Computational aberration compensation by coded-aperture-based correction of aberration obtained from optical Fourier coding and blur estimation
We report a novel generalized optical measurement system and computational approach to determine and correct aberrations in optical systems. The system consists of a computational imaging method capable of reconstructing an optical system's pupil function by adapting overlapped Fourier coding to an incoherent imaging modality. It recovers the high-resolution image latent in an aberrated image via deconvolution. The deconvolution is made robust to noise by using coded apertures to capture images. We term this method coded-aperture-based correction of aberration obtained from overlapped Fourier coding and blur estimation (CACAO-FB). It is well-suited for various imaging scenarios where aberration is present and where providing a spatially coherent illumination is very challenging or impossible. We report the demonstration of CACAO-FB with a variety of samples including an in vivo imaging experiment on the eye of a rhesus macaque to correct for its inherent aberration in the rendered retinal images. CACAO-FB ultimately allows for an aberrated imaging system to achieve diffraction-limited performance over a wide field of view by casting optical design complexity to computational algorithms in post-processing.
Additional Information
© 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement. Received 29 January 2019; revised 8 April 2019; accepted 12 April 2019 (Doc. ID 359017); published 10 May 2019. Funding: National Institutes of Health (NIH) (R21 EY026228A). We thank Amir Hariri for assisting with the experiment; Soo-Young Kim, Dierck Hillmann, Martha Neuringer, Laurie Renner, Michael Andrews and Mark Pennesi for being of tremendous help over email regarding the experimental setup and in vivo eye imaging; and Mooseok Jang, Haowen Ruan, Edward Haojiang Zhou, Joshua Brake, Michelle Cua, Hangwen Lu, and Yujia Huang for helpful discussions.Attached Files
Published - optica-6-5-647.pdf
Accepted Version - nihms-1042030.pdf
Submitted - 1901.02455.pdf
Supplemental Material - 3899714.pdf
Additional details
- Alternative title
- Computational aberration compensation by coded aperture-based correction of aberration obtained from Fourier ptychography (CACAO-FP)
- PMC7597901
- Eprint ID
- 96181
- Resolver ID
- CaltechAUTHORS:20190606-075749589
- R21 EY026228A
- Created
2019-06-06Created from EPrint's datestamp field
- Updated
2021-11-16Created from EPrint's last_modified field