Advanced LIGO detector performance in the fourth observing run
- Creators
Capote, E.
(Contact Person)1, 2, 3
Jia, W.4
Aritomi, N.2
Nakano, M.3, 2
Xu, V.4, 5
- Abbott, R.3
- Abouelfettouh, I.2
Adhikari, R. X.3
- Ananyeva, A.3
- Appert, S.3
- Apple, S. K.6
Arai, K.3
- Aston, S. M.2
- Ball, M.7
Ballmer, S. W.1
- Barker, D.2
- Barsotti, L.4
Berger, B. K.8
- Betzwieser, J.2
Bhattacharjee, D.9, 10
Billingsley, G.3
- Biscans, S.4
Blair, C. D.11, 2
Bode, N.12, 13
Bonilla, E.8
Bossilkov, V.2
Branch, A.2
Brooks, A. F.3
Brown, D. D.14
Bryant, J.15
Cahillane, C.1
- Cao, H.4
- Clara, F.2
- Collins, J.2
Compton, C. M.2
- Cottingham, R.2
Coyne, D. C.3
Crouch, R.2
Csizmazia, J.2
Cumming, A.16
Dartez, L. P.2
Davis, D.3
Demos, N.4
Dohmen, E.2
Driggers, J. C.2
Dwyer, S. E.2
Effler, A.2
- Ejlli, A.17
- Etzel, T.3
Evans, M.4
- Feicht, J.3
Frey, R.7
Frischhertz, W.2
Fritschel, P.4
Frolov, V. V.2
Fuentes-Garcia, M.3
Fulda, P.18
- Fyffe, M.2
- Ganapathy, D.4
- Gateley, B.2
Gayer, T.1
Giaime, J. A.19, 2
Giardina, K. D.2
Glanzer, J.3
- Goetz, E.20
- Goetz, R.18
Goodwin-Jones, A. W.3, 11
- Gras, S.4
Gray, C.2
- Griffith, D.3
Grote, H.17
Guidry, T.2
- Gurs, J.21
Hall, E. D.4
- Hanks, J.2
Hanson, J.2
Heintze, M. C.2
Helmling-Cornell, A. F.7
- Holland, N. A.22
- Hoyland, D.15
Huang, H. Y.23
- Inoue, Y.23
James, A. L.3
- Jamies, A.3
- Jennings, A.2
Jones, D. H.24
Kabagoz, H. B.2
- Karat, S.3
- Karki, S.10
Kasprzack, M.3
Kawabe, K.2
- Kijbunchoo, N.14
King, P. J.2
- Kissel, J. S.2
- Komori, K.25
Kontos, A.26
- Kumar, Rahul2
Kuns, K.4
- Landry, M.2
Lantz, B.8
Laxen, M.2
- Lee, K.27
- Lesovsky, M.3
- Villarreal, F. Llamas28
- Lormand, M.2
Loughlin, H. A.4
- Macas, R.29
- MacInnis, M.4
Makarem, C. N.3
- Mannix, B.7
- Mansell, G. L.1
- Martin, R. M.30
- Mason, K.4
Matichard, F.4
- Mavalvala, N.4
Maxwell, N.2
- McCarrol, G.2
McCarthy, R.2
- McClelland, D. E.24
- McCormick, S.2
McRae, T.24
- Mera, F.2
- Merilh, E. L.2
Meylahn, F.12, 13
- Mittleman, R.4
- Moraru, D.2
- Moreno, G.2
- Mullavey, A.2
- Nelson, T. J. N.2
- Neunzert, A.2
- Notte, J.30
- Oberling, J.2
- O'Hanlon, T.2
- Osthelder, C.3
Ottaway, D. J.14
- Overmier, H.2
- Parker, W.2
Patane, O.2
Pele, A.3
- Pham, H.2
Pirello, M.2
Pullin, J.19
Quetschke, V.28
- Ramirez, K. E.2
- Ransom, K.2
- Reyes, J.30
Richardson, J. W.31
- Robinson, M.2
Rollins, J. G.3
- Romel, C. L.2
Romie, J. H.2
Ross, M. P.6
- Ryan, K.2
Sadecki, T.2
Sanchez, A.2
- Sanchez, E. J.3
- Sanchez, L. E.3
Savage, R. L.2
- Schaetzl, D.3
Schiworski, M. G.1
Schnabel, R.21
- Schofield, R. M. S.7
Schwartz, E.8
- Sellers, D.2
- Shaffer, T.2
Short, R. W.2
Sigg, D.2
- Slagmolen, B. J. J.24
- Soike, C.2
Soni, S.4
- Srivastava, V.1
Sun, L.24
Tanner, D. B.18
- Thomas, M.2
- Thomas, P.2
Thorne, K. A.2
Todd, M. R.1
- Torrie, C. I.3
- Traylor, G.2
Ubhi, A. S.15
Vajente, G.3
- Vanosky, J.2
Vecchio, A.15
Veitch, P. J.14
- Vibhute, A. M.2
von Reis, E. R. G.2
- Warner, J.2
- Weaver, B.2
- Weiss, R.4
- Whittle, C.3
Willke, B.13, 12
- Wipf, C. C.3
Wright, J. L.24
Yamamoto, H.3
Zhang, L.3
Zucker, M. E.4, 3
Syracuse University
Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory
California Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of California, Berkeley
University of Washington
University of Oregon
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Kenyon College
Missouri University of Science and Technology
University of Western Australia
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Leibniz University Hannover
University of Adelaide
University of Birmingham
University of Glasgow
Cardiff University
University of Florida
Louisiana State University
University of British Columbia
Universität Hamburg
VU Amsterdam
National Central University
Australian National University
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The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
