Measurement of the polarizations of prompt and non-prompt and ψ⸨2S⸩ mesons produced in pp collisions at √s=13TeV
- Creators
- Hayrapetyan, A.1
Tumasyan, A.1
Adam, W.2
- Andrejkovic, J.W.2
Bergauer, T.2
Chatterjee, S.2
Damanakis, K.2
Dragicevic, M.2
Hussain, P.S.2
Jeitler, M.2
Krammer, N.2
Li, A.2
Liko, D.2
Mikulec, I.2
Schieck, J.2
Schöfbeck, R.2
Schwarz, D.2
Sonawane, M.2
Templ, S.2
Waltenberger, W.2
Wulz, C.-E.2
Darwish, M.R.3
Janssen, T.3
- Van Laer, T.3
Van Mechelen, P.3
- Breugelmans, N.4
D'Hondt, J.4
Dansana, S.4
De Moor, A.4
Delcourt, M.4
- Heyen, F.4
Lowette, S.4
Makarenko, I.4
Müller, D.4
Tavernier, S.4
Tytgat, M.4
Van Onsem, G.P.4
Van Putte, S.4
Vannerom, D.4
Bilin, B.5
Clerbaux, B.5
- Das, A.K.5
De Lentdecker, G.5
Evard, H.5
Favart, L.5
Gianneios, P.5
Jaramillo, J.5
- Khalilzadeh, A.5
Khan, F.A.5
Lee, K.5
Mahdavikhorrami, M.5
Malara, A.5
Paredes, S.5
- Shahzad, M.A.5
Thomas, L.5
Vanden Bemden, M.5
Vander Velde, C.5
Vanlaer, P.5
De Coen, M.6
Dobur, D.6
Gokbulut, G.6
Hong, Y.6
Knolle, J.6
Lambrecht, L.6
Marckx, D.6
Mota Amarilo, K.6
- Samalan, A.6
Skovpen, K.6
Van Den Bossche, N.6
van der Linden, J.6
Wezenbeek, L.6
Benecke, A.7
Bethani, A.7
Bruno, G.7
Caputo, C.7
De Favereau De Jeneret, J.7
Delaere, C.7
Donertas, I.S.7
Giammanco, A.7
Guzel, A.O.7
Jain, Sa.7
- Lemaitre, V.7
Lidrych, J.7
Mastrapasqua, P.7
Tran, T.T.7
Wertz, S.7
Alves, G.A.8
Alves Gallo Pereira, M.8
Coelho, E.8
Correia Silva, G.8
Hensel, C.8
Menezes De Oliveira, T.8
Mora Herrera, C.8
Moraes, A.8
Rebello Teles, P.8
- Soeiro, M.8
Vilela Pereira, A.8
Aldá Júnior, W.L.9
Barroso Ferreira Filho, M.9
Brandao Malbouisson, H.9
Carvalho, W.9
- Chinellato, J.9
Da Costa, E.M.9
Da Silveira, G.G.9
De Jesus Damiao, D.9
Fonseca De Souza, S.9
- Gomes De Souza, R.9
Macedo, M.9
Martins, J.9
Mundim, L.9
Nogima, H.9
Pinheiro, J.P.9
Santoro, A.9
Sznajder, A.9
Thiel, M.9
Bernardes, C.A.10
Calligaris, L.10
Fernandez Perez Tomei, T.R.10
Gregores, E.M.10
- Lopes Da Costa, B.10
Maietto Silverio, I.10
Mercadante, P.G.10
Novaes, S.F.10
Orzari, B.10
Padula, Sandra S.10
Aleksandrov, A.11
Antchev, G.11
Hadjiiska, R.11
Iaydjiev, P.11
Misheva, M.11
Shopova, M.11
Sultanov, G.11
Dimitrov, A.12
Litov, L.12
Pavlov, B.12
Petkov, P.12
Petrov, A.12
Shumka, E.12
Keshri, S.13
Thakur, S.13
Cheng, T.14
Javaid, T.14
Yuan, L.14
Hu, Z.15
- Liang, Z.15
- Liu, J.15
Yi, K.15
Chen, G.M.16
Chen, H.S.16
Chen, M.16
Iemmi, F.16
- Jiang, C.H.16
Kapoor, A.16
Liao, H.16
Liu, Z.-A.16
Sharma, R.16
- Song, J.N.16
Tao, J.16
- Wang, C.16
Wang, J.16
- Wang, Z.16
Zhang, H.16
Zhao, J.16
Agapitos, A.17
Ban, Y.17
Deng, S.17
- Guo, B.17
Jiang, C.17
Levin, A.17
Li, C.17
Li, Q.17
- Mao, Y.17
- Qian, S.17
Qian, S.J.17
- Qin, X.17
Sun, X.17
Wang, D.17
- Yang, H.17
Zhang, L.17
- Zhao, Y.17
Zhou, C.17
Yang, S.18
You, Z.19
Jaffel, K.20
Lu, N.20
- Bauer, G.21
- Li, B.21
Zhang, J.21
Gao, X.22
Lin, Z.23
Lu, C.23
Xiao, M.23
Avila, C.24
- Barbosa Trujillo, D.A.24
Cabrera, A.24
Florez, C.24
Fraga, J.24
- Reyes Vega, J.A.24
Ramirez, F.25
- Rendón, C.25
Rodriguez, M.25
Ruales Barbosa, A.A.25
Ruiz Alvarez, J.D.25
Giljanovic, D.26
Godinovic, N.26
Lelas, D.26
Sculac, A.26
Kovac, M.27
- Petkovic, A.27
Sculac, T.27
Bargassa, P.28
Brigljevic, V.28
Chitroda, B.K.28
Ferencek, D.28
- Jakovcic, K.28
Mishra, S.28
Starodumov, A.28
Susa, T.28
Attikis, A.29
Christoforou, K.29
- Hadjiagapiou, A.29
- Leonidou, C.29
Mousa, J.29
- Nicolaou, C.29
- Paizanos, L.29
Ptochos, F.29
Razis, P.A.29
- Rykaczewski, H.29
Saka, H.29
Stepennov, A.29
Finger, M.30
Finger, M.
