Published December 19, 2023 | Submitted
Discussion Paper Open

Data-Driven Games in Computational Mechanics

  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology


We resort to game theory in order to formulate Data-Driven methods for solid mechanics in which stress and strain players pursue different objectives. The objective of the stress player is to minimize the discrepancy to a material data set, whereas the objective of the strain player is to ensure the admissibility of the mechanical state, in the sense of compatibility and equilibrium. We show that, unlike the cooperative Data-Driven games proposed in the past, the new non-cooperative Data-Driven games identify an effective material law from the data and reduce to conventional displacement boundary-value problems, which facilitates their practical implementation. However, unlike supervised machine learning methods, the proposed non-cooperative Data-Driven games are unsupervised, ansatz-free and parameter-free. In particular, the effective material law is learned from the data directly, without recourse to regression to a parameterized class of functions such as neural networks. We present analysis that elucidates sufficient conditions for convergence of the Data-Driven solutions with respect to the data. We also present selected examples of implementation and application that demonstrate the range and versatility of the approach.


KW gratefully acknowledges support from the DFG through project WE2525/14-1 as part of the priority program SPP 2256 (no. 422730790). MO gratefully acknowledges additional support from the DFG through project 390685813–GZ 2047/1–HCM. LS gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) through project ANR-19-CE46-0012 within the French-German Collaboration for Joint Projects in Natural, Life and Engineering (NLE) Sciences, as well as NExT ISite program of Nantes Université through International Research Project (IRP) iDDrEAM.


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December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023