Published 2006 | Published
Book Section - Chapter Open

Cross-layer Congestion Control, Routing and Scheduling Design in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks


This paper considers jointly optimal design of crosslayer congestion control, routing and scheduling for ad hoc wireless networks. We first formulate the rate constraint and scheduling constraint using multicommodity flow variables, and formulate resource allocation in networks with fixed wireless channels (or single-rate wireless devices that can mask channel variations) as a utility maximization problem with these constraints. By dual decomposition, the resource allocation problem naturally decomposes into three subproblems: congestion control, routing and scheduling that interact through congestion price. The global convergence property of this algorithm is proved. We next extend the dual algorithm to handle networks with timevarying channels and adaptive multi-rate devices. The stability of the resulting system is established, and its performance is characterized with respect to an ideal reference system which has the best feasible rate region at link layer. We then generalize the aforementioned results to a general model of queueing network served by a set of interdependent parallel servers with time-varying service capabilities, which models many design problems in communication networks. We show that for a general convex optimization problem where a subset of variables lie in a polytope and the rest in a convex set, the dual-based algorithm remains stable and optimal when the constraint set is modulated by an irreducible finite-state Markov chain. This paper thus presents a step toward a systematic way to carry out cross-layer design in the framework of "layering as optimization decomposition" for time-varying channel models.

Additional Information

© 2006 IEEE. Issue Date: April 2006. Date of Current Version: 10 April 2007. This work is partially supported by Boeing, Army Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies, Air Force Office of Scientific Research Award FA9550-05-1-0032 "Bio-Inspired Networks", ARO through grant DAAD19-02-1-0283, NSF through grants CNS-0435520, CCF-0448012, CNS-0417607, CNS-0427677, and the Caltech Lee Center for Advanced Networking.

Attached Files

Published - Chen2006p9069Ieee_Infocom_2009_-_Ieee_Conference_On_Computer_Communications_Vols_1-5.pdf



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August 19, 2023
January 13, 2024