Kveton, A.30
Carrera Jarrin, E.31
- Assran, Y.32
- El-mahdy, B.32
- Elgammal, S.32
Mahmoud, M.A.33
Mohammed, Y.33
Ehataht, K.34
- Kadastik, M.34
Lange, T.34
Nandan, S.34
Nielsen, C.34
Pata, J.34
Raidal, M.34
Tani, L.34
Veelken, C.34
Kirschenmann, H.35
Osterberg, K.35
Voutilainen, M.35
Bharthuar, S.36
Bin Norjoharuddeen, N.36
Brücken, E.36
Garcia, F.36
Inkaew, P.36
Kallonen, K.T.S.36
Lampén, T.36
Lassila-Perini, K.36
Lehti, S.36
Lindén, T.36
Martikainen, L.36
Myllymäki, M.36
Rantanen, M.m.36
Siikonen, H.36
Tuominiemi, J.36
Luukka, P.37
Petrow, H.37
Besancon, M.38
Couderc, F.38
Dejardin, M.38
- Denegri, D.38
- Faure, J.L.38
Ferri, F.38
Ganjour, S.38
Gras, P.38
Hamel de Monchenault, G.38
Kumar, M.38
Lohezic, V.38
Malcles, J.38
Orlandi, F.38
Portales, L.38
Rosowsky, A.38
Sahin, M.Ö.38
Savoy-Navarro, A.38
Simkina, P.38
Titov, M.38
Tornago, M.38
Beaudette, F.39
Boldrini, G.39
Busson, P.39
Cappati, A.39
Charlot, C.39
Chiusi, M.39
Damas, F.39
Davignon, O.39
De Wit, A.39
Ehle, I.T.39
Fontana Santos Alves, B.A.39
Ghosh, S.39
Gilbert, A.39
Granier de Cassagnac, R.39
Hakimi, A.39
Harikrishnan, B.39
Kalipoliti, L.39
Liu, G.39
Nguyen, M.39
Ochando, C.39
Salerno, R.39
Sauvan, J.B.39
Sirois, Y.39
Urda Gómez, L.39
Vernazza, E.39
Zabi, A.39
Zghiche, A.39
Agram, J.-L.40
Andrea, J.40
Apparu, D.40
Bloch, D.40
Brom, J.-M.40
Chabert, E.C.40
Collard, C.40
Falke, S.40
Goerlach, U.40
Haeberle, R.40
Le Bihan, A.-C.40
Meena, M.40
Poncet, O.40
Saha, G.40
Sessini, M.A.40
Van Hove, P.40
Vaucelle, P.40
Di Florio, A.41
- Amram, D.42
Beauceron, S.42
Blancon, B.42
Boudoul, G.42
Chanon, N.42
Contardo, D.42
Depasse, P.42
Dozen, C.42
- El Mamouni, H.42
Fay, J.42
Gascon, S.42
Gouzevitch, M.42
- Greenberg, C.42
Grenier, G.42
Ille, B.42
- Jourd'huy, E.42
- Laktineh, I.B.42
Lethuillier, M.42
- Mirabito, L.42
- Perries, S.42
Purohit, A.42
Vander Donckt, M.42
Verdier, P.42
Xiao, J.42
Khvedelidze, A.43
Lomidze, I.43
Tsamalaidze, Z.43
Botta, V.44
Consuegra Rodríguez, S.44
Feld, L.44
Klein, K.44
Lipinski, M.44
Meuser, D.44
Pauls, A.44
Pérez Adán, D.44
Röwert, N.44
Teroerde, M.44
Diekmann, S.45
Dodonova, A.45
Eich, N.45
Eliseev, D.45
Engelke, F.45
Erdmann, J.45
Erdmann, M.45
Fackeldey, P.45
Fischer, B.45
Hebbeker, T.45
Hoepfner, K.45
Ivone, F.45
Jung, A.45
Lee, M.y.45
Mausolf, F.45
Merschmeyer, M.45
Meyer, A.45
Mukherjee, S.45
Noll, D.45
- Nowotny, F.45
Pozdnyakov, A.45
- Rath, Y.45
Redjeb, W.45
- Rehm, F.45
Reithler, H.45
Sarkisovi, V.45
Schmidt, A.45
Sharma, A.45
Spah, J.L.45
Stein, A.45
Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F.45
Wiedenbeck, S.45
- Zaleski, S.45
Dziwok, C.46
Flügge, G.46
Kress, T.46
Nowack, A.46
Pooth, O.46
Stahl, A.46
Ziemons, T.46
Zotz, A.46
Aarup Petersen, H.47
Aldaya Martin, M.47
Alimena, J.47
- Amoroso, S.47
An, Y.47
Bach, J.47
Baxter, S.47
Bayatmakou, M.47
Becerril Gonzalez, H.47
Behnke, O.47
Belvedere, A.47
Bhattacharya, S.47
Blekman, F.47
Borras, K.47
Campbell, A.47
Cardini, A.47
- Cheng, C.47
Colombina, F.47
De Silva, M.47
- Eckerlin, G.47
Eckstein, D.47
Estevez Banos, L.I.47
Filatov, O.47
Gallo, E.47
Geiser, A.47
Guglielmi, V.47
Guthoff, M.47
Hinzmann, A.47
Jeppe, L.47
Kaech, B.47
Kasemann, M.47
Kleinwort, C.47
Kogler, R.47
Komm, M.47
Krücker, D.47
- Lange, W.47
Leyva Pernia, D.47
Lipka, K.47
Lohmann, W.47
Lorkowski, F.47
Mankel, R.47
Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A.47
Mendizabal Morentin, M.47
Meyer, A.B.47
Milella, G.47
Moral Figueroa, K.47
Mussgiller, A.47
Nair, L.P.47
Niedziela, J.47
Nürnberg, A.47
- Otarid, Y.47
Park, J.47
Ranken, E.47
Raspereza, A.47
Rastorguev, D.47
- Rübenach, J.47
- Rygaard, L.47
Saggio, A.47
Scham, M.47
Schnake, S.47
Schütze, P.47
Schwanenberger, C.47
Selivanova, D.47
Sharko, K.47
Shchedrolosiev, M.47
- Stafford, D.47
Vazzoler, F.47
Ventura Barroso, A.47
Walsh, R.47
Wang, D.47
Wang, Q.47
Wen, Y.47
- Wichmann, K.47
Wiens, L.47
Wissing, C.47
Yang, Y.47
Zimermmane Castro Santos, A.47
Albrecht, A.48
Albrecht, S.48
Antonello, M.48
Bein, S.48
Benato, L.48
- Bollweg, S.48
Bonanomi, M.48
Connor, P.48
El Morabit, K.48
Fischer, Y.48
Garutti, E.48
Grohsjean, A.48
Haller, J.48
Jabusch, H.R.48
Kasieczka, G.48
- Keicher, P.48
Klanner, R.48
Korcari, W.48
Kramer, T.48
- Kuo, C.c.48
Kutzner, V.48
Labe, F.48
Lange, J.48
Lobanov, A.48
Matthies, C.48
Moureaux, L.48
- Mrowietz, M.48
Nigamova, A.48
- Nissan, Y.48
Paasch, A.48
Pena Rodriguez, K.J.48
Quadfasel, T.48
Raciti, B.48
Rieger, M.48
Savoiu, D.48
Schindler, J.48
Schleper, P.48
Schröder, M.48
Schwandt, J.48
Sommerhalder, M.48
Stadie, H.48
Steinbrück, G.48
- Tews, A.48
Wolf, M.48
Brommer, S.49
- Burkart, M.49
Butz, E.49
Chwalek, T.49
Dierlamm, A.49
- Droll, A.49
Faltermann, N.49
Giffels, M.49
Gottmann, A.49
Hartmann, F.49
Hofsaess, R.49
Horzela, M.49
Husemann, U.49
Kieseler, J.49
Klute, M.49
Koppenhöfer, R.49
Lawhorn, J.M.49
- Link, M.49
Lintuluoto, A.49
Maier, B.49
Maier, S.49
Mitra, S.49
Mormile, M.49
Müller, Th.49
- Neukum, M.49
Oh, M.49
Pfeffer, E.49
Presilla, M.49
Quast, G.49
Rabbertz, K.49
Regnery, B.49
Shadskiy, N.49
Shvetsov, I.49
Simonis, H.J.49
- Sowa, L.49
- Stockmeier, L.49
- Tauqeer, K.49
Toms, M.49
Trevisani, N.49
Von Cube, R.F.49
Wassmer, M.49
Wieland, S.49
- Wittig, F.49
Wolf, R.49
Zuo, X.49
- Anagnostou, G.50
Daskalakis, G.50
- Kyriakis, A.50
- Papadopoulos, A.50
Stakia, A.50
Kontaxakis, P.51
- Melachroinos, G.51
Painesis, Z.51
Papavergou, I.51
Paraskevas, I.51
Saoulidou, N.51
Theofilatos, K.51
Tziaferi, E.51
Vellidis, K.51
Zisopoulos, I.51
Bakas, G.52
- Chatzistavrou, T.52
Karapostoli, G.52
Kousouris, K.52
Papakrivopoulos, I.52
- Siamarkou, E.52
Tsipolitis, G.52
- Zacharopoulou, A.52
- Adamidis, K.53
- Bestintzanos, I.53
Evangelou, I.53
- Foudas, C.53
- Kamtsikis, C.53
- Katsoulis, P.53
Kokkas, P.53
Kosmoglou Kioseoglou, P.G.53
Manthos, N.53
Papadopoulos, I.53
Strologas, J.53
Hajdu, C.54
Horvath, D.54
- Márton, K.54
Rádl, A.J.54
Sikler, F.54
Veszpremi, V.54
Csanád, M.55
Farkas, K.55
Fehérkuti, A.55
Gadallah, M.M.A.55
Kadlecsik, Á.55
Major, P.55
Pásztor, G.55
Veres, G.I.55
Ujvari, B.56
Zilizi, G.56
- Bencze, G.57
- Czellar, S.57
- Molnar, J.57
- Szillasi, Z.57
Nemes, F.58
Novak, T.58
Babbar, J.59
Bansal, S.59
- Beri, S.B.59
Bhatnagar, V.59
Chaudhary, G.59
Chauhan, S.59
Dhingra, N.59
Kaur, A.59
Kaur, A.59
Kaur, H.59
Kaur, M.