University of Portsmouth
Montclair State University
University of California, Riverside
On May 24, 2023, the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), joined by the Advanced Virgo and KAGRA detectors, began the fourth observing run for a two-year-long dedicated search for gravitational waves. The LIGO Hanford and Livingston detectors have achieved an unprecedented sensitivity to gravitational waves, with an angle-averaged median range to binary neutron star mergers of 152 and 160 Mpc, and duty cycles of 65.0% and 71.2%, respectively, with a coincident duty cycle of 52.6%. The maximum range achieved by the LIGO Hanford detector is 165 Mpc and the LIGO Livingston detector 177 Mpc, both achieved during the second part of the fourth observing run. For the fourth run, the quantum-limited sensitivity of the detectors was increased significantly due to the higher intracavity power from laser system upgrades and replacement of core optics, and from the addition of a 300 m filter cavity to provide the squeezed light with a frequency-dependent squeezing angle, part of the A+ upgrade program. Altogether, the A+ upgrades led to reduced detector-wide losses for the squeezed vacuum states of light which, alongside the filter cavity, enabled broadband quantum noise reduction of up to 5.2 dB at the Hanford observatory and 6.1 dB at the Livingston observatory. Improvements to sensors and actuators as well as significant controls commissioning increased low frequency sensitivity. This paper details these instrumental upgrades, analyzes the noise sources that limit detector sensitivity, and describes the commissioning challenges of the fourth observing run.
Copyright and License
© 2025 American Physical Society.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) for the construction and operation of the LIGO Laboratory and Advanced LIGO as well as the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) of the United Kingdom, and the Max-Planck-Society (MPS) for support of the construction of Advanced LIGO. Additional support for Advanced LIGO was provided by Australian Research Council Grant No. LE210100002. The authors acknowledge the LIGO Scientific Collaboration Fellows program for additional support under Grants No. PHY-1912598 and No. PHY-2309212. LIGO was constructed by the California Institute of Technology and Massachusetts Institute of Technology with funding from the National Science Foundation, and operates under cooperative agreement PHY-2309200. Advanced LIGO was built under Grant No. PHY-18680823459. The A+ Upgrade to Advanced LIGO. is supported by U.S. NSF Grant No. PHY-1834382 and UK STFC Grant No. ST/S00246/1, with additional support from the Australian Research Council. This document carries LIGO Document No. P2400256.
Data Availability
The data that support the findings of this article are not publicly available, but will be made available in blocks following the LIGO Data Management Plan [115]. Some data in this paper can be made available before these dates upon reasonable request.
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Additional details
- Max Planck Society
- Australian Research Council
- LE210100002
- National Science Foundation
- PHY-1912598
- National Science Foundation
- PHY-2309212
- National Science Foundation
- PHY-2309200
- National Science Foundation
- PHY-18680823459
- National Science Foundation
- PHY-1834382
- Science and Technology Facilities Council
- ST/S00246/1
- California Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Accepted
- Caltech groups
- LIGO, Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy (PMA)
- Other Numbering System Name
- LIGO Document
- Other Numbering System Identifier
- P2400256
- Publication Status
- Published