Measurement of the polarizations of prompt and non-prompt and ψ⸨2S⸩ mesons produced in pp collisions at √s=13TeV
- Creators
- Hayrapetyan, A.1
- Tumasyan, A.1
- Adam, W.2
- Andrejkovic, J.W.2
- Bergauer, T.2
- Chatterjee, S.2
- Damanakis, K.2
- Dragicevic, M.2
- Hussain, P.S.2
- Jeitler, M.2
- Krammer, N.2
- Li, A.2
- Liko, D.2
- Mikulec, I.2
- Schieck, J.2
- Schöfbeck, R.2
- Schwarz, D.2
- Sonawane, M.2
- Templ, S.2
- Waltenberger, W.2
- Wulz, C.-E.2
- Darwish, M.R.3
- Janssen, T.3
- Van Laer, T.3
- Van Mechelen, P.3
- Breugelmans, N.4
- D'Hondt, J.4
- Dansana, S.4
- De Moor, A.4
- Delcourt, M.4
- Heyen, F.4
- Lowette, S.4
- Makarenko, I.4
- Müller, D.4
- Tavernier, S.4
- Tytgat, M.4
- Van Onsem, G.P.4
- Van Putte, S.4
- Vannerom, D.4
- Bilin, B.5
- Clerbaux, B.5
- Das, A.K.5
- De Lentdecker, G.5
- Evard, H.5
- Favart, L.5
- Gianneios, P.5
- Jaramillo, J.5
- Khalilzadeh, A.5
- Khan, F.A.5
- Lee, K.5
- Mahdavikhorrami, M.5
- Malara, A.5
- Paredes, S.5
- Shahzad, M.A.5
- Thomas, L.5
- Vanden Bemden, M.5
- Vander Velde, C.5
- Vanlaer, P.5
- De Coen, M.6
- Dobur, D.6
- Gokbulut, G.6
- Hong, Y.6
- Knolle, J.6
- Lambrecht, L.6
- Marckx, D.6
- Mota Amarilo, K.6
- Samalan, A.6
- Skovpen, K.6
- Van Den Bossche, N.6
- van der Linden, J.6
- Wezenbeek, L.6
- Benecke, A.7
- Bethani, A.7
- Bruno, G.7
- Caputo, C.7
- De Favereau De Jeneret, J.7
- Delaere, C.7
- Donertas, I.S.7
- Giammanco, A.7
- Guzel, A.O.7
- Jain, Sa.7
- Lemaitre, V.7
- Lidrych, J.7
- Mastrapasqua, P.7
- Tran, T.T.7
- Wertz, S.7
- Alves, G.A.8
- Alves Gallo Pereira, M.8
- Coelho, E.8
- Correia Silva, G.8
- Hensel, C.8
- Menezes De Oliveira, T.8
- Mora Herrera, C.8
- Moraes, A.8
- Rebello Teles, P.8
- Soeiro, M.8
- Vilela Pereira, A.8
- Aldá Júnior, W.L.9
- Barroso Ferreira Filho, M.9
- Brandao Malbouisson, H.9
- Carvalho, W.9
- Chinellato, J.9
- Da Costa, E.M.9
- Da Silveira, G.G.9
- De Jesus Damiao, D.9
- Fonseca De Souza, S.9
- Gomes De Souza, R.9
- Macedo, M.9
- Martins, J.9
- Mundim, L.9
- Nogima, H.9
- Pinheiro, J.P.9
- Santoro, A.9
- Sznajder, A.9
- Thiel, M.9
- Bernardes, C.A.10
- Calligaris, L.10
- Fernandez Perez Tomei, T.R.10
- Gregores, E.M.10
- Lopes Da Costa, B.10
- Maietto Silverio, I.10
- Mercadante, P.G.10
- Novaes, S.F.10
- Orzari, B.10
- Padula, Sandra S.10
- Aleksandrov, A.11
- Antchev, G.11
- Hadjiiska, R.11
- Iaydjiev, P.11
- Misheva, M.11
- Shopova, M.11
- Sultanov, G.11
- Dimitrov, A.12
- Litov, L.12
- Pavlov, B.12
- Petkov, P.12
- Petrov, A.12
- Shumka, E.12
- Keshri, S.13
- Thakur, S.13
- Cheng, T.14
- Javaid, T.14
- Yuan, L.14
- Hu, Z.15
- Liang, Z.15
- Liu, J.15
- Yi, K.15
- Chen, G.M.16
- Chen, H.S.16
- Chen, M.16
- Iemmi, F.16
- Jiang, C.H.16
- Kapoor, A.16
- Liao, H.16
- Liu, Z.-A.16
- Sharma, R.16
- Song, J.N.16
- Tao, J.16
- Wang, C.16
- Wang, J.16
- Wang, Z.16
- Zhang, H.16
- Zhao, J.16
- Agapitos, A.17
- Ban, Y.17
- Deng, S.17
- Guo, B.17
- Jiang, C.17
- Levin, A.17
- Li, C.17
- Li, Q.17
- Mao, Y.17
- Qian, S.17
- Qian, S.J.17
- Qin, X.17
- Sun, X.17
- Wang, D.17
- Yang, H.17
- Zhang, L.17
- Zhao, Y.17
- Zhou, C.17
- Yang, S.18
- You, Z.19
- Jaffel, K.20
- Lu, N.20
- Bauer, G.21
- Li, B.21
- Zhang, J.21
- Gao, X.22
- Lin, Z.23
- Lu, C.23
- Xiao, M.23
- Avila, C.24
- Barbosa Trujillo, D.A.24
- Cabrera, A.24
- Florez, C.24
- Fraga, J.24
- Reyes Vega, J.A.24
- Ramirez, F.25
- Rendón, C.25
- Rodriguez, M.25
- Ruales Barbosa, A.A.25
- Ruiz Alvarez, J.D.25
- Giljanovic, D.26
- Godinovic, N.26
- Lelas, D.26
- Sculac, A.26
- Kovac, M.27
- Petkovic, A.27
- Sculac, T.27
- Bargassa, P.28
- Brigljevic, V.28
- Chitroda, B.K.28
- Ferencek, D.28
- Jakovcic, K.28
- Mishra, S.28
- Starodumov, A.28
- Susa, T.28
- Attikis, A.29
- Christoforou, K.29
- Hadjiagapiou, A.29
- Leonidou, C.29
- Mousa, J.29
- Nicolaou, C.29
- Paizanos, L.29
- Ptochos, F.29
- Razis, P.A.29
- Rykaczewski, H.29
- Saka, H.29
- Stepennov, A.29
- Finger, M.30
- Finger, M.
- Kveton, A.30
- Carrera Jarrin, E.31
- Assran, Y.32
- El-mahdy, B.32
- Elgammal, S.32
- Mahmoud, M.A.33
- Mohammed, Y.33
- Ehataht, K.34
- Kadastik, M.34
- Lange, T.34
- Nandan, S.34
- Nielsen, C.34
- Pata, J.34
- Raidal, M.34
- Tani, L.34
- Veelken, C.34
- Kirschenmann, H.35
- Osterberg, K.35
- Voutilainen, M.35
- Bharthuar, S.36
- Bin Norjoharuddeen, N.36
- Brücken, E.36
- Garcia, F.36
- Inkaew, P.36
- Kallonen, K.T.S.36
- Lampén, T.36
- Lassila-Perini, K.36
- Lehti, S.36
- Lindén, T.36
- Martikainen, L.36
- Myllymäki, M.36
- Rantanen, M.m.36
- Siikonen, H.36
- Tuominiemi, J.36
- Luukka, P.37
- Petrow, H.37
- Besancon, M.38
- Couderc, F.38
- Dejardin, M.38
- Denegri, D.38
- Faure, J.L.38
- Ferri, F.38
- Ganjour, S.38
- Gras, P.38
- Hamel de Monchenault, G.38
- Kumar, M.38
- Lohezic, V.38
- Malcles, J.38
- Orlandi, F.38
- Portales, L.38
- Rosowsky, A.38
- Sahin, M.Ö.38
- Savoy-Navarro, A.38
- Simkina, P.38
- Titov, M.38
- Tornago, M.38
- Beaudette, F.39
- Boldrini, G.39
- Busson, P.39
- Cappati, A.39
- Charlot, C.39
- Chiusi, M.39
- Damas, F.39
- Davignon, O.39
- De Wit, A.39
- Ehle, I.T.39
- Fontana Santos Alves, B.A.39
- Ghosh, S.39
- Gilbert, A.39
- Granier de Cassagnac, R.39
- Hakimi, A.39
- Harikrishnan, B.39
- Kalipoliti, L.39
- Liu, G.39
- Nguyen, M.39
- Ochando, C.39
- Salerno, R.39
- Sauvan, J.B.39
- Sirois, Y.39
- Urda Gómez, L.39
- Vernazza, E.39
- Zabi, A.39
- Zghiche, A.39
- Agram, J.-L.40
- Andrea, J.40
- Apparu, D.40
- Bloch, D.40
- Brom, J.-M.40
- Chabert, E.C.40
- Collard, C.40
- Falke, S.40
- Goerlach, U.40
- Haeberle, R.40
- Le Bihan, A.-C.40
- Meena, M.40
- Poncet, O.40
- Saha, G.40
- Sessini, M.A.40
- Van Hove, P.40
- Vaucelle, P.40
- Di Florio, A.41
- Amram, D.42
- Beauceron, S.42
- Blancon, B.42
- Boudoul, G.42
- Chanon, N.42
- Contardo, D.42
- Depasse, P.42
- Dozen, C.42
- El Mamouni, H.42
- Fay, J.42
- Gascon, S.42
- Gouzevitch, M.42
- Greenberg, C.42
- Grenier, G.42
- Ille, B.42