Kumar, S.59
Sandeep, K.59
- Sheokand, T.59
Singh, J.B.59
Singla, A.59
Ahmed, A.60
Bhardwaj, A.60
Chhetri, A.60
Choudhary, B.C.60
Kumar, A.60
Kumar, A.61
Naimuddin, M.60
Ranjan, K.60
- Saini, M.K.60
Saumya, S.60
Baradia, S.62
Barman, S.62
Bhattacharya, S.62
- Das Gupta, S.62
Dutta, S.62
- Dutta, S.63
- Sarkar, S.62
Ameen, M.M.61
Behera, P.K.61
Behera, S.C.61
Chatterjee, S.61
Dash, G.61
Jana, P.61
Kalbhor, P.61
Kamble, S.61
Komaragiri, J.R.61
Kumar, D.64
Pujahari, P.R.61
Saha, N.R.61
Sharma, A.61
Sikdar, A.K.61
- Singh, R.K.61
- Verma, P.61
Verma, S.61
- Vijay, A.61
- Dugad, S.65
Mohanty, G.B.65
Parida, B.65
- Shelake, M.65
- Suryadevara, P.65
Bala, A.64
Banerjee, S.64
- Chatterjee, R.M.64
Guchait, M.64
Jain, Sh.64
- Jaiswal, A.64
Kumar, S.
Majumder, G.64
Mazumdar, K.64
Parolia, S.64
Thachayath, A.64
Bahinipati, S.66
Kar, C.66
Maity, D.66
Mal, P.66
Mishra, T.66
Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, V.K.66
Naskar, K.66
Nayak, A.66
- Nayak, S.66
- Pal, K.66
- Sadangi, P.66
Swain, S.K.66
Varghese, S.66
Vats, D.66
Acharya, S.67
Alpana, A.67
Dube, S.67
Gomber, B.67
Hazarika, P.67
Kansal, B.67
Laha, A.67
Sahu, B.67
Sharma, S.67
Vaish, K.Y.67
Bakhshiansohi, H.68
Jafari, A.68
Zeinali, M.68
- Bashiri, S.69
Chenarani, S.69
Etesami, S.M.69
Hosseini, Y.69
Khakzad, M.69
Khazaie, E.69
Mohammadi Najafabadi, M.69
Tizchang, S.69
Felcini, M.70
Grunewald, M.70
Abbrescia, M.71, 72
Colaleo, A.71, 72
Creanza, D.71, 73
D'Anzi, B.71, 72
De Filippis, N.71, 73
De Palma, M.71, 72
Elmetenawee, W.71, 72
Fiore, L.71
Iaselli, G.71, 73
Longo, L.71
- Louka, M.71, 72
Maggi, G.71, 73
Maggi, M.71
Margjeka, I.71
Mastrapasqua, V.71, 72
My, S.71, 72
Nuzzo, S.71, 72
Pellecchia, A.71, 72
Pompili, A.71, 72
Pugliese, G.71, 73
Radogna, R.71, 72
Ramos, D.71
Ranieri, A.71
Silvestris, L.71
Simone, F.M.71, 73
Sözbilir, Ü.71
Stamerra, A.71, 72
Troiano, D.71, 72
Venditti, R.71, 72
Verwilligen, P.71
Zaza, A.71, 72
Abbiendi, G.74
Battilana, C.74, 75
Bonacorsi, D.74, 75
Capiluppi, P.74, 75
Castro, A.74, 75
Cavallo, F.R.74
Cuffiani, M.74, 75
Dallavalle, G.M.74
Diotalevi, T.74, 75
Fabbri, F.74
Fanfani, A.74, 75
Fasanella, D.74
Giacomelli, P.74
Giommi, L.74, 75
Grandi, C.74
Guiducci, L.74, 75
Lo Meo, S.74
Lorusso, M.74, 75
Lunerti, L.74
Marcellini, S.74
Masetti, G.74
Navarria, F.L.74, 75
Paggi, G.74, 75
Perrotta, A.74
Primavera, F.74, 75
Rossi, A.M.74, 75
Rossi Tisbeni, S.74, 75
Rovelli, T.74, 75
Siroli, G.P.74, 75
Costa, S.76, 77
Di Mattia, A.76
Lapertosa, A.76
- Potenza, R.76, 77
Tricomi, A.76, 77
Tuve, C.76, 77
Assiouras, P.78
Barbagli, G.78
Bardelli, G.78, 79
Camaiani, B.78, 79
Cassese, A.78
Ceccarelli, R.78
Ciulli, V.78, 79
Civinini, C.78
D'Alessandro, R.78, 79
Focardi, E.78, 79
- Kello, T.78
Latino, G.78, 79
Lenzi, P.78, 79
Lizzo, M.78
Meschini, M.78
Paoletti, S.78
- Papanastassiou, A.78, 79
Sguazzoni, G.78
Viliani, L.78
Benussi, L.80
Bianco, S.80
Meola, S.80
Piccolo, D.80
Chatagnon, P.81
Ferro, F.81
Robutti, E.81
Tosi, S.81, 82
Benaglia, A.83
Brivio, F.83
Cetorelli, F.83, 84
De Guio, F.83, 84
Dinardo, M.E.83, 84
Dini, P.83
Gennai, S.83
Gerosa, R.83, 84
Ghezzi, A.83, 84
Govoni, P.83, 84
Guzzi, L.83
Lucchini, M.T.83, 84
Malberti, M.83
Malvezzi, S.83
Massironi, A.83
Menasce, D.83
Moroni, L.83
Paganoni, M.83, 84
Palluotto, S.83, 84
Pedrini, D.83
Perego, A.83, 84
- Pinolini, B.S.83
- Pizzati, G.83, 84
Ragazzi, S.83, 84
Tabarelli de Fatis, T.83, 84
Buontempo, S.85
Cagnotta, A.85, 86
- Carnevali, F.85, 86
Cavallo, N.85, 87
Fabozzi, F.85, 87
Iorio, A.O.M.85, 86
Lista, L.85, 86
Paolucci, P.85
Rossi, B.85
Ardino, R.88
Azzi, P.88
Bacchetta, N.88
Bisello, D.88, 89
Bortignon, P.88
- Bortolato, G.88, 89
Bragagnolo, A.88, 89
Bulla, A.C.M.88
Carlin, R.88, 89
Checchia, P.88
Dorigo, T.88
Gasparini, F.88, 89
Gasparini, U.88, 89
Lusiani, E.88
Margoni, M.88, 89
Meneguzzo, A.T.88, 89
Michelotto, M.88
Migliorini, M.88, 89
Pazzini, J.88, 89
Ronchese, P.88, 89
Rossin, R.88, 89
Simonetto, F.88, 89
Tosi, M.88, 89
Triossi, A.88, 89
Zanetti, M.88, 89
Zotto, P.88, 89
Zucchetta, A.88, 89
Zumerle, G.88, 89
Aimè, C.90
Braghieri, A.90
Calzaferri, S.90
Fiorina, D.90
Montagna, P.90, 91
Re, V.90
Riccardi, C.90, 91
Salvini, P.90
Vai, I.90, 91
Vitulo, P.90, 91
Ajmal, S.92, 93
- Ascioti, M.E.92, 93
Bilei, G.M.92
- Carrivale, C.92, 93
Ciangottini, D.92, 93
Fanò, L.92, 93
Magherini, M.92, 93
Mariani, V.92, 93
Menichelli, M.92
Moscatelli, F.92
Rossi, A.92, 93
Santocchia, A.92, 93
Spiga, D.92
Tedeschi, T.92, 93
Alexe, C.A.94, 95
Asenov, P.94, 96
Azzurri, P.94
Bagliesi, G.94
Bhattacharya, R.94
Bianchini, L.94, 96
Boccali, T.94
Bossini, E.94
Bruschini, D.94, 95
Castaldi, R.94
Ciocci, M.A.94, 96
Cipriani, M.94, 96
D'Amante, V.94, 97
Dell'Orso, R.94
Donato, S.94
Giassi, A.94
