Published March 2024 | Published
Journal Article Open

Observational Evidence of Cold Filamentary Intensification in an Energetic Meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current

  • 1. ROR icon University of Tasmania
  • 2. b ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
  • 3. c Australian Antarctic Partnership Program, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
  • 4. d Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
  • 5. e CSIRO Environment, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
  • 6. f CSIRO Environment, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
  • 7. ROR icon California Institute of Technology


Eddy stirring at mesoscale oceanic fronts generates finescale filaments, visible in submesoscale-resolving model simulations and high-resolution satellite images of sea surface temperature, ocean color, and sea ice. Submesoscale filaments have widths of O(1–10) km and evolve on time scales of hours to days, making them extremely challenging to observe. Despite their relatively small scale, submesoscale processes play a key role in the climate system by providing a route to dissipation; altering the stratification of the ocean interior; and generating strong vertical velocities that exchange heat, carbon, nutrients, and oxygen between the mixed layer and the ocean interior. We present a unique set of in situ and satellite observations in a standing meander region of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) that supports the theory of cold filamentary intensification—revealing enhanced vertical velocities and evidence of subduction and ventilation associated with finescale cold filaments. We show that these processes are not confined to the mixed layer; EM-APEX floats reveal enhanced downward velocities (>100 m day−1) and evidence of ageostrophic motion extending as deep as 1600 dbar, associated with a ∼20-km-wide cold filament. A finer-scale (∼5 km wide) cold filament crossed by a towed Triaxus is associated with anomalous chlorophyll and oxygen values extending at least 100–200 dbar below the base of the mixed layer, implying recent subduction and ventilation. Energetic standing meanders within the weakly stratified ACC provide an environment conductive to the generation of finescale filaments that can transport water mass properties across mesoscale fronts and deep into the ocean interior.

Copyright and License

Open access. © 2024 American Meteorological Society. This published article is licensed under the terms of the default AMS reuse license.


We thank the R/V Investigator officers and crew, CSIRO Marine National Facility technical team and scientists who contributed to the collection of the data on the IN2018_V05 voyage. Their efforts enabled a comprehensive finescale survey of an Antarctic Circumpolar Current meander in the presence of significant winds and waves. We acknowledge support from the Australian Government as part of the Antarctic Science Collaboration Initiative, the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Projects (DP170102162) and Special Research Initiative, Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (SR200100008) and from the Australian Government under the National Environmental Science Program (Climate Systems). Our team has benefited enormously from the Graduate Program of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CE170100023). AFT was supported by the Resnick Sustainability Institute and the Ginkgo Foundation. MIJ thanks Helen Phillips for writing the original routine EM-APEX quality control MATLAB scripts, and Ajitha Cyriac and Jan Jaap Meijer for adapting and documenting the scripts. We are grateful for the detailed and constructive comments from three anonymous reviewers that have helped improve the paper.

Data Availability

The EM-APEX float data and quality control toolbox is publicly available at the Australian Antarctic Data Centre ( Triaxus and ADCP data from the voyage are publicly available for download from the MNF website ( Daily L3-gridded (0.02°) SST data used in this study can be downloaded via the IMOS data portal ( Daily L4-gridded (0.25°) SSH and derived geostrophic velocities can be obtained from the Copernicus website ( FSLEs (0.04° grid resolution) computed from Copernicus L4-gridded geostrophic velocities can be downloaded from Aviso+ ( Python implementation of the TEOS-10 Gibbs Sea-Water (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox is available at Python scripts for this analysis will be made publicly available at


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December 4, 2024
February 12, 2025