- Jourd'huy, E.42
- Laktineh, I.B.42
- Lethuillier, M.42
- Mirabito, L.42
- Perries, S.42
- Purohit, A.42
- Vander Donckt, M.42
- Verdier, P.42
- Xiao, J.42
- Khvedelidze, A.43
- Lomidze, I.43
- Tsamalaidze, Z.43
- Botta, V.44
- Consuegra Rodríguez, S.44
- Feld, L.44
- Klein, K.44
- Lipinski, M.44
- Meuser, D.44
- Pauls, A.44
- Pérez Adán, D.44
- Röwert, N.44
- Teroerde, M.44
- Diekmann, S.45
- Dodonova, A.45
- Eich, N.45
- Eliseev, D.45
- Engelke, F.45
- Erdmann, J.45
- Erdmann, M.45
- Fackeldey, P.45
- Fischer, B.45
- Hebbeker, T.45
- Hoepfner, K.45
- Ivone, F.45
- Jung, A.45
- Lee, M.y.45
- Mausolf, F.45
- Merschmeyer, M.45
- Meyer, A.45
- Mukherjee, S.45
- Noll, D.45
- Nowotny, F.45
- Pozdnyakov, A.45
- Rath, Y.45
- Redjeb, W.45
- Rehm, F.45
- Reithler, H.45
- Sarkisovi, V.45
- Schmidt, A.45
- Sharma, A.45
- Spah, J.L.45
- Stein, A.45
- Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F.45
- Wiedenbeck, S.45
- Zaleski, S.45
- Dziwok, C.46
- Flügge, G.46
- Kress, T.46
- Nowack, A.46
- Pooth, O.46
- Stahl, A.46
- Ziemons, T.46
- Zotz, A.46
- Aarup Petersen, H.47
- Aldaya Martin, M.47
- Alimena, J.47
- Amoroso, S.47
- An, Y.47
- Bach, J.47
- Baxter, S.47
- Bayatmakou, M.47
- Becerril Gonzalez, H.47
- Behnke, O.47
- Belvedere, A.47
- Bhattacharya, S.47
- Blekman, F.47
- Borras, K.47
- Campbell, A.47
- Cardini, A.47
- Cheng, C.47
- Colombina, F.47
- De Silva, M.47
- Eckerlin, G.47
- Eckstein, D.47
- Estevez Banos, L.I.47
- Filatov, O.47
- Gallo, E.47
- Geiser, A.47
- Guglielmi, V.47
- Guthoff, M.47
- Hinzmann, A.47
- Jeppe, L.47
- Kaech, B.47
- Kasemann, M.47
- Kleinwort, C.47
- Kogler, R.47
- Komm, M.47
- Krücker, D.47
- Lange, W.47
- Leyva Pernia, D.47
- Lipka, K.47
- Lohmann, W.47
- Lorkowski, F.47
- Mankel, R.47
- Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A.47
- Mendizabal Morentin, M.47
- Meyer, A.B.47
- Milella, G.47
- Moral Figueroa, K.47
- Mussgiller, A.47
- Nair, L.P.47
- Niedziela, J.47
- Nürnberg, A.47
- Otarid, Y.47
- Park, J.47
- Ranken, E.47
- Raspereza, A.47
- Rastorguev, D.47
- Rübenach, J.47
- Rygaard, L.47
- Saggio, A.47
- Scham, M.47
- Schnake, S.47
- Schütze, P.47
- Schwanenberger, C.47
- Selivanova, D.47
- Sharko, K.47
- Shchedrolosiev, M.47
- Stafford, D.47
- Vazzoler, F.47
- Ventura Barroso, A.47
- Walsh, R.47
- Wang, D.47
- Wang, Q.47
- Wen, Y.47
- Wichmann, K.47
- Wiens, L.47
- Wissing, C.47
- Yang, Y.47
- Zimermmane Castro Santos, A.47
- Albrecht, A.48
- Albrecht, S.48
- Antonello, M.48
- Bein, S.48
- Benato, L.48
- Bollweg, S.48
- Bonanomi, M.48
- Connor, P.48
- El Morabit, K.48
- Fischer, Y.48
- Garutti, E.48
- Grohsjean, A.48
- Haller, J.48
- Jabusch, H.R.48
- Kasieczka, G.48
- Keicher, P.48
- Klanner, R.48
- Korcari, W.48
- Kramer, T.48
- Kuo, C.c.48
- Kutzner, V.48
- Labe, F.48
- Lange, J.48
- Lobanov, A.48
- Matthies, C.48
- Moureaux, L.48
- Mrowietz, M.48
- Nigamova, A.48
- Nissan, Y.48
- Paasch, A.48
- Pena Rodriguez, K.J.48
- Quadfasel, T.48
- Raciti, B.48
- Rieger, M.48
- Savoiu, D.48
- Schindler, J.48
- Schleper, P.48
- Schröder, M.48
- Schwandt, J.48
- Sommerhalder, M.48
- Stadie, H.48
- Steinbrück, G.48
- Tews, A.48
- Wolf, M.48
- Brommer, S.49
- Burkart, M.49
- Butz, E.49
- Chwalek, T.49
- Dierlamm, A.49
- Droll, A.49
- Faltermann, N.49
- Giffels, M.49
- Gottmann, A.49
- Hartmann, F.49
- Hofsaess, R.49
- Horzela, M.49
- Husemann, U.49
- Kieseler, J.49
- Klute, M.49
- Koppenhöfer, R.49
- Lawhorn, J.M.49
- Link, M.49
- Lintuluoto, A.49
- Maier, B.49
- Maier, S.49
- Mitra, S.49
- Mormile, M.49
- Müller, Th.49
- Neukum, M.49
- Oh, M.49
- Pfeffer, E.49
- Presilla, M.49
- Quast, G.49
- Rabbertz, K.49
- Regnery, B.49
- Shadskiy, N.49
- Shvetsov, I.49
- Simonis, H.J.49
- Sowa, L.49
- Stockmeier, L.49
- Tauqeer, K.49
- Toms, M.49
- Trevisani, N.49
- Von Cube, R.F.49
- Wassmer, M.49
- Wieland, S.49
- Wittig, F.49
- Wolf, R.49
- Zuo, X.49
- Anagnostou, G.50
- Daskalakis, G.50
- Kyriakis, A.50
- Papadopoulos, A.50
- Stakia, A.50
- Kontaxakis, P.51
- Melachroinos, G.51
- Painesis, Z.51
- Papavergou, I.51
- Paraskevas, I.51
- Saoulidou, N.51
- Theofilatos, K.51
- Tziaferi, E.51
- Vellidis, K.51
- Zisopoulos, I.51
- Bakas, G.52
- Chatzistavrou, T.52
- Karapostoli, G.52
- Kousouris, K.52
- Papakrivopoulos, I.52
- Siamarkou, E.52
- Tsipolitis, G.52
- Zacharopoulou, A.52
- Adamidis, K.53
- Bestintzanos, I.53
- Evangelou, I.53
- Foudas, C.53
- Kamtsikis, C.53
- Katsoulis, P.53
- Kokkas, P.53
- Kosmoglou Kioseoglou, P.G.53
- Manthos, N.53
- Papadopoulos, I.53
- Strologas, J.53
- Hajdu, C.54
- Horvath, D.54
- Márton, K.54
- Rádl, A.J.54
- Sikler, F.54
- Veszpremi, V.54
- Csanád, M.55
- Farkas, K.55
- Fehérkuti, A.55
- Gadallah, M.M.A.55
- Kadlecsik, Á.55
- Major, P.55
- Pásztor, G.55
- Veres, G.I.55
- Ujvari, B.56
- Zilizi, G.56
- Bencze, G.57
- Czellar, S.57
- Molnar, J.57
- Szillasi, Z.57
- Nemes, F.58
- Novak, T.58
- Babbar, J.59
- Bansal, S.59
- Beri, S.B.59
- Bhatnagar, V.59
- Chaudhary, G.59
- Chauhan, S.59
- Dhingra, N.59
- Kaur, A.59
- Kaur, A.59
- Kaur, H.59
- Kaur, M.
- Kumar, S.59
- Sandeep, K.59
- Sheokand, T.59
- Singh, J.B.59
- Singla, A.59
- Ahmed, A.60
- Bhardwaj, A.60
- Chhetri, A.60
- Choudhary, B.C.60
- Kumar, A.60
- Kumar, A.61
- Naimuddin, M.60
- Ranjan, K.60
- Saini, M.K.60
- Saumya, S.60
- Baradia, S.62
- Barman, S.62
- Bhattacharya, S.62
- Das Gupta, S.62
- Dutta, S.62
- Dutta, S.63
- Sarkar, S.62
- Ameen, M.M.61
- Behera, P.K.61
- Behera, S.C.61
- Chatterjee, S.61
- Dash, G.61
- Jana, P.61
- Kalbhor, P.61
- Kamble, S.61
- Komaragiri, J.R.61
- Kumar, D.64
- Pujahari, P.R.61
- Saha, N.R.61
- Sharma, A.61
- Sikdar, A.K.61
- Singh, R.K.61
- Verma, P.61
- Verma, S.61
- Vijay, A.61
- Dugad, S.65
- Mohanty, G.B.65
- Parida, B.65
- Shelake, M.65
- Suryadevara, P.65
- Bala, A.64
- Banerjee, S.64
- Chatterjee, R.M.64
- Guchait, M.64
- Jain, Sh.64
- Jaiswal, A.64
- Kumar, S.