Ligabue, F.94, 95
Marini, A.C.94
Matos Figueiredo, D.94
Messineo, A.94, 96
Musich, M.94, 96
Palla, F.94
Rizzi, A.94, 96
Rolandi, G.94, 95
Roy Chowdhury, S.94
Sarkar, T.94
Scribano, A.94
Spagnolo, P.94
Tenchini, R.94
Tonelli, G.94, 96
Turini, N.94, 97
Vaselli, F.94, 95
Venturi, A.94
Verdini, P.G.94
Baldenegro Barrera, C.98, 99
Barria, P.98
Basile, C.98, 99
Campana, M.98, 99
Cavallari, F.98
Cunqueiro Mendez, L.98, 99
Del Re, D.98, 99
Di Marco, E.98, 99
Diemoz, M.98
Errico, F.98, 99
Longo, E.98, 99
Mijuskovic, J.98, 99
Organtini, G.98, 99
Pandolfi, F.98
Paramatti, R.98, 99
Quaranta, C.98, 99
Rahatlou, S.98, 99
Rovelli, C.98
Santanastasio, F.98, 99
Soffi, L.98
Amapane, N.100, 101
Arcidiacono, R.100, 102
Argiro, S.100, 101
Arneodo, M.100, 102
Bartosik, N.100
Bellan, R.100, 101
Bellora, A.100, 101
Biino, C.100
Borca, C.100, 101
Cartiglia, N.100
Costa, M.100, 101
Covarelli, R.100, 101
Demaria, N.100
Finco, L.100
Grippo, M.100, 101
Kiani, B.100, 101
Legger, F.100
Luongo, F.100, 101
Mariotti, C.100
Markovic, L.100, 101
Maselli, S.100
Mecca, A.100, 101
- Menzio, L.100, 101
Meridiani, P.100
Migliore, E.100, 101
Monteno, M.100
Mulargia, R.100
Obertino, M.M.100, 101
Ortona, G.100
Pacher, L.100, 101
Pastrone, N.100
Pelliccioni, M.100
Ruspa, M.100, 102
Siviero, F.100, 101
Sola, V.100, 101
Solano, A.100, 101
Staiano, A.100
Tarricone, C.100, 101
Trocino, D.100
Umoret, G.100, 101
White, R.100, 101
Belforte, S.103
Candelise, V.103, 104
Casarsa, M.103
Cossutti, F.103
De Leo, K.103
Della Ricca, G.103, 104
Dogra, S.105
Hong, J.105
Huh, C.105
Kim, B.105
- Kim, J.105
- Lee, D.105
- Lee, H.105
Lee, S.W.105
Moon, C.S.105
Oh, Y.D.105
Ryu, M.S.105
Sekmen, S.105
- Tae, B.105
Yang, Y.C.105
Kim, M.S.106
Bak, G.107
Gwak, P.107
Kim, H.107
Moon, D.H.107
Asilar, E.108
Choi, J.108
Kim, D.108
Kim, T.J.108
- Merlin, J.A.108
- Ryou, Y.108
Choi, S.109
- Han, S.109
Hong, B.109
- Lee, K.109
Lee, K.S.109
Lee, S.109
Yoo, J.109
Goh, J.110
Yang, S.110
Kim, H.S.111
- Kim, Y.111
- Lee, S.111
- Almond, J.112
- Bhyun, J.H.112
Choi, J.112
- Choi, J.113
Jun, W.112
Kim, J.112
Ko, S.112
Kwon, H.112
Lee, H.112
Lee, J.112
Lee, J.114
Oh, B.H.112
Oh, S.B.112
Seo, H.112
- Yang, U.K.112
Yoon, I.112
Jang, W.114
- Kang, D.Y.114
Kang, Y.114
Kim, S.114
- Ko, B.114
Lee, J.S.H.114
Lee, Y.113
Park, I.C.114
- Roh, Y.114
Watson, I.J.114
Ha, S.115
Yoo, H.D.115
Choi, M.
Kim, M.R.113
- Lee, H.113
Lee, Y.116
Yu, I.113
- Beyrouthy, T.117
- Gharbia, Y.117
Alazemi, F.118
Dreimanis, K.119
Gaile, A.119
- Pikurs, G.119
Potrebko, A.119
Seidel, M.119
- Sidiropoulos Kontos, D.119
Strautnieks, N.R.120
Ambrozas, M.121
Juodagalvis, A.121
Rinkevicius, A.121
Tamulaitis, G.121
Yusuff, I.122
- Zolkapli, Z.122
Benitez, J.F.123
Castaneda Hernandez, A.123
- Encinas Acosta, H.A.123
- Gallegos Maríñez, L.G.123
León Coello, M.123
Murillo Quijada, J.A.123
Sehrawat, A.123
Valencia Palomo, L.123
Ayala, G.124
Castilla-Valdez, H.124
- Crotte Ledesma, H.124
De La Cruz-Burelo, E.124
Heredia-De La Cruz, I.124
Lopez-Fernandez, R.124
Mejia Guisao, J.124
- Mondragon Herrera, C.A.124
Sánchez Hernández, A.124
Oropeza Barrera, C.125
- Ramirez Guadarrama, D.L.125
Ramírez García, M.125
Bautista, I.126
Pedraza, I.126
Salazar Ibarguen, H.A.126
Uribe Estrada, C.126
Bubanja, I.127
Raicevic, N.127
Butler, P.H.128
Ahmad, A.129
- Asghar, M.I.129
Awais, A.129
- Awan, M.I.M.129
Hoorani, H.R.129
Khan, W.A.129
- Avati, V.130
Grzanka, L.130
Malawski, M.130
Bialkowska, H.131
Bluj, M.131
Górski, M.131
Kazana, M.131
Szleper, M.131
Zalewski, P.131
Bunkowski, K.132
Doroba, K.132
Kalinowski, A.132
Konecki, M.132
Krolikowski, J.132
Muhammad, A.132
Pozniak, K.133
Zabolotny, W.133
Araujo, M.134
Bastos, D.134
Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C.134
Boletti, A.134
Bozzo, M.134
Camporesi, T.134
Da Molin, G.134
Faccioli, P.134
Gallinaro, M.134
Hollar, J.134
Leonardo, N.134
- Marozzo, G.B.134
Niknejad, T.134
Petrilli, A.134
Pisano, M.134
Seixas, J.134
Varela, J.134
- Wulff, J.W.134
Adzic, P.135
Milenovic, P.135
Dordevic, M.136
Milosevic, J.136
- Rekovic, V.136
Alcaraz Maestre, J.137
Bedoya, Cristina F.137
Carretero, Oliver M.137
Cepeda, M.137
Cerrada, M.137
Colino, N.137
De La Cruz, B.137
Delgado Peris, A.137
Escalante Del Valle, A.137
Fernández Del Val, D.137
Fernández Ramos, J.P.137
Flix, J.137
Fouz, M.C.137
Gonzalez Lopez, O.137
Goy Lopez, S.137
Hernandez, J.M.137
Josa, M.I.137
Martin Viscasillas, E.137
Moran, D.137
Morcillo Perez, C.M.137
Navarro Tobar, Á.137
Perez Dengra, C.137
Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A.137
Puerta Pelayo, J.137
Redondo, I.137
Sánchez Navas, S.137
Sastre, J.137
Vazquez Escobar, J.137
de Trocóniz, J.F.138
Alvarez Gonzalez, B.139
Cuevas, J.139
Fernandez Menendez, J.139
