Published October 2009
| Accepted Version + Supplemental Material
Journal Article
Cell-selective metabolic labeling of proteins
Metabolic labeling of proteins with the methionine surrogate azidonorleucine can be targeted exclusively to specified cells through expression of a mutant methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS). In complex cellular mixtures, proteins made in cells that express the mutant synthetase can be tagged with affinity reagents (for detection or enrichment) or fluorescent dyes (for imaging). Proteins made in cells that do not express the mutant synthetase are neither labeled nor detected.
Additional Information
© 2009 Nature Publishing Group. Received 28 October 2008; Accepted 28 May 2009; Published online 9 August 2009. We gratefully acknowledge the US National Institutes of Health (R21 DA020589 and R01 GM62523) and the US Army Research Office Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies for support of this work. We thank K. Boulware for assistance in generating the three-dimensional movie of infected macrophages. E.M.S. is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Note: Supplementary information and chemical compound information is available on the Nature Chemical Biology website.Attached Files
Accepted Version - nihms323639.pdf
Supplemental Material - nchembio.200-S1.pdf
Supplemental Material -
Additional details
- PMC3176724
- Eprint ID
- 16297
- 10.1038/nchembio.200
- Resolver ID
- CaltechAUTHORS:20091013-093448078
- R21 DA020589
- R01 GM62523
- Army Research Office (ARO)
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
- Created
2009-10-21Created from EPrint's datestamp field
- Updated
2021-11-08Created from EPrint's last_modified field