial authorities and the installation of an African government represented a shift from a public order whose primary interest was the maintenance of law and order in the rural areas to a government which had come to power by promising to fulfill the demands of the indigenous peoples that they be made better off. As a result of the commitments made in the bid for power, out of a regard for its future fate at the polls, and because of its genuine regard for the welfare of its citizens, the new Zambian government, like other governments in Africa, initiated programs designed to upgrade the standard of living of its basically rural constituents. Utilizing the revenues generated by the prosperous mining industry, the government constructed, staffed, and provisioned schools; hospitals, and clinics in the rural areas at a rate unprecedented in the history of the territory. And, of greater relevance to this study, it initiated programs designed to enhance the cash-earning opportunities of the villagers. Toward this end, the new government sponsored the growth of farming cooperatives and the formation of peasant farms in the rural areas, seeking thereby to share the benefits of independence by increasing the incomes of its rural citizens.

Additional Information

© 1975 Heldref Publications. This study was supported by the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences of the California Institute of Technology and by Grant No. HD05707-01/02 from the Public Health Service of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The research was conducted while I was an affiliate of the Institute for Social Research of the University of Zambia. I wish to acknowledge the support of these institutions while absolving them from all responsibility for errors of fact or interpretation and wish to thank Professor Thayer Scudder for his criticisms of an earlier draft of this paper. Formerly SSWP 34.

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August 19, 2023
October 17, 2023