Folgueras, S.139
Gonzalez Caballero, I.139
González Fernández, J.R.139
Leguina, P.139
Palencia Cortezon, E.139
- Prado Pico, J.139
Ramón Álvarez, C.139
Rodríguez Bouza, V.139
Soto Rodríguez, A.139
Trapote, A.139
Vico Villalba, C.139
Vischia, P.139
Bhowmik, S.140
Blanco Fernández, S.140
Brochero Cifuentes, J.A.140
Cabrillo, I.J.140
Calderon, A.140
Duarte Campderros, J.140
Fernandez, M.140
Gomez, G.140
Lasaosa García, C.140
Lopez Ruiz, R.140
Martinez Rivero, C.140
Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P.140
Matorras, F.140
Matorras Cuevas, P.140
Navarrete Ramos, E.140
Piedra Gomez, J.140
Scodellaro, L.140
Vila, I.140
Vizan Garcia, J.M.140
Kailasapathy, B.141
Wickramarathna, D.D.C.141
Dharmaratna, W.G.D.142
Liyanage, K.142
Perera, N.142
Abbaneo, D.143
Amendola, C.143
Auffray, E.143
Auzinger, G.143
- Baechler, J.143
Barney, D.143
Bermúdez Martínez, A.143
Bianco, M.143
Bin Anuar, A.A.143
Bocci, A.143
Borgonovi, L.143
Botta, C.143
Brondolin, E.143
Caillol, C.143
Cerminara, G.143
Chernyavskaya, N.143
d'Enterria, D.143
Dabrowski, A.143
David, A.143
De Roeck, A.143
Defranchis, M.M.143
Deile, M.143
Dobson, M.143
Franzoni, G.143
Funk, W.143
- Giani, S.143
- Gigi, D.143
Gill, K.143
Glege, F.143
Hegeman, J.143
Heikkilä, J.K.143
- Huber, B.143
Innocente, V.143
James, T.143
Janot, P.143
Kaluzinska, O.143
Karacheban, O.143
Laurila, S.143
Lecoq, P.143
Leutgeb, E.143
Lourenço, C.143
Malgeri, L.143
Mannelli, M.143
- Matthewman, M.143
Mehta, A.143
Meijers, F.143
Mersi, S.143
Meschi, E.143
Milosevic, V.143
Monti, F.143
Moortgat, F.143
Mulders, M.143
Neutelings, I.143
- Orfanelli, S.143
Pantaleo, F.143
Petrucciani, G.143
Pfeiffer, A.143
Pierini, M.143
Qu, H.143
Rabady, D.143
Ribeiro Lopes, B.143
Rovere, M.143
Sakulin, H.143
Sanchez Cruz, S.143
Scarfi, S.143
- Schwick, C.143
Selvaggi, M.143
Sharma, A.143
Shchelina, K.143
Silva, P.143
Sphicas, P.143
Stahl Leiton, A.G.143
Steen, A.143
Summers, S.143
Treille, D.143
Tropea, P.143
Walter, D.143
Wanczyk, J.143
- Wang, J.143
Wuchterl, S.143
Zehetner, P.143
Zejdl, P.143
- Zeuner, W.D.143
Bevilacqua, T.144
Caminada, L.144
Ebrahimi, A.144
Erdmann, W.144
Horisberger, R.144
Ingram, Q.144
Kaestli, H.C.144
Kotlinski, D.144
Lange, C.144
Missiroli, M.144
Noehte, L.144
Rohe, T.144
Aarrestad, T.K.145
Androsov, K.145
Backhaus, M.145
- Bonomelli, G.145
Calandri, A.145
Cazzaniga, C.145
Datta, K.145
De Bryas Dexmiers D'archiac, P.145
De Cosa, A.145
Dissertori, G.145
- Dittmar, M.145
Donegà, M.145
Eble, F.145
Galli, M.145
Gedia, K.145
Glessgen, F.145
Grab, C.145
Härringer, N.145
- Harte, T.G.145
Hits, D.145
Lustermann, W.145
Lyon, A.-M.145
Manzoni, R.A.145
Marchegiani, M.145
Marchese, L.145
Martin Perez, C.145
Mascellani, A.145
Nessi-Tedaldi, F.145
Pauss, F.145
Perovic, V.145
Pigazzini, S.145
Reissel, C.145
Reitenspiess, T.145
Ristic, B.145
Riti, F.145
Seidita, R.145
Steggemann, J.145
Tarabini, A.145
Valsecchi, D.145
Wallny, R.145
Amsler, C.146
Bärtschi, P.146
Canelli, M.F.146
Cormier, K.146
Huwiler, M.146
Jin, W.146
Jofrehei, A.146
Kilminster, B.146
Leontsinis, S.146
Liechti, S.P.146
Macchiolo, A.146
Meiring, P.146
Meng, F.146
Molinatti, U.146
Motta, J.146
Reimers, A.146
- Robmann, P.146
Senger, M.146
- Shokr, E.146
Stäger, F.146
Tramontano, R.146
- Adloff, C.147
- Bhowmik, D.147
- Kuo, C.M.147
- Lin, W.147
Rout, P.K.147
Tiwari, P.C.147
Yu, S.S.147
- Ceard, L.148
Chen, K.F.148
- Chen, P.s.148
- Chen, Z.g.148
De Iorio, A.148
Hou, W.-S.148
- Hsu, T.h.148
- Kao, Y.w.148
Karmakar, S.148
Kole, G.148
Li, Y.y.148
Lu, R.-S.148
Paganis, E.148
Su, X.f.148
Thomas-Wilsker, J.148
- Tsai, L.s.148
- Wu, H.y.148
Yazgan, E.148
Asawatangtrakuldee, C.149
Srimanobhas, N.149
Wachirapusitanand, V.149
Agyel, D.150
Boran, F.150
Dolek, F.150
Dumanoglu, I.150
Eskut, E.150
Guler, Y.150
Gurpinar Guler, E.150
Isik, C.150
- Kara, O.150
Kayis Topaksu, A.150
Kiminsu, U.150
Onengut, G.150
Ozdemir, K.150
Polatoz, A.150
Tali, B.150
Tok, U.G.150
Turkcapar, S.150
Uslan, E.150
Zorbakir, I.S.150
- Sokmen, G.151
Yalvac, M.151
Akgun, B.152
Atakisi, I.O.152
Gülmez, E.152
Kaya, M.152
Kaya, O.152
Tekten, S.152
Cakir, A.153
Cankocak, K.153
Dincer, G.G.153
Komurcu, Y.153
Sen, S.153
Aydilek, O.154
Hacisahinoglu, B.154
Hos, I.154
Kaynak, B.154
Ozkorucuklu, S.154
Potok, O.154
Sert, H.154
Simsek, C.154
Zorbilmez, C.154
Cerci, S.155
Isildak, B.155
Sunar Cerci, D.155
Yetkin, T.155
Boyaryntsev, A.156
Grynyov, B.156
Levchuk, L.157
Anthony, D.158
Brooke, J.J.158
Bundock, A.158
Bury, F.158
Clement, E.158
Cussans, D.158
Flacher, H.158
- Glowacki, M.158
Goldstein, J.158
Heath, H.F.158
Holmberg, M.-L.158
Kreczko, L.158
Paramesvaran, S.158
- Robertshaw, L.158
- Seif El Nasr-Storey, S.158
Smith, V.J.158
Stylianou, N.158
- Walkingshaw Pass, K.158