- Majumder, G.64
- Mazumdar, K.64
- Parolia, S.64
- Thachayath, A.64
- Bahinipati, S.66
- Kar, C.66
- Maity, D.66
- Mal, P.66
- Mishra, T.66
- Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, V.K.66
- Naskar, K.66
- Nayak, A.66
- Nayak, S.66
- Pal, K.66
- Sadangi, P.66
- Swain, S.K.66
- Varghese, S.66
- Vats, D.66
- Acharya, S.67
- Alpana, A.67
- Dube, S.67
- Gomber, B.67
- Hazarika, P.67
- Kansal, B.67
- Laha, A.67
- Sahu, B.67
- Sharma, S.67
- Vaish, K.Y.67
- Bakhshiansohi, H.68
- Jafari, A.68
- Zeinali, M.68
- Bashiri, S.69
- Chenarani, S.69
- Etesami, S.M.69
- Hosseini, Y.69
- Khakzad, M.69
- Khazaie, E.69
- Mohammadi Najafabadi, M.69
- Tizchang, S.69
- Felcini, M.70
- Grunewald, M.70
- Abbrescia, M.71, 72
- Colaleo, A.71, 72
- Creanza, D.71, 73
- D'Anzi, B.71, 72
- De Filippis, N.71, 73
- De Palma, M.71, 72
- Elmetenawee, W.71, 72
- Fiore, L.71
- Iaselli, G.71, 73
- Longo, L.71
- Louka, M.71, 72
- Maggi, G.71, 73
- Maggi, M.71
- Margjeka, I.71
- Mastrapasqua, V.71, 72
- My, S.71, 72
- Nuzzo, S.71, 72
- Pellecchia, A.71, 72
- Pompili, A.71, 72
- Pugliese, G.71, 73
- Radogna, R.71, 72
- Ramos, D.71
- Ranieri, A.71
- Silvestris, L.71
- Simone, F.M.71, 73
- Sözbilir, Ü.71
- Stamerra, A.71, 72
- Troiano, D.71, 72
- Venditti, R.71, 72
- Verwilligen, P.71
- Zaza, A.71, 72
- Abbiendi, G.74
- Battilana, C.74, 75
- Bonacorsi, D.74, 75
- Capiluppi, P.74, 75
- Castro, A.74, 75
- Cavallo, F.R.74
- Cuffiani, M.74, 75
- Dallavalle, G.M.74
- Diotalevi, T.74, 75
- Fabbri, F.74
- Fanfani, A.74, 75
- Fasanella, D.74
- Giacomelli, P.74
- Giommi, L.74, 75
- Grandi, C.74
- Guiducci, L.74, 75
- Lo Meo, S.74
- Lorusso, M.74, 75
- Lunerti, L.74
- Marcellini, S.74
- Masetti, G.74
- Navarria, F.L.74, 75
- Paggi, G.74, 75
- Perrotta, A.74
- Primavera, F.74, 75
- Rossi, A.M.74, 75
- Rossi Tisbeni, S.74, 75
- Rovelli, T.74, 75
- Siroli, G.P.74, 75
- Costa, S.76, 77
- Di Mattia, A.76
- Lapertosa, A.76
- Potenza, R.76, 77
- Tricomi, A.76, 77
- Tuve, C.76, 77
- Assiouras, P.78
- Barbagli, G.78
- Bardelli, G.78, 79
- Camaiani, B.78, 79
- Cassese, A.78
- Ceccarelli, R.78
- Ciulli, V.78, 79
- Civinini, C.78
- D'Alessandro, R.78, 79
- Focardi, E.78, 79
- Kello, T.78
- Latino, G.78, 79
- Lenzi, P.78, 79
- Lizzo, M.78
- Meschini, M.78
- Paoletti, S.78
- Papanastassiou, A.78, 79
- Sguazzoni, G.78
- Viliani, L.78
- Benussi, L.80
- Bianco, S.80
- Meola, S.80
- Piccolo, D.80
- Chatagnon, P.81
- Ferro, F.81
- Robutti, E.81
- Tosi, S.81, 82
- Benaglia, A.83
- Brivio, F.83
- Cetorelli, F.83, 84
- De Guio, F.83, 84
- Dinardo, M.E.83, 84
- Dini, P.83
- Gennai, S.83
- Gerosa, R.83, 84
- Ghezzi, A.83, 84
- Govoni, P.83, 84
- Guzzi, L.83
- Lucchini, M.T.83, 84
- Malberti, M.83
- Malvezzi, S.83
- Massironi, A.83
- Menasce, D.83
- Moroni, L.83
- Paganoni, M.83, 84
- Palluotto, S.83, 84
- Pedrini, D.83
- Perego, A.83, 84
- Pinolini, B.S.83
- Pizzati, G.83, 84
- Ragazzi, S.83, 84
- Tabarelli de Fatis, T.83, 84
- Buontempo, S.85
- Cagnotta, A.85, 86
- Carnevali, F.85, 86
- Cavallo, N.85, 87
- Fabozzi, F.85, 87
- Iorio, A.O.M.85, 86
- Lista, L.85, 86
- Paolucci, P.85
- Rossi, B.85
- Ardino, R.88
- Azzi, P.88
- Bacchetta, N.88
- Bisello, D.88, 89
- Bortignon, P.88
- Bortolato, G.88, 89
- Bragagnolo, A.88, 89
- Bulla, A.C.M.88
- Carlin, R.88, 89
- Checchia, P.88
- Dorigo, T.88
- Gasparini, F.88, 89
- Gasparini, U.88, 89
- Lusiani, E.88
- Margoni, M.88, 89
- Meneguzzo, A.T.88, 89
- Michelotto, M.88
- Migliorini, M.88, 89
- Pazzini, J.88, 89
- Ronchese, P.88, 89
- Rossin, R.88, 89
- Simonetto, F.88, 89
- Tosi, M.88, 89
- Triossi, A.88, 89
- Zanetti, M.88, 89
- Zotto, P.88, 89
- Zucchetta, A.88, 89
- Zumerle, G.88, 89
- Aimè, C.90
- Braghieri, A.90
- Calzaferri, S.90
- Fiorina, D.90
- Montagna, P.90, 91
- Re, V.90
- Riccardi, C.90, 91
- Salvini, P.90
- Vai, I.90, 91
- Vitulo, P.90, 91
- Ajmal, S.92, 93
- Ascioti, M.E.92, 93
- Bilei, G.M.92
- Carrivale, C.92, 93
- Ciangottini, D.92, 93
- Fanò, L.92, 93
- Magherini, M.92, 93
- Mariani, V.92, 93
- Menichelli, M.92
- Moscatelli, F.92
- Rossi, A.92, 93
- Santocchia, A.92, 93
- Spiga, D.92
- Tedeschi, T.92, 93
- Alexe, C.A.94, 95
- Asenov, P.94, 96
- Azzurri, P.94
- Bagliesi, G.94
- Bhattacharya, R.94
- Bianchini, L.94, 96
- Boccali, T.94
- Bossini, E.94
- Bruschini, D.94, 95
- Castaldi, R.94
- Ciocci, M.A.94, 96
- Cipriani, M.94, 96
- D'Amante, V.94, 97
- Dell'Orso, R.94
- Donato, S.94
- Giassi, A.94
- Ligabue, F.94, 95
- Marini, A.C.94
- Matos Figueiredo, D.94
- Messineo, A.94, 96
- Musich, M.94, 96
- Palla, F.94
- Rizzi, A.94, 96
- Rolandi, G.94, 95
- Roy Chowdhury, S.94
- Sarkar, T.94
- Scribano, A.94
- Spagnolo, P.94
- Tenchini, R.94
- Tonelli, G.94, 96
- Turini, N.94, 97
- Vaselli, F.94, 95
- Venturi, A.94
- Verdini, P.G.94
- Baldenegro Barrera, C.98, 99
- Barria, P.98
- Basile, C.98, 99
- Campana, M.98, 99
- Cavallari, F.98
- Cunqueiro Mendez, L.98, 99
- Del Re, D.98, 99
- Di Marco, E.98, 99
- Diemoz, M.98
- Errico, F.98, 99
- Longo, E.98, 99
- Mijuskovic, J.98, 99
- Organtini, G.98, 99
- Pandolfi, F.98
- Paramatti, R.98, 99
- Quaranta, C.98, 99
- Rahatlou, S.98, 99
- Rovelli, C.98
- Santanastasio, F.98, 99
- Soffi, L.98
- Amapane, N.100, 101
- Arcidiacono, R.100, 102
- Argiro, S.100, 101
- Arneodo, M.100, 102
- Bartosik, N.100
- Bellan, R.100, 101
- Bellora, A.100, 101
- Biino, C.100
- Borca, C.100, 101
- Cartiglia, N.100
- Costa, M.100, 101
- Covarelli, R.100, 101
- Demaria, N.100
- Finco, L.100
- Grippo, M.100, 101
- Kiani, B.100, 101
- Legger, F.100
- Luongo, F.100, 101
- Mariotti, C.100
- Markovic, L.100, 101
- Maselli, S.100
- Mecca, A.100, 101
- Menzio, L.100, 101
- Meridiani, P.100
- Migliore, E.100, 101
- Monteno, M.100
- Mulargia, R.100
- Obertino, M.M.100, 101
- Ortona, G.100
- Pacher, L.100, 101
- Pastrone, N.100
- Pelliccioni, M.100
- Ruspa, M.100, 102
- Siviero, F.100, 101
- Sola, V.100, 101
- Solano, A.100, 101
- Staiano, A.100
- Tarricone, C.100, 101
- Trocino, D.100
- Umoret, G.100, 101
- White, R.100, 101
- Belforte, S.103
- Candelise, V.103, 104
- Casarsa, M.103
- Cossutti, F.103
- De Leo, K.103
- Della Ricca, G.103, 104
- Dogra, S.105
- Hong, J.105
- Huh, C.105
- Kim, B.105
- Kim, J.105
- Lee, D.105
- Lee, H.105
- Lee, S.W.105
- Moon, C.S.105
- Oh, Y.D.105
- Ryu, M.S.105
- Sekmen, S.105
- Tae, B.105
- Yang, Y.C.105
- Kim, M.S.106
- Bak, G.107
- Gwak, P.107
- Kim, H.107
- Moon, D.H.107
- Asilar, E.108
- Choi, J.108
- Kim, D.108
- Kim, T.J.108
- Merlin, J.A.108
- Ryou, Y.108
- Choi, S.109
- Han, S.109
- Hong, B.109
- Lee, K.109
- Lee, K.S.109
- Lee, S.109
- Yoo, J.109
- Goh, J.110
- Yang, S.110
- Kim, H.S.111
- Kim, Y.111
- Lee, S.111
- Almond, J.112
- Bhyun, J.H.112
- Choi, J.112
- Choi, J.113
- Jun, W.112
- Kim, J.112
- Ko, S.112
- Kwon, H.112
- Lee, H.112
- Lee, J.112
- Lee, J.114
- Oh, B.H.112
- Oh, S.B.112
- Seo, H.112
- Yang, U.K.112
- Yoon, I.112
- Jang, W.114
- Kang, D.Y.114
- Kang, Y.114
- Kim, S.114
- Ko, B.114
- Lee, J.S.H.114
- Lee, Y.113
- Park, I.C.114
- Roh, Y.114
- Watson, I.J.114
- Ha, S.115
- Yoo, H.D.115
- Choi, M.
