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Published December 25, 1993 | public
Journal Article

Fear of Physics: A Guide for the Perplexed [Book Review]


What we have here is nothing less than an attempt to do the impossible. Fear of Physics, with an apology in the preface to Erica Jong, is subtitled A Guide for the Perplexed, Moses Maimonides unattributed. I'm sure Erica could have taught Maimonides a thing or two, but that's not what this book is about. This is definitely Maimonides, gently introducing Erica to the wisdom of the ages, meaning, of course, contemporary theoretical physics.

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© 1993 Nature Publishing Group. Book review of: Fear of Physics: A Guide for the Perplexed. By Lawrence M. Krauss. Basic Books: 1993. Pp. 206.

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