- Ball, A.H.159
Bell, K.W.159
Belyaev, A.159
Brew, C.159
Brown, R.M.159
Cockerill, D.J.A.159
Cooke, C.159
Elliot, A.159
- Ellis, K.V.159
Harder, K.159
Harper, S.159
Linacre, J.159
- Manolopoulos, K.159
Newbold, D.M.159
- Olaiya, E.159
Petyt, D.159
Reis, T.159
Sahasransu, A.R.159
Salvi, G.159
- Schuh, T.159
Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H.159
Tomalin, I.R.159
Whalen, K.C.159
Williams, T.159
Andreou, I.160
Bainbridge, R.160
Bloch, P.160
Brown, C.E.160
- Buchmuller, O.160
- Cacchio, V.160
Carrillo Montoya, C.A.160
Chahal, G.S.160
Colling, D.160
- Dancu, J.S.160
Das, I.160
Dauncey, P.160
Davies, G.160
- Davies, J.160
Della Negra, M.160
- Fayer, S.160
Fedi, G.160
Hall, G.160
Hassanshahi, M.H.160
- Howard, A.160
Iles, G.160
Knight, M.160
Langford, J.160
León Holgado, J.160
Lyons, L.160
Magnan, A.-M.160
- Mallios, S.160
Mieskolainen, M.160
Nash, J.160
Pesaresi, M.160
- Pradeep, P.B.160
Radburn-Smith, B.C.160
- Richards, A.160
Rose, A.160
Savva, K.160
Seez, C.160
Shukla, R.160
Tapper, A.160
Uchida, K.160
Uttley, G.P.160
- Vage, L.H.160
Virdee, T.160
Vojinovic, M.160
Wardle, N.160
Winterbottom, D.160
- Coldham, K.161
Cole, J.E.161
- Khan, A.161
Kyberd, P.161
Reid, I.D.161
Abdullin, S.162
Brinkerhoff, A.162
Collins, E.162
Dittmann, J.162
Hatakeyama, K.162
Hiltbrand, J.162
McMaster, B.162
Samudio, J.162
Sawant, S.162
Sutantawibul, C.162
Wilson, J.162
Bartek, R.163
Dominguez, A.163
- Huerta Escamilla, C.163
Simsek, A.E.163
Uniyal, R.163
Vargas Hernandez, A.M.163
Bam, B.164
Buchot Perraguin, A.164
Chudasama, R.164
Cooper, S.I.164
Crovella, C.164
Gleyzer, S.V.164
- Pearson, E.164
Perez, C.U.164
Rumerio, P.164
Usai, E.164
Yi, R.164
Akpinar, A.165
Cosby, C.165
- De Castro, G.165
Demiragli, Z.165
Erice, C.165
Fangmeier, C.165
Fernandez Madrazo, C.165
Fontanesi, E.165
Gastler, D.165
Golf, F.165
Jeon, S.165
- O'cain, J.165
Reed, I.165
Rohlf, J.165
Salyer, K.165
Sperka, D.165
Spitzbart, D.165
Suarez, I.165
Tsatsos, A.165
Zecchinelli, A.G.165
Benelli, G.166
Cutts, D.166
Gouskos, L.166
Hadley, M.166
Heintz, U.166
Hogan, J.M.166
Kwon, T.166
Landsberg, G.166
Lau, K.T.166
Li, D.166
Luo, J.166
Mondal, S.166
Narain, M.166
Pervan, N.166
- Russell, T.166
Sagir, S.166
Simpson, F.166
Stamenkovic, M.166
- Venkatasubramanian, N.166
Yan, X.166
Abbott, S.167
Brainerd, C.167
Breedon, R.167
Cai, H.167
Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M.167
Chertok, M.167
Citron, M.167
Conway, J.167
Cox, P.T.167
Erbacher, R.167
Jensen, F.167
Kukral, O.167
Mocellin, G.167
Mulhearn, M.167
Ostrom, S.167
Wei, W.167
Yao, Y.167
Yoo, S.167
Zhang, F.167
Bachtis, M.168
Cousins, R.168
Datta, A.168
Flores Avila, G.168
Hauser, J.168
Ignatenko, M.168
Iqbal, M.A.168
Lam, T.168
Manca, E.168
- Nunez Del Prado, A.168
Saltzberg, D.168
Valuev, V.168
Clare, R.169
Gary, J.W.169
- Gordon, M.169
Hanson, G.169
Si, W.169
- Aportela, A.116
Arora, A.116
Branson, J.G.116
Cittolin, S.116
Cooperstein, S.116
Diaz, D.116
Duarte, J.116
Giannini, L.116
- Gu, Y.116
Guiang, J.116
Kansal, R.116
Krutelyov, V.116
Lee, R.170
Letts, J.116
Masciovecchio, M.116
Mokhtar, F.116
Mukherjee, S.116
Pieri, M.116
Quinnan, M.116
Sathia Narayanan, B.V.116
Sharma, V.116
Tadel, M.116
Vourliotis, E.116
Würthwein, F.116
Xiang, Y.116
Yagil, A.116
Barzdukas, A.171
Brennan, L.171
Campagnari, C.171
Downham, K.171
Grieco, C.171
Incandela, J.171
Kim, J.171
Li, A.J.171
Masterson, P.171
Mei, H.171
Richman, J.171
Santpur, S.N.171
Sarica, U.171
Schmitz, R.171
Setti, F.171
Sheplock, J.171
Stuart, D.171
Vámi, T.Á.171
Wang, S.171
- Zhang, D.171
Bornheim, A.172
Cerri, O.172
- Latorre, A.172
Mao, J.172
Newman, H.B.172
Reales Gutiérrez, G.172
Spiropulu, M.172
Vlimant, J.R.172
Wang, C.172
Xie, S.172
Zhu, R.Y.172
Alison, J.63
An, S.63
Bryant, P.63
- Cremonesi, M.63
Dutta, V.173
Ferguson, T.63
Gómez Espinosa, T.A.63
Harilal, A.63
- Kallil Tharayil, A.63
Liu, C.63
Mudholkar, T.63
Murthy, S.63
Palit, P.63
- Park, K.63
Paulini, M.63
Roberts, A.63
Sanchez, A.63
Terrill, W.63
Cumalat, J.P.174
Ford, W.T.174
Hart, A.174
Hassani, A.174
Karathanasis, G.174
Manganelli, N.174
Perloff, A.174
Savard, C.174
Schonbeck, N.174
Stenson, K.174
Ulmer, K.A.174
Wagner, S.R.174
Zipper, N.174
Zuolo, D.174
Alexander, J.175
Bright-Thonney, S.175
Chen, X.175
Cranshaw, D.J.175
Fan, J.175
Fan, X.175
Hogan, S.175
- Kotamnives, P.175
Monroy, J.175
Oshiro, M.175
Patterson, J.R.175
Reid, M.175
Ryd, A.175
Thom, J.175
Wittich, P.175
Zou, R.175
Albrow, M.173
Alyari, M.173
Amram, O.173
Apollinari, G.173
Apresyan, A.173
Bauerdick, L.A.T.173
Berry, D.173
Berryhill, J.173
Bhat, P.C.173
Burkett, K.173
Butler, J.N.173
Canepa, A.173
Cerati, G.B.173
Cheung, H.W.K.173
Chlebana, F.173
Cummings, G.173
Dickinson, J.173
Dutta, I.