- Kim, M.R.113
- Lee, H.113
- Lee, Y.116
- Yu, I.113
- Beyrouthy, T.117
- Gharbia, Y.117
- Alazemi, F.118
- Dreimanis, K.119
- Gaile, A.119
- Pikurs, G.119
- Potrebko, A.119
- Seidel, M.119
- Sidiropoulos Kontos, D.119
- Strautnieks, N.R.120
- Ambrozas, M.121
- Juodagalvis, A.121
- Rinkevicius, A.121
- Tamulaitis, G.121
- Yusuff, I.122
- Zolkapli, Z.122
- Benitez, J.F.123
- Castaneda Hernandez, A.123
- Encinas Acosta, H.A.123
- Gallegos Maríñez, L.G.123
- León Coello, M.123
- Murillo Quijada, J.A.123
- Sehrawat, A.123
- Valencia Palomo, L.123
- Ayala, G.124
- Castilla-Valdez, H.124
- Crotte Ledesma, H.124
- De La Cruz-Burelo, E.124
- Heredia-De La Cruz, I.124
- Lopez-Fernandez, R.124
- Mejia Guisao, J.124
- Mondragon Herrera, C.A.124
- Sánchez Hernández, A.124
- Oropeza Barrera, C.125
- Ramirez Guadarrama, D.L.125
- Ramírez García, M.125
- Bautista, I.126
- Pedraza, I.126
- Salazar Ibarguen, H.A.126
- Uribe Estrada, C.126
- Bubanja, I.127
- Raicevic, N.127
- Butler, P.H.128
- Ahmad, A.129
- Asghar, M.I.129
- Awais, A.129
- Awan, M.I.M.129
- Hoorani, H.R.129
- Khan, W.A.129
- Avati, V.130
- Grzanka, L.130
- Malawski, M.130
- Bialkowska, H.131
- Bluj, M.131
- Górski, M.131
- Kazana, M.131
- Szleper, M.131
- Zalewski, P.131
- Bunkowski, K.132
- Doroba, K.132
- Kalinowski, A.132
- Konecki, M.132
- Krolikowski, J.132
- Muhammad, A.132
- Pozniak, K.133
- Zabolotny, W.133
- Araujo, M.134
- Bastos, D.134
- Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C.134
- Boletti, A.134
- Bozzo, M.134
- Camporesi, T.134
- Da Molin, G.134
- Faccioli, P.134
- Gallinaro, M.134
- Hollar, J.134
- Leonardo, N.134
- Marozzo, G.B.134
- Niknejad, T.134
- Petrilli, A.134
- Pisano, M.134
- Seixas, J.134
- Varela, J.134
- Wulff, J.W.134
- Adzic, P.135
- Milenovic, P.135
- Dordevic, M.136
- Milosevic, J.136
- Rekovic, V.136
- Alcaraz Maestre, J.137
- Bedoya, Cristina F.137
- Carretero, Oliver M.137
- Cepeda, M.137
- Cerrada, M.137
- Colino, N.137
- De La Cruz, B.137
- Delgado Peris, A.137
- Escalante Del Valle, A.137
- Fernández Del Val, D.137
- Fernández Ramos, J.P.137
- Flix, J.137
- Fouz, M.C.137
- Gonzalez Lopez, O.137
- Goy Lopez, S.137
- Hernandez, J.M.137
- Josa, M.I.137
- Martin Viscasillas, E.137
- Moran, D.137
- Morcillo Perez, C.M.137
- Navarro Tobar, Á.137
- Perez Dengra, C.137
- Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A.137
- Puerta Pelayo, J.137
- Redondo, I.137
- Sánchez Navas, S.137
- Sastre, J.137
- Vazquez Escobar, J.137
- de Trocóniz, J.F.138
- Alvarez Gonzalez, B.139
- Cuevas, J.139
- Fernandez Menendez, J.139
- Folgueras, S.139
- Gonzalez Caballero, I.139
- González Fernández, J.R.139
- Leguina, P.139
- Palencia Cortezon, E.139
- Prado Pico, J.139
- Ramón Álvarez, C.139
- Rodríguez Bouza, V.139
- Soto Rodríguez, A.139
- Trapote, A.139
- Vico Villalba, C.139
- Vischia, P.139
- Bhowmik, S.140
- Blanco Fernández, S.140
- Brochero Cifuentes, J.A.140
- Cabrillo, I.J.140
- Calderon, A.140
- Duarte Campderros, J.140
- Fernandez, M.140
- Gomez, G.140
- Lasaosa García, C.140
- Lopez Ruiz, R.140
- Martinez Rivero, C.140
- Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P.140
- Matorras, F.140
- Matorras Cuevas, P.140
- Navarrete Ramos, E.140
- Piedra Gomez, J.140
- Scodellaro, L.140
- Vila, I.140
- Vizan Garcia, J.M.140
- Kailasapathy, B.141
- Wickramarathna, D.D.C.141
- Dharmaratna, W.G.D.142
- Liyanage, K.142
- Perera, N.142
- Abbaneo, D.143
- Amendola, C.143
- Auffray, E.143
- Auzinger, G.143
- Baechler, J.143
- Barney, D.143
- Bermúdez Martínez, A.143
- Bianco, M.143
- Bin Anuar, A.A.143
- Bocci, A.143
- Borgonovi, L.143
- Botta, C.143
- Brondolin, E.143
- Caillol, C.143
- Cerminara, G.143
- Chernyavskaya, N.143
- d'Enterria, D.143
- Dabrowski, A.143
- David, A.143
- De Roeck, A.143
- Defranchis, M.M.143
- Deile, M.143
- Dobson, M.143
- Franzoni, G.143
- Funk, W.143
- Giani, S.143
- Gigi, D.143
- Gill, K.143
- Glege, F.143
- Hegeman, J.143
- Heikkilä, J.K.143
- Huber, B.143
- Innocente, V.143
- James, T.143
- Janot, P.143
- Kaluzinska, O.143
- Karacheban, O.143
- Laurila, S.143
- Lecoq, P.143
- Leutgeb, E.143
- Lourenço, C.143
- Malgeri, L.143
- Mannelli, M.143
- Matthewman, M.143
- Mehta, A.143
- Meijers, F.143
- Mersi, S.143
- Meschi, E.143
- Milosevic, V.143
- Monti, F.143
- Moortgat, F.143
- Mulders, M.143
- Neutelings, I.143
- Orfanelli, S.143
- Pantaleo, F.143
- Petrucciani, G.143
- Pfeiffer, A.143
- Pierini, M.143
- Qu, H.143
- Rabady, D.143
- Ribeiro Lopes, B.143
- Rovere, M.143
- Sakulin, H.143
- Sanchez Cruz, S.143
- Scarfi, S.143
- Schwick, C.143
- Selvaggi, M.143
- Sharma, A.143
- Shchelina, K.143
- Silva, P.143
- Sphicas, P.143
- Stahl Leiton, A.G.143
- Steen, A.143
- Summers, S.143
- Treille, D.143
- Tropea, P.143
- Walter, D.143
- Wanczyk, J.143
- Wang, J.143
- Wuchterl, S.143
- Zehetner, P.143
- Zejdl, P.143
- Zeuner, W.D.143
- Bevilacqua, T.144
- Caminada, L.144
- Ebrahimi, A.144
- Erdmann, W.144
- Horisberger, R.144
- Ingram, Q.144
- Kaestli, H.C.144
- Kotlinski, D.144
- Lange, C.144
- Missiroli, M.144
- Noehte, L.144
- Rohe, T.144
- Aarrestad, T.K.145
- Androsov, K.145
- Backhaus, M.145
- Bonomelli, G.145
- Calandri, A.145
- Cazzaniga, C.145
- Datta, K.145
- De Bryas Dexmiers D'archiac, P.145
- De Cosa, A.145
- Dissertori, G.145
- Dittmar, M.145
- Donegà, M.145
- Eble, F.145
- Galli, M.145
- Gedia, K.145
- Glessgen, F.145
- Grab, C.145
- Härringer, N.145
- Harte, T.G.145
- Hits, D.145
- Lustermann, W.145
- Lyon, A.-M.145
- Manzoni, R.A.145
- Marchegiani, M.145
- Marchese, L.145
- Martin Perez, C.145
- Mascellani, A.145
- Nessi-Tedaldi, F.145
- Pauss, F.145
- Perovic, V.145
- Pigazzini, S.145
- Reissel, C.145
- Reitenspiess, T.145
- Ristic, B.145
- Riti, F.145
- Seidita, R.145
- Steggemann, J.145
- Tarabini, A.145
- Valsecchi, D.145
- Wallny, R.145
- Amsler, C.146
- Bärtschi, P.146
- Canelli, M.F.146
- Cormier, K.146
- Huwiler, M.146
- Jin, W.146
- Jofrehei, A.146
- Kilminster, B.146
- Leontsinis, S.146
- Liechti, S.P.146
- Macchiolo, A.146
- Meiring, P.146
- Meng, F.146
- Molinatti, U.146
- Motta, J.146
- Reimers, A.146
- Robmann, P.146
- Senger, M.146
- Shokr, E.146
- Stäger, F.146
- Tramontano, R.146
- Adloff, C.147
- Bhowmik, D.147
- Kuo, C.M.147
- Lin, W.147
- Rout, P.K.147
- Tiwari, P.C.147
- Yu, S.S.147
- Ceard, L.148
- Chen, K.F.148
- Chen, P.s.148
- Chen, Z.g.148
- De Iorio, A.148
- Hou, W.-S.148
- Hsu, T.h.148
- Kao, Y.w.148
- Karmakar, S.148
- Kole, G.148
- Li, Y.y.148
- Lu, R.-S.148
- Paganis, E.148
- Su, X.f.148
- Thomas-Wilsker, J.148