Elvira, V.D.173
Feng, Y.173
Freeman, J.173
Gandrakota, A.173
Gecse, Z.173
Gray, L.173
- Green, D.173
Grummer, A.173
Grünendahl, S.173
Guerrero, D.173
Gutsche, O.173
Harris, R.M.173
Heller, R.173
Herwig, T.C.173
Hirschauer, J.173
Jayatilaka, B.173
Jindariani, S.173
Johnson, M.173
Joshi, U.173
Klijnsma, T.173
Klima, B.173
Kwok, K.H.M.173
Lammel, S.173
Lincoln, D.173
Lipton, R.173
Liu, T.173
Madrid, C.173
Maeshima, K.173
Mantilla, C.173
Mason, D.173
McBride, P.173
Merkel, P.173
Mrenna, S.173
Nahn, S.173
Ngadiuba, J.173
Noonan, D.173
- Norberg, S.173
Papadimitriou, V.173
Pastika, N.173
Pedro, K.173
Pena, C.173
Ravera, F.173
Reinsvold Hall, A.173
Ristori, L.173
Safdari, M.173
Sexton-Kennedy, E.173
Smith, N.173
Soha, A.173
Spiegel, L.173
Stoynev, S.173
Strait, J.173
Taylor, L.173
Tkaczyk, S.173
Tran, N.V.173
Uplegger, L.173
Vaandering, E.W.173
Zoi, I.173
Aruta, C.176
Avery, P.176
Bourilkov, D.176
Chang, P.176
Cherepanov, V.176
- Field, R.D.176
Koenig, E.176
Kolosova, M.176
Konigsberg, J.176
Korytov, A.176
Matchev, K.176
Menendez, N.176
Mitselmakher, G.176
Mohrman, K.176
Muthirakalayil Madhu, A.176
Rawal, N.176
Rosenzweig, S.176
Takahashi, Y.176
Wang, J.176
Adams, T.177
Al Kadhim, A.177
Askew, A.177
Bower, S.177
Habibullah, R.177
Hagopian, V.177
Hashmi, R.177
Kim, R.S.177
Kim, S.177
Kolberg, T.177
- Martinez, G.177
Prosper, H.177
- Prova, P.R.177
Wulansatiti, M.177
Yohay, R.177
- Zhang, J.177
- Alsufyani, B.178
Baarmand, M.M.178
Butalla, S.178
Das, S.178
Elkafrawy, T.178
Hohlmann, M.178
- Rahmani, M.178
- Yanes, E.178
Adams, M.R.170
Baty, A.170
- Bennett, C.170
Cavanaugh, R.170
Escobar Franco, R.170
Evdokimov, O.170
Gerber, C.E.170
- Hawksworth, M.170
- Hingrajiya, A.170
Hofman, D.J.170
Lee, J.h.179
Lemos, D.S.170
Merrit, A.H.170
Mills, C.170
Nanda, S.170
Oh, G.170
Ozek, B.170
Pilipovic, D.170
Pradhan, R.170
- Prifti, E.170
Roy, T.170
Rudrabhatla, S.170
Tonjes, M.B.170
Varelas, N.170
Wadud, M.A.170
Ye, Z.170
Yoo, J.170
Alhusseini, M.180
- Blend, D.180
Dilsiz, K.180
Emediato, L.180
Karaman, G.180
Köseyan, O.K.180
- Merlo, J.-P.180
Mestvirishvili, A.180
- Neogi, O.180
Ogul, H.180
Onel, Y.180
Penzo, A.180
- Snyder, C.180
Tiras, E.180
Blumenfeld, B.181
Corcodilos, L.181
Davis, J.181
Gritsan, A.V.181
Kang, L.181
Kyriacou, S.181
Maksimovic, P.181
Roguljic, M.181
Roskes, J.181
Sekhar, S.181
Swartz, M.181
Abreu, A.182
Alcerro Alcerro, L.F.182
Anguiano, J.182
Arteaga Escatel, S.182
Baringer, P.182
Bean, A.182
Flowers, Z.182
Grove, D.182
King, J.182
Krintiras, G.182
Lazarovits, M.182
Le Mahieu, C.182
Marquez, J.182
Murray, M.182
Nickel, M.182
Pitt, M.182
Popescu, S.182
Rogan, C.182
Royon, C.182
Salvatico, R.182
Sanders, S.182
Smith, C.182
Wilson, G.182
Allmond, B.183
Gujju Gurunadha, R.183
Ivanov, A.183
Kaadze, K.183
Maravin, Y.183
Natoli, J.183
Roy, D.183
Sorrentino, G.183
Baden, A.184
Belloni, A.184
- Bistany-riebman, J.184
Chen, Y.M.184
Eno, S.C.184
Hadley, N.J.184
Jabeen, S.184
Kellogg, R.G.184
Koeth, T.184
- Kronheim, B.184
Lai, Y.184
Lascio, S.184
Mignerey, A.C.184
Nabili, S.184
Palmer, C.184
Papageorgakis, C.184
- Paranjpe, M.M.184
Wang, L.184
Bendavid, J.179
Cali, I.A.179
Chou, P.c.179
D'Alfonso, M.179
Eysermans, J.179
Freer, C.179
Gomez-Ceballos, G.179
- Goncharov, M.179
- Grosso, G.179
- Harris, P.179
- Hoang, D.179
Kovalskyi, D.179
Krupa, J.179
Lavezzo, L.179
Lee, Y.-J.185
Long, K.179
- Mcginn, C.179
Novak, A.179
Paus, C.179
Roland, C.179
Roland, G.179
Rothman, S.179
Stephans, G.S.F.179
Wang, Z.179
Wyslouch, B.179
Yang, T.J.179
Crossman, B.186
Joshi, B.M.186
Kapsiak, C.186
Krohn, M.186
Mahon, D.186
Mans, J.186
Marzocchi, B.186
Rusack, R.186
Saradhy, R.186
Strobbe, N.186
Bloom, K.187
Claes, D.R.187
Haza, G.187
Hossain, J.187
Joo, C.187
Kravchenko, I.187
Siado, J.E.187
Tabb, W.187
Vagnerini, A.187
Wightman, A.187
Yan, F.187
Yu, D.187
Bandyopadhyay, H.188
Hay, L.188
- Hsia, H.w.188
Iashvili, I.188
Kalogeropoulos, A.188
Kharchilava, A.188
Morris, M.188
Nguyen, D.188
Rappoccio, S.188
- Rejeb Sfar, H.188
Williams, A.188
Young, P.188
Alverson, G.189
Barberis, E.189
Bonilla, J.189
- Dervan, J.189
Haddad, Y.189
Han, Y.189
Krishna, A.189
Li, J.189
Lu, M.189
Madigan, G.189
Mccarthy, R.189
Morse, D.M.189
Nguyen, V.189
Orimoto, T.189
Parker, A.189
Skinnari, L.189
Wood, D.189
- Bueghly, J.190
Dittmer, S.190
Hahn, K.A.190
Liu, Y.190
Miao, Y.190
Monk, D.G.190
Schmitt, M.H.190
Taliercio, A.190
- Velasco, M.190
Agarwal, G.191
Band, R.191
- Bucci, R.191
Castells, S.191
Das, A.191
Goldouzian, R.191
Hildreth, M.191
Ho, K.W.191
Hurtado Anampa, K.191
Ivanov, T.191
Jessop, C.191
Lannon, K.191
Lawrence, J.191
Loukas, N.191
Lutton, L.191
- Mariano, J.191
- Marinelli, N.191
- Mcalister, I.191
McCauley, T.191
Mcgrady, C.191
Moore, C.191
Musienko, Y.191
Nelson, H.191
Osherson, M.191
Piccinelli, A.191
Ruchti, R.191
Townsend, A.191
- Wan, Y.191
Wayne, M.191
- Yockey, H.191
Zarucki, M.191
Zygala, L.191
Basnet, A.192
- Bylsma, B.192
Carrigan, M.192
Durkin, L.S.192
Hill, C.192
Joyce, M.192
Nunez Ornelas, M.192
- Wei, K.192
Winer, B.L.192
Yates, B.R.192
Bouchamaoui, H.193
Das, P.193
Dezoort, G.193
Elmer, P.193
Frankenthal, A.193
Greenberg, B.193
Haubrich, N.193
- Kennedy, K.193
Kopp, G.193
Kwan, S.193
Lange, D.193
Loeliger, A.193
Marlow, D.193
Ojalvo, I.193
Olsen, J.193
Shevelev, A.193
Stickland, D.193
Tully, C.193
Malik, S.194
Bakshi, A.S.195
Chandra, S.195
Chawla, R.195
Gu, A.195
- Gutay, L.195
Jones, M.195
Jung, A.W.195
- Koshy, A.M.195
Liu, M.195
Negro, G.195
Neumeister, N.195
Paspalaki, G.195
Piperov, S.195
- Scheurer, V.195
Schulte, J.F.195
Stojanovic, M.195
Thieman, J.195
Virdi, A.K.195
Wang, F.195
Xie, W.195
Dolen, J.196
Parashar, N.196
Pathak, A.196
Acosta, D.197
Carnahan, T.197
Ecklund, K.M.197
Fernández Manteca, P.J.197
- Freed, S.197
- Gardner, P.197
Geurts, F.J.M.197
Li, W.197
Lin, J.197
Miguel Colin, O.197
Padley, B.P.197
- Redjimi, R.197
Rotter, J.197
Yigitbasi, E.197
Zhang, Y.197
Bodek, A.198
de Barbaro, P.198
Demina, R.198
Dulemba, J.L.198
Garcia-Bellido, A.198
Hindrichs, O.198
Khukhunaishvili, A.198
- Parmar, N.198
Parygin, P.198
Popova, E.198
Taus, R.198
- Chiarito, B.199
Chou, J.P.199
Clark, S.V.199
Gadkari, D.199
Gershtein, Y.199
Halkiadakis, E.199
Heindl, M.199
Houghton, C.199
Jaroslawski, D.199
Konstantinou, S.199
Laflotte, I.199
Lath, A.199
- Montalvo, R.199
- Nash, K.199
Reichert, J.199
Routray, H.199
Saha, P.199
Salur, S.199
- Schnetzer, S.199
Somalwar, S.199
Stone, R.199
Thayil, S.A.199
- Thomas, S.199
Vora, J.199
Wang, H.199
Ally, D.185
Delannoy, A.G.185
Fiorendi, S.185
Higginbotham, S.185
Holmes, T.185
Kanuganti, A.R.185
Karunarathna, N.185
Lee, L.200
Nibigira, E.185
Spanier, S.185
Aebi, D.201
Ahmad, M.201
Akhter, T.201
Bouhali, O.201
Eusebi, R.201
Gilmore, J.201
Huang, T.201
Kamon, T.201
Kim, H.201
Luo, S.201
Mueller, R.201
Overton, D.201
Rathjens, D.201
Safonov, A.201
Akchurin, N.200
Damgov, J.200
Gogate, N.200
Hegde, V.200
Hussain, A.200
- Kazhykarim, Y.200
Lamichhane, K.200
Lee, S.W.
Mankel, A.200
Peltola, T.200
Volobouev, I.200
Appelt, E.202
Chen, Y.202
- Greene, S.202
Gurrola, A.202
Johns, W.202
Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R.202
Melo, A.202
Romeo, F.202
Sheldon, P.202
Tuo, S.202
Velkovska, J.202
Viinikainen, J.202
Cardwell, B.203
Cox, B.203
Hakala, J.203
Hirosky, R.203
Ledovskoy, A.203
Neu, C.203
Bhattacharya, S.204
Karchin, P.E.204
- Aravind, A.205
Banerjee, S.205
Black, K.205
Bose, T.205
Dasu, S.205
De Bruyn, I.205
Everaerts, P.205
- Galloni, C.205
He, H.205
Herndon, M.205
Herve, A.205
Koraka, C.K.205
- Lanaro, A.205
Loveless, R.205
Madhusudanan Sreekala, J.205
Mallampalli, A.205
Mohammadi, A.205
- Mondal, S.205
Parida, G.205
Pétré, L.205
- Pinna, D.205
- Savin, A.205
Shang, V.205
Sharma, V.205
Smith, W.H.205
- Teague, D.205
Tsoi, H.F.205
Vetens, W.205
Warden, A.205
Afanasiev, S.206
Alexakhin, V.206
Andreev, V.206
Andreev, Yu.206
Aushev, T.206
Azarkin, M.206
Babaev, A.206
- Blinov, V.206
Boos, E.206
Borshch, V.206
Budkouski, D.206
Bunichev, V.206
- Chekhovsky, V.206
Chistov, R.206
Danilov, M.206
Dermenev, A.206
Dimova, T.206
Druzhkin, D.206
Dubinin, M.206
Dudko, L.206
Ershov, A.206
Gavrilov, G.206
Gavrilov, V.206
Gninenko, S.206
Golovtcov, V.206
Golubev, N.206
Golutvin, I.206
Gorbunov, I.206
Gribushin, A.206
Ivanov, Y.206
Kachanov, V.206
Karjavine, V.206
Karneyeu, A.206
Kim, V.206
- Kirakosyan, M.206
Kirpichnikov, D.206
Kirsanov, M.206
Klyukhin, V.206
Kodolova, O.206
Konstantinov, D.206
Korenkov, V.206
Kozyrev, A.206
Krasnikov, N.206
Lanev, A.206
Levchenko, P.206
Lychkovskaya, N.206
Makarenko, V.206
Malakhov, A.206
Matveev, V.206
Murzin, V.206
Nikitenko, A.206
Obraztsov, S.206
Oreshkin, V.206
Palichik, V.206
Perelygin, V.206
Petrushanko, S.206
Polikarpov, S.206
Popov, V.206
Radchenko, O.206
Savina, M.206
Savrin, V.206
Shalaev, V.206
Shmatov, S.206
Shulha, S.206
Skovpen, Y.206
Slabospitskii, S.206
Smirnov, V.206
Snigirev, A.206
Sosnov, D.206
Sulimov, V.206
Terkulov, A.206
Teryaev, O.206
Tlisova, I.206
Toropin, A.206
Uvarov, L.206
Uzunian, A.206
- Vorobyev, A.206
Voytishin, N.206
- Yuldashev, B.S.206
Zarubin, A.206
Zhizhin, I.206
Zhokin, A.206
- CMS Collaboration
- 1. Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Armenia
- 2. Institut für Hochenergiephysik, Vienna, Austria
- 3. Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium
- 4. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium
- 5. Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium
- 6. Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
- 7. Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
- 8. Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 9. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 10. Universidade Estadual Paulista, Universidade Federal do ABC, São Paulo, Brazil
- 11. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 12. University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 13. Instituto De Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá, Casilla 7 D, Arica, Chile
- 14. Beihang University, Beijing, China
- 15. Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
- 16. Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China
- 17. State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Peking University, Beijing, China
- 18. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Nuclear Science and Guangdong-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory of Quantum Matter, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China
- 19. Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
- 20. University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
- 21. Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
- 22. Institute of Modern Physics and Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Ion-beam Application (MOE) - Fudan University, Shanghai, China
- 23. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
- 24. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
- 25. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia
- 26. University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Split, Croatia
- 27. University of Split, Faculty of Science, Split, Croatia
- 28. Institute Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb, Croatia
- 29. University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
- 30. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- 31. Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador
- 32. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Egyptian Network of High Energy Physics, Cairo, Egypt
- 33. Center for High Energy Physics (CHEP-FU), Fayoum University, El-Fayoum, Egypt
- 34. National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia
- 35. Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
- 36. Helsinki Institute of Physics, Helsinki, Finland
- 37. Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland
- 38. IRFU, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
- 39. Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, CNRS/IN2P3, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France
- 40. Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, IPHC UMR 7178, Strasbourg, France
- 41. Centre de Calcul de l'Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