- Tsai, L.s.148
- Wu, H.y.148
- Yazgan, E.148
- Asawatangtrakuldee, C.149
- Srimanobhas, N.149
- Wachirapusitanand, V.149
- Agyel, D.150
- Boran, F.150
- Dolek, F.150
- Dumanoglu, I.150
- Eskut, E.150
- Guler, Y.150
- Gurpinar Guler, E.150
- Isik, C.150
- Kara, O.150
- Kayis Topaksu, A.150
- Kiminsu, U.150
- Onengut, G.150
- Ozdemir, K.150
- Polatoz, A.150
- Tali, B.150
- Tok, U.G.150
- Turkcapar, S.150
- Uslan, E.150
- Zorbakir, I.S.150
- Sokmen, G.151
- Yalvac, M.151
- Akgun, B.152
- Atakisi, I.O.152
- Gülmez, E.152
- Kaya, M.152
- Kaya, O.152
- Tekten, S.152
- Cakir, A.153
- Cankocak, K.153
- Dincer, G.G.153
- Komurcu, Y.153
- Sen, S.153
- Aydilek, O.154
- Hacisahinoglu, B.154
- Hos, I.154
- Kaynak, B.154
- Ozkorucuklu, S.154
- Potok, O.154
- Sert, H.154
- Simsek, C.154
- Zorbilmez, C.154
- Cerci, S.155
- Isildak, B.155
- Sunar Cerci, D.155
- Yetkin, T.155
- Boyaryntsev, A.156
- Grynyov, B.156
- Levchuk, L.157
- Anthony, D.158
- Brooke, J.J.158
- Bundock, A.158
- Bury, F.158
- Clement, E.158
- Cussans, D.158
- Flacher, H.158
- Glowacki, M.158
- Goldstein, J.158
- Heath, H.F.158
- Holmberg, M.-L.158
- Kreczko, L.158
- Paramesvaran, S.158
- Robertshaw, L.158
- Seif El Nasr-Storey, S.158
- Smith, V.J.158
- Stylianou, N.158
- Walkingshaw Pass, K.158
- Ball, A.H.159
- Bell, K.W.159
- Belyaev, A.159
- Brew, C.159
- Brown, R.M.159
- Cockerill, D.J.A.159
- Cooke, C.159
- Elliot, A.159
- Ellis, K.V.159
- Harder, K.159
- Harper, S.159
- Linacre, J.159
- Manolopoulos, K.159
- Newbold, D.M.159
- Olaiya, E.159
- Petyt, D.159
- Reis, T.159
- Sahasransu, A.R.159
- Salvi, G.159
- Schuh, T.159
- Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H.159
- Tomalin, I.R.159
- Whalen, K.C.159
- Williams, T.159
- Andreou, I.160
- Bainbridge, R.160
- Bloch, P.160
- Brown, C.E.160
- Buchmuller, O.160
- Cacchio, V.160
- Carrillo Montoya, C.A.160
- Chahal, G.S.160
- Colling, D.160
- Dancu, J.S.160
- Das, I.160
- Dauncey, P.160
- Davies, G.160
- Davies, J.160
- Della Negra, M.160
- Fayer, S.160
- Fedi, G.160
- Hall, G.160
- Hassanshahi, M.H.160
- Howard, A.160
- Iles, G.160
- Knight, M.160
- Langford, J.160
- León Holgado, J.160
- Lyons, L.160
- Magnan, A.-M.160
- Mallios, S.160
- Mieskolainen, M.160
- Nash, J.160
- Pesaresi, M.160
- Pradeep, P.B.160
- Radburn-Smith, B.C.160
- Richards, A.160
- Rose, A.160
- Savva, K.160
- Seez, C.160
- Shukla, R.160
- Tapper, A.160
- Uchida, K.160
- Uttley, G.P.160
- Vage, L.H.160
- Virdee, T.160
- Vojinovic, M.160
- Wardle, N.160
- Winterbottom, D.160
- Coldham, K.161
- Cole, J.E.161
- Khan, A.161
- Kyberd, P.161
- Reid, I.D.161
- Abdullin, S.162
- Brinkerhoff, A.162
- Collins, E.162
- Dittmann, J.162
- Hatakeyama, K.162
- Hiltbrand, J.162
- McMaster, B.162
- Samudio, J.162
- Sawant, S.162
- Sutantawibul, C.162
- Wilson, J.162
- Bartek, R.163
- Dominguez, A.163
- Huerta Escamilla, C.163
- Simsek, A.E.163
- Uniyal, R.163
- Vargas Hernandez, A.M.163
- Bam, B.164
- Buchot Perraguin, A.164
- Chudasama, R.164
- Cooper, S.I.164
- Crovella, C.164
- Gleyzer, S.V.164
- Pearson, E.164
- Perez, C.U.164
- Rumerio, P.164
- Usai, E.164
- Yi, R.164
- Akpinar, A.165
- Cosby, C.165
- De Castro, G.165
- Demiragli, Z.165
- Erice, C.165
- Fangmeier, C.165
- Fernandez Madrazo, C.165
- Fontanesi, E.165
- Gastler, D.165
- Golf, F.165
- Jeon, S.165
- O'cain, J.165
- Reed, I.165
- Rohlf, J.165
- Salyer, K.165
- Sperka, D.165
- Spitzbart, D.165
- Suarez, I.165
- Tsatsos, A.165
- Zecchinelli, A.G.165
- Benelli, G.166
- Cutts, D.166
- Gouskos, L.166
- Hadley, M.166
- Heintz, U.166
- Hogan, J.M.166
- Kwon, T.166
- Landsberg, G.166
- Lau, K.T.166
- Li, D.166
- Luo, J.166
- Mondal, S.166
- Narain, M.166
- Pervan, N.166
- Russell, T.166
- Sagir, S.166
- Simpson, F.166
- Stamenkovic, M.166
- Venkatasubramanian, N.166
- Yan, X.166
- Abbott, S.167
- Brainerd, C.167
- Breedon, R.167
- Cai, H.167
- Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M.167
- Chertok, M.167
- Citron, M.167
- Conway, J.167
- Cox, P.T.167
- Erbacher, R.167
- Jensen, F.167
- Kukral, O.167
- Mocellin, G.167
- Mulhearn, M.167
- Ostrom, S.167
- Wei, W.167
- Yao, Y.167
- Yoo, S.167
- Zhang, F.167
- Bachtis, M.168
- Cousins, R.168
- Datta, A.168
- Flores Avila, G.168
- Hauser, J.168
- Ignatenko, M.168
- Iqbal, M.A.168
- Lam, T.168
- Manca, E.168
- Nunez Del Prado, A.168
- Saltzberg, D.168
- Valuev, V.168
- Clare, R.169
- Gary, J.W.169
- Gordon, M.169
- Hanson, G.169
- Si, W.169
- Aportela, A.116
- Arora, A.116
- Branson, J.G.116
- Cittolin, S.116
- Cooperstein, S.116
- Diaz, D.116
- Duarte, J.116
- Giannini, L.116
- Gu, Y.116
- Guiang, J.116
- Kansal, R.116
- Krutelyov, V.116
- Lee, R.170
- Letts, J.116
- Masciovecchio, M.116
- Mokhtar, F.116
- Mukherjee, S.116
- Pieri, M.116
- Quinnan, M.116
- Sathia Narayanan, B.V.116
- Sharma, V.116
- Tadel, M.116
- Vourliotis, E.116
- Würthwein, F.116
- Xiang, Y.116
- Yagil, A.116
- Barzdukas, A.171
- Brennan, L.171
- Campagnari, C.171
- Downham, K.171
- Grieco, C.171
- Incandela, J.171
- Kim, J.171
- Li, A.J.171
- Masterson, P.171
- Mei, H.171
- Richman, J.171
- Santpur, S.N.171
- Sarica, U.171
- Schmitz, R.171
- Setti, F.171
- Sheplock, J.171
- Stuart, D.171
- Vámi, T.Á.171
- Wang, S.171
- Zhang, D.171
- Bornheim, A.172
- Cerri, O.172
- Latorre, A.172
- Mao, J.172
- Newman, H.B.172
- Reales Gutiérrez, G.172
- Spiropulu, M.172
- Vlimant, J.R.172
- Wang, C.172
- Xie, S.172
- Zhu, R.Y.172
- Alison, J.63
- An, S.63
- Bryant, P.63
- Cremonesi, M.63
- Dutta, V.173
- Ferguson, T.63
- Gómez Espinosa, T.A.63
- Harilal, A.63
- Kallil Tharayil, A.63
- Liu, C.63
- Mudholkar, T.63
- Murthy, S.63
- Palit, P.63
- Park, K.63
- Paulini, M.63
- Roberts, A.63
- Sanchez, A.63
- Terrill, W.63
- Cumalat, J.P.174
- Ford, W.T.174
- Hart, A.174
- Hassani, A.174
- Karathanasis, G.174
- Manganelli, N.174
- Perloff, A.174
- Savard, C.174
- Schonbeck, N.174
- Stenson, K.174
- Ulmer, K.A.174
- Wagner, S.R.174
- Zipper, N.174
- Zuolo, D.174
- Alexander, J.175
- Bright-Thonney, S.175
- Chen, X.175
- Cranshaw, D.J.175
- Fan, J.175
- Fan, X.175
- Hogan, S.175
- Kotamnives, P.175
- Monroy, J.175
- Oshiro, M.175
- Patterson, J.R.175
- Reid, M.175
- Ryd, A.175
- Thom, J.175
- Wittich, P.175
- Zou, R.175
- Albrow, M.173
- Alyari, M.173
- Amram, O.173
- Apollinari, G.173
- Apresyan, A.173
- Bauerdick, L.A.T.173
- Berry, D.173
- Berryhill, J.173
- Bhat, P.C.173
- Burkett, K.173
- Butler, J.N.173
- Canepa, A.173
- Cerati, G.B.173
- Cheung, H.W.K.173
- Chlebana, F.173
- Cummings, G.173
- Dickinson, J.173
- Dutta, I.
- Elvira, V.D.173
- Feng, Y.173
- Freeman, J.173
- Gandrakota, A.173
- Gecse, Z.173
- Gray, L.173
- Green, D.173
- Grummer, A.173
- Grünendahl, S.173
- Guerrero, D.173
- Gutsche, O.173
- Harris, R.M.173
- Heller, R.173
- Herwig, T.C.173
- Hirschauer, J.173
- Jayatilaka, B.173
- Jindariani, S.173
- Johnson, M.173
- Joshi, U.173
- Klijnsma, T.173
- Klima, B.173
- Kwok, K.H.M.173
- Lammel, S.173
- Lincoln, D.173
- Lipton, R.173
- Liu, T.173
- Madrid, C.173
- Maeshima, K.173
- Mantilla, C.173
- Mason, D.173
- McBride, P.173
- Merkel, P.173
- Mrenna, S.173
- Nahn, S.173
- Ngadiuba, J.173
- Noonan, D.173
- Norberg, S.173
- Papadimitriou, V.173
- Pastika, N.173
- Pedro, K.173
- Pena, C.173
- Ravera, F.173
- Reinsvold Hall, A.173
- Ristori, L.173
- Safdari, M.173
- Sexton-Kennedy, E.173
- Smith, N.173
- Soha, A.173
- Spiegel, L.173
- Stoynev, S.173
- Strait, J.173
- Taylor, L.173
- Tkaczyk, S.173
- Tran, N.V.173
- Uplegger, L.173
- Vaandering, E.W.173
- Zoi, I.173
- Aruta, C.176
- Avery, P.176
- Bourilkov, D.176
- Chang, P.176
- Cherepanov, V.176
- Field, R.D.176
- Koenig, E.176
- Kolosova, M.176
- Konigsberg, J.176
- Korytov, A.176
- Matchev, K.176
- Menendez, N.176
- Mitselmakher, G.176
- Mohrman, K.176
- Muthirakalayil Madhu, A.176
- Rawal, N.176
- Rosenzweig, S.176
- Takahashi, Y.176
- Wang, J.176
- Adams, T.177
- Al Kadhim, A.177
- Askew, A.177
- Bower, S.177
- Habibullah, R.177
- Hagopian, V.177
- Hashmi, R.177
- Kim, R.S.177
- Kim, S.177
- Kolberg, T.177
- Martinez, G.177
- Prosper, H.177
- Prova, P.R.177
- Wulansatiti, M.177
- Yohay, R.177
- Zhang, J.177
- Alsufyani, B.178
- Baarmand, M.M.178
- Butalla, S.178
- Das, S.178
- Elkafrawy, T.178
- Hohlmann, M.178
- Rahmani, M.178
- Yanes, E.178
- Adams, M.R.170
- Baty, A.170
- Bennett, C.170
- Cavanaugh, R.170
- Escobar Franco, R.170
- Evdokimov, O.170
- Gerber, C.E.170
- Hawksworth, M.170
- Hingrajiya, A.170
- Hofman, D.J.170
- Lee, J.h.179
- Lemos, D.S.170
- Merrit, A.H.170
- Mills, C.170
- Nanda, S.170
- Oh, G.170
- Ozek, B.170
- Pilipovic, D.170
- Pradhan, R.170
- Prifti, E.170
- Roy, T.170
- Rudrabhatla, S.170
- Tonjes, M.B.170
- Varelas, N.170
- Wadud, M.A.170
- Ye, Z.170
- Yoo, J.170
- Alhusseini, M.180
- Blend, D.180
- Dilsiz, K.180
- Emediato, L.180
- Karaman, G.180
- Köseyan, O.K.180
- Merlo, J.-P.180
- Mestvirishvili, A.180
- Neogi, O.180
- Ogul, H.180
- Onel, Y.180
- Penzo, A.180
- Snyder, C.180
- Tiras, E.180
- Blumenfeld, B.181
- Corcodilos, L.181
- Davis, J.181
- Gritsan, A.V.181
- Kang, L.181
- Kyriacou, S.181
- Maksimovic, P.181
- Roguljic, M.181
- Roskes, J.181
- Sekhar, S.181
- Swartz, M.181
- Abreu, A.182
- Alcerro Alcerro, L.F.182
- Anguiano, J.182
- Arteaga Escatel, S.182
- Baringer, P.182
- Bean, A.182
- Flowers, Z.182
- Grove, D.182
- King, J.182
- Krintiras, G.182
- Lazarovits, M.182
- Le Mahieu, C.182
- Marquez, J.182
- Murray, M.182
- Nickel, M.182
- Pitt, M.182
- Popescu, S.182
- Rogan, C.182
- Royon, C.182
- Salvatico, R.182
- Sanders, S.182
- Smith, C.182
- Wilson, G.182
- Allmond, B.183
- Gujju Gurunadha, R.183
- Ivanov, A.183
- Kaadze, K.183
- Maravin, Y.183
- Natoli, J.183
- Roy, D.183
- Sorrentino, G.183
- Baden, A.184
- Belloni, A.184
- Bistany-riebman, J.184
- Chen, Y.M.184
- Eno, S.C.184
- Hadley, N.J.184
- Jabeen, S.184
- Kellogg, R.G.184
- Koeth, T.184
- Kronheim, B.184
- Lai, Y.184
- Lascio, S.184
- Mignerey, A.C.184
- Nabili, S.184
- Palmer, C.184
- Papageorgakis, C.184
- Paranjpe, M.M.184
- Wang, L.184
- Bendavid, J.179
- Cali, I.A.179
- Chou, P.c.179
- D'Alfonso, M.179
- Eysermans, J.179
- Freer, C.179
- Gomez-Ceballos, G.179
- Goncharov, M.179
- Grosso, G.179
- Harris, P.179
- Hoang, D.179
- Kovalskyi, D.179
- Krupa, J.179
- Lavezzo, L.179
- Lee, Y.-J.185
- Long, K.179
- Mcginn, C.179
- Novak, A.179
- Paus, C.179
- Roland, C.179
- Roland, G.179
- Rothman, S.179
- Stephans, G.S.F.179
- Wang, Z.179
- Wyslouch, B.179
- Yang, T.J.179
- Crossman, B.186
- Joshi, B.M.186
- Kapsiak, C.186
- Krohn, M.186
- Mahon, D.186
- Mans, J.186
- Marzocchi, B.186
- Rusack, R.186
- Saradhy, R.186
- Strobbe, N.186
- Bloom, K.187
- Claes, D.R.187
- Haza, G.187
- Hossain, J.187
- Joo, C.187
- Kravchenko, I.187
- Siado, J.E.187
- Tabb, W.187
- Vagnerini, A.187
- Wightman, A.187
- Yan, F.187
- Yu, D.187
- Bandyopadhyay, H.188
- Hay, L.188
- Hsia, H.w.188
- Iashvili, I.188
- Kalogeropoulos, A.188
- Kharchilava, A.188
- Morris, M.188
- Nguyen, D.188
- Rappoccio, S.188
- Rejeb Sfar, H.188
- Williams, A.188
- Young, P.188
- Alverson, G.189
- Barberis, E.189
- Bonilla, J.189
- Dervan, J.189
- Haddad, Y.189
- Han, Y.189
- Krishna, A.189
- Li, J.189
- Lu, M.189
- Madigan, G.189
- Mccarthy, R.189
- Morse, D.M.189
- Nguyen, V.189
- Orimoto, T.189
- Parker, A.189
- Skinnari, L.189
- Wood, D.189
- Bueghly, J.190
- Dittmer, S.190
- Hahn, K.A.190
- Liu, Y.190
- Miao, Y.190
- Monk, D.G.190
- Schmitt, M.H.190
- Taliercio, A.190
- Velasco, M.190
- Agarwal, G.191
- Band, R.191
- Bucci, R.191
- Castells, S.191
- Das, A.191
- Goldouzian, R.191
- Hildreth, M.191
- Ho, K.W.191
- Hurtado Anampa, K.191
- Ivanov, T.191
- Jessop, C.191
- Lannon, K.191
- Lawrence, J.191
- Loukas, N.191
- Lutton, L.191
- Mariano, J.191
- Marinelli, N.191
- Mcalister, I.191
- McCauley, T.191
- Mcgrady, C.191
- Moore, C.191
- Musienko, Y.191
- Nelson, H.191
- Osherson, M.191
- Piccinelli, A.191
- Ruchti, R.191
- Townsend, A.191
- Wan, Y.191
- Wayne, M.191
- Yockey, H.191
- Zarucki, M.191
- Zygala, L.191
- Basnet, A.192
- Bylsma, B.192
- Carrigan, M.192
- Durkin, L.S.192
- Hill, C.192
- Joyce, M.192
- Nunez Ornelas, M.192
- Wei, K.192
- Winer, B.L.192
- Yates, B.R.192
- Bouchamaoui, H.193
- Das, P.193
- Dezoort, G.193
- Elmer, P.193
- Frankenthal, A.193
- Greenberg, B.193
- Haubrich, N.193
- Kennedy, K.193
- Kopp, G.193
- Kwan, S.193
- Lange, D.193
- Loeliger, A.193
- Marlow, D.193
- Ojalvo, I.193
- Olsen, J.193
- Shevelev, A.193
- Stickland, D.193
- Tully, C.193
- Malik, S.194
- Bakshi, A.S.195
- Chandra, S.195
- Chawla, R.195
- Gu, A.195
- Gutay, L.195
- Jones, M.195
- Jung, A.W.195
- Koshy, A.M.195
- Liu, M.195
- Negro, G.195
- Neumeister, N.195
- Paspalaki, G.195
- Piperov, S.195
- Scheurer, V.195
- Schulte, J.F.195
- Stojanovic, M.195
- Thieman, J.195
- Virdi, A.K.195
- Wang, F.195
- Xie, W.195
- Dolen, J.196
- Parashar, N.196
- Pathak, A.196
- Acosta, D.197
- Carnahan, T.197
- Ecklund, K.M.197
- Fernández Manteca, P.J.197
- Freed, S.197
- Gardner, P.197
- Geurts, F.J.M.197
- Li, W.197
- Lin, J.197
- Miguel Colin, O.197
- Padley, B.P.197
- Redjimi, R.197
- Rotter, J.197
- Yigitbasi, E.197
- Zhang, Y.197
- Bodek, A.198
- de Barbaro, P.198
- Demina, R.198
- Dulemba, J.L.198
- Garcia-Bellido, A.198
- Hindrichs, O.198
- Khukhunaishvili, A.198
- Parmar, N.198
- Parygin, P.198
- Popova, E.198
- Taus, R.198
- Chiarito, B.199
- Chou, J.P.199
- Clark, S.V.199
- Gadkari, D.199
- Gershtein, Y.199
- Halkiadakis, E.199
- Heindl, M.199
- Houghton, C.199
- Jaroslawski, D.199
- Konstantinou, S.199
- Laflotte, I.199
- Lath, A.199
- Montalvo, R.199
- Nash, K.199
- Reichert, J.199
- Routray, H.199
- Saha, P.199
- Salur, S.199
- Schnetzer, S.199
- Somalwar, S.199
- Stone, R.199
- Thayil, S.A.199
- Thomas, S.199
- Vora, J.199
- Wang, H.199
- Ally, D.185
- Delannoy, A.G.185
- Fiorendi, S.185
- Higginbotham, S.185
- Holmes, T.185
- Kanuganti, A.R.185
- Karunarathna, N.185
- Lee, L.200
- Nibigira, E.185
- Spanier, S.185
- Aebi, D.201
- Ahmad, M.201
- Akhter, T.201
- Bouhali, O.201
- Eusebi, R.201
- Gilmore, J.201
- Huang, T.201
- Kamon, T.201
- Kim, H.201
- Luo, S.201
- Mueller, R.201
- Overton, D.201
- Rathjens, D.201
- Safonov, A.201
- Akchurin, N.200
- Damgov, J.200
- Gogate, N.200
- Hegde, V.200
- Hussain, A.200
- Kazhykarim, Y.200
- Lamichhane, K.200
- Lee, S.W.
- Mankel, A.200
- Peltola, T.200
- Volobouev, I.200
- Appelt, E.202
- Chen, Y.202
- Greene, S.202
- Gurrola, A.202
- Johns, W.202
- Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R.202
- Melo, A.202
- Romeo, F.202
- Sheldon, P.202
- Tuo, S.202
- Velkovska, J.202
- Viinikainen, J.202
- Cardwell, B.203
- Cox, B.203
- Hakala, J.203
- Hirosky, R.203
- Ledovskoy, A.203
- Neu, C.203
- Bhattacharya, S.204
- Karchin, P.E.204
- Aravind, A.205
- Banerjee, S.205
- Black, K.205
- Bose, T.205
- Dasu, S.205
- De Bruyn, I.205
- Everaerts, P.205
- Galloni, C.205
- He, H.205
- Herndon, M.205
- Herve, A.205
- Koraka, C.K.205
- Lanaro, A.205
- Loveless, R.205
- Madhusudanan Sreekala, J.205
- Mallampalli, A.205
- Mohammadi, A.205
- Mondal, S.205
- Parida, G.205
- Pétré, L.205
- Pinna, D.205
- Savin, A.205
- Shang, V.205
- Sharma, V.205
- Smith, W.H.205
- Teague, D.205
- Tsoi, H.F.205
- Vetens, W.205
- Warden, A.205
- Afanasiev, S.206
- Alexakhin, V.206
- Andreev, V.206
- Andreev, Yu.206
- Aushev, T.206
- Azarkin, M.206
- Babaev, A.206
- Blinov, V.206
- Boos, E.206
- Borshch, V.206
- Budkouski, D.206
- Bunichev, V.206
- Chekhovsky, V.206
- Chistov, R.206
- Danilov, M.206
- Dermenev, A.206
- Dimova, T.206
- Druzhkin, D.206
- Dubinin, M.206
- Dudko, L.206
- Ershov, A.206
- Gavrilov, G.206
- Gavrilov, V.206
- Gninenko, S.206
- Golovtcov, V.206
- Golubev, N.206
- Golutvin, I.206
- Gorbunov, I.206
- Gribushin, A.206
- Ivanov, Y.206
- Kachanov, V.206
- Karjavine, V.206
- Karneyeu, A.206
- Kim, V.206
- Kirakosyan, M.206
- Kirpichnikov, D.206
- Kirsanov, M.206
- Klyukhin, V.206
- Kodolova, O.206
- Konstantinov, D.206
- Korenkov, V.206
- Kozyrev, A.206
- Krasnikov, N.206
- Lanev, A.206
- Levchenko, P.206
- Lychkovskaya, N.206
- Makarenko, V.206
- Malakhov, A.206
- Matveev, V.206
- Murzin, V.206
- Nikitenko, A.206
- Obraztsov, S.206
- Oreshkin, V.206
- Palichik, V.206
- Perelygin, V.206
- Petrushanko, S.206
- Polikarpov, S.206
- Popov, V.206
- Radchenko, O.206
- Savina, M.206
- Savrin, V.206
- Shalaev, V.206
- Shmatov, S.206
- Shulha, S.206
- Skovpen, Y.206
- Slabospitskii, S.206
- Smirnov, V.206
- Snigirev, A.206
- Sosnov, D.206
- Sulimov, V.206
- Terkulov, A.206
- Teryaev, O.206
- Tlisova, I.206
- Toropin, A.206
- Uvarov, L.206
- Uzunian, A.206
- Vorobyev, A.206
- Voytishin, N.206
- Yuldashev, B.S.206
- Zarubin, A.206
- Zhizhin, I.206
- Zhokin, A.206
- CMS Collaboration
- 1. Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Armenia
- 2. Institut für Hochenergiephysik, Vienna, Austria
- 3. Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium
- 4. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium
- 5. Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium
- 6. Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
- 7. Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
- 8. Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 9. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 10. Universidade Estadual Paulista, Universidade Federal do ABC, São Paulo, Brazil
- 11. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 12. University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 13. Instituto De Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá, Casilla 7 D, Arica, Chile
- 14. Beihang University, Beijing, China
- 15. Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
- 16. Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China
- 17. State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Peking University, Beijing, China
- 18. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Nuclear Science and Guangdong-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory of Quantum Matter, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China
- 19. Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
- 20. University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
- 21. Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
- 22. Institute of Modern Physics and Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Ion-beam Application (MOE) - Fudan University, Shanghai, China
- 23. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
- 24. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
- 25. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia
- 26. University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Split, Croatia
- 27. University of Split, Faculty of Science, Split, Croatia
- 28. Institute Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb, Croatia
- 29. University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
- 30. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- 31. Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador
- 32. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Egyptian Network of High Energy Physics, Cairo, Egypt
- 33. Center for High Energy Physics (CHEP-FU), Fayoum University, El-Fayoum, Egypt
- 34. National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia
- 35. Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
- 36. Helsinki Institute of Physics, Helsinki, Finland
- 37. Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland
- 38. IRFU, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
- 39. Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, CNRS/IN2P3, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France
- 40. Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, IPHC UMR 7178, Strasbourg, France
- 41. Centre de Calcul de l'Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules, CNRS/IN2P3, Villeurbanne, France
- 42. Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon (IP2I), Villeurbanne, France
- 43. Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia
- 44. RWTH Aachen University, I. Physikalisches Institut, Aachen, Germany
- 45. RWTH Aachen University, III. Physikalisches Institut A, Aachen, Germany
- 46. RWTH Aachen University, III. Physikalisches Institut B, Aachen, Germany
- 47. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, Germany
- 48. University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
- 49. Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany
- 50. Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (INPP), NCSR Demokritos, Aghia Paraskevi, Greece
- 51. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
- 52. National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
- 53. University of Ioánnina, Ioánnina, Greece
- 54. HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary
- 55. MTA-ELTE Lendület CMS Particle and Nuclear Physics Group, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
- 56. Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
- 57. Institute of Nuclear Research ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary
- 58. Karoly Robert Campus, MATE Institute of Technology, Gyongyos, Hungary
- 59. Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
- 60. University of Delhi, Delhi, India
- 61. Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Madras, India
- 62. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, HBNI, Kolkata, India
- 63. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- 64. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research-B, Mumbai, India
- 65. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research-A, Mumbai, India
- 66. National Institute of Science Education and Research, An OCC of Homi Bhabha National Institute, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
- 67. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, India
- 68. Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
- 69. Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran
- 70. University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
- 71. INFN Sezione di Bari, Bari, Italy
- 72. Università di Bari, Bari, Italy
- 73. Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy
- 74. INFN Sezione di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
- 75. Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
- 76. INFN Sezione di Catania, Catania, Italy
- 77. Università di Catania, Catania, Italy
- 78. INFN Sezione di Firenze, Firenze, Italy
- 79. Università di Firenze, Firenze, Italy
- 80. INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, Italy
- 81. INFN Sezione di Genova, Genova, Italy
- 82. Università di Genova, Genova, Italy
- 83. INFN Sezione di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
- 84. Università di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
- 85. INFN Sezione di Napoli, Napoli, Italy
- 86. Università di Napoli 'Federico II', Napoli, Italy
- 87. Università della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
- 88. INFN Sezione di Padova, Padova, Italy
- 89. Università di Padova, Padova, Italy
- 90. INFN Sezione di Pavia, Pavia, Italy
- 91. Università di Pavia, Pavia, Italy
- 92. INFN Sezione di Perugia, Perugia, Italy
- 93. Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy
- 94. INFN Sezione di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
- 95. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
- 96. Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
- 97. Università di Siena, Siena, Italy
- 98. INFN Sezione di Roma, Roma, Italy
- 99. Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, Italy
- 100. INFN Sezione di Torino, Torino, Italy
- 101. Università di Torino, Torino, Italy
- 102. Università del Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy
- 103. INFN Sezione di Trieste, Trieste, Italy
- 104. Università di Trieste, Trieste, Italy
- 105. Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
- 106. Department of Mathematics and Physics - GWNU, Gangneung, Korea
- 107. Chonnam National University, Institute for Universe and Elementary Particles, Kwangju, Korea
- 108. Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
- 109. Korea University, Seoul, Korea
- 110. Kyung Hee University, Department of Physics, Seoul, Korea
- 111. Sejong University, Seoul, Korea
- 112. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
- 113. Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea
- 114. University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea
- 115. Yonsei University, Department of Physics, Seoul, Korea
- 116. University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
- 117. College of Engineering and Technology, American University of the Middle East (AUM), Dasman, Kuwait
- 118. Kuwait University - College of Science - Department of Physics, Safat, Kuwait
- 119. Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia
- 120. University of Latvia (LU), Riga, Latvia
- 121. Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 122. National Centre for Particle Physics, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 123. Universidad de Sonora (UNISON), Hermosillo, Mexico
- 124. Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico City, Mexico
- 125. Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico
- 126. Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico
- 127. University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
- 128. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
- 129. National Centre for Physics, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
- 130. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications, Krakow, Poland
- 131. National Centre for Nuclear Research, Swierk, Poland
- 132. Institute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
- 133. Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
- 134. Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, Lisboa, Portugal
- 135. Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- 136. VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- 137. Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), Madrid, Spain
- 138. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
- 139. Universidad de Oviedo, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Espaciales de Asturias (ICTEA), Oviedo, Spain
- 140. Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA), CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain
- 141. University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- 142. University of Ruhuna, Department of Physics, Matara, Sri Lanka
- 143. CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland
- 144. Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
- 145. ETH Zurich - Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics (IPA), Zurich, Switzerland
- 146. Universität Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
- 147. National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan
- 148. National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan
- 149. High Energy Physics Research Unit, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
- 150. Çukurova University, Physics Department, Science and Art Faculty, Adana, Turkey
- 151. Middle East Technical University, Physics Department, Ankara, Turkey
- 152. Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
- 153. Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
- 154. Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
- 155. Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
- 156. Institute for Scintillation Materials of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
- 157. National Science Centre, Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkiv, Ukraine
- 158. University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
- 159. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United Kingdom
- 160. Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
- 161. Brunel University, Uxbridge, United Kingdom
- 162. Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA
- 163. Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, USA
- 164. The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
- 165. Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
- 166. Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
- 167. University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA
- 168. University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- 169. University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, USA
- 170. University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, USA
- 171. University of California, Santa Barbara - Department of Physics, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
- 172. California Institute of Technology
- 173. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL, USA
- 174. University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
- 175. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
- 176. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
- 177. Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
- 178. Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, USA
- 179. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
- 180. The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA
- 181. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
- 182. The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA
- 183. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA
- 184. University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
- 185. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
- 186. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
- 187. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA
- 188. State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA
- 189. Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
- 190. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
- 191. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA
- 192. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
- 193. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
- 194. University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR, USA
- 195. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
- 196. Purdue University Northwest, Hammond, IN, USA
- 197. Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
- 198. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA
- 199. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ, USA
- 200. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA
- 201. Texas AM University, College Station, TX, USA
- 202. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
- 203. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
- 204. Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
- 205. University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, USA
- 206. Authors affiliated with an institute or an international laboratory covered by a cooperation agreement with CERN
The polarizations of prompt and non-prompt and ψ(2S) mesons are measured in proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV, using data samples collected by the CMS experiment in 2017 and 2018, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 103.3fb−1. Based on the analysis of the dimuon decay angular distributions in the helicity frame, the polar anisotropy, λϑ, is measured as a function of the transverse momentum, pT, of the charmonium states, in the 25–120 and 20–100 GeV ranges for the and ψ(2S), respectively. The non-prompt polarizations agree with predictions based on the hypothesis that, for pT≳25GeV, the non-prompt and ψ(2S) are predominantly produced in two-body B meson decays. The prompt results clearly exclude strong transverse polarizations, even for pT exceeding 30 times the mass, where λϑ tends to an asymptotic value around 0.3. Taken together with previous measurements, by CMS and LHCb at s=7 TeV, the prompt polarizations show a significant variation with pT, at low pT.
Copyright and License
© 2024 CERN for the benefit of the CMS Collaboration. Published by Elsevier B.V. Funded by SCOAP³ under a Creative Commons license.
We congratulate our colleagues in the CERN accelerator departments for the excellent performance of the LHC and thank the technical and administrative staffs at CERN and at other CMS institutes for their contributions to the success of the CMS effort. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the computing centers and personnel of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid and other centers for delivering so effectively the computing infrastructure essential to our analyses. Finally, we acknowledge the enduring support for the construction and operation of the LHC, the CMS detector, and the supporting computing infrastructure provided by the following funding agencies: SC (Armenia), BMBWF and FWF (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, FAPERGS, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES and BNSF (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MOST, and NSFC (China); Minciencias (Colombia); MSES and CSF (Croatia); RIF (Cyprus); SENESCYT (Ecuador); ERC PRG, RVTT3 and MoER TK202 (Estonia); Academy of Finland, MEC, and HIP (Finland); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); SRNSF (Georgia); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRI (Greece); NKFIH (Hungary); DAE and DST (India); IPM (Iran); SFI (Ireland); INFN (Italy); MSIP and NRF (Republic of Korea); MES (Latvia); LMTLT (Lithuania); MOE and UM (Malaysia); BUAP, CINVESTAV, CONACYT, LNS, SEP, and UASLP-FAI (Mexico); MOS (Montenegro); MBIE (New Zealand); PAEC (Pakistan); MES and NSC (Poland); FCT (Portugal); MESTD (Serbia); MCIN/AEI and PCTI (Spain); MoSTR (Sri Lanka); Swiss Funding Agencies (Switzerland); MST (Taipei); MHESI and NSTDA (Thailand); TUBITAK and TENMAK (Turkey); NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE and NSF (USA).
Individuals have received support from the Marie-Curie programme and the European Research Council and Horizon 2020 Grant, contract Nos. 675440, 724704, 752730, 758316, 765710, 824093, 101115353, 101002207, and COST Action CA16108 (European Union); the Leventis Foundation; the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; the Science Committee, project no. 22rl-037 (Armenia); the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office; the Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l'Industrie et dans l'Agriculture (FRIA-Belgium); the Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT-Belgium); the F.R.S.-FNRS and FWO (Belgium) under the “Excellence of Science – EOS” – be.h project n. 30820817; the Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, No. Z191100007219010 and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (China); The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) of the Czech Republic; the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, grant FR-22-985 (Georgia); the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), under Germany's Excellence Strategy – EXC 2121 “Quantum Universe” – 390833306, and under project number 400140256 - GRK2497; the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), Project Number 2288 (Greece); the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the New National Excellence Program - ÚNKP, the NKFIH research grants K 131991, K 133046, K 138136, K 143460, K 143477, K 146913, K 146914, K 147048, 2020-2.2.1-ED-2021-00181, and TKP2021-NKTA-64 (Hungary); the Council of Science and Industrial Research, India; ICSC – National Research Centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing and FAIR – Future Artificial Intelligence Research, funded by the NextGenerationEU program (Italy); the Latvian Council of Science; the Ministry of Education and Science, project no. 2022/WK/14, and the National Science Center, contracts Opus 2021/41/B/ST2/01369 and 2021/43/B/ST2/01552 (Poland); the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, grant CEECIND/01334/2018 (Portugal); the National Priorities Research Program by Qatar National Research Fund; MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, ERDF “a way of making Europe”, and the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia María de Maeztu, grant MDM-2017-0765 and Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias (Spain); the Chulalongkorn Academic into Its 2nd Century Project Advancement Project, and the National Science, Research and Innovation Fund via the Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation, grant B37G660013 (Thailand); the Kavli Foundation; the Nvidia Corporation; the SuperMicro Corporation; the Welch Foundation, contract C-1845; and the Weston Havens Foundation (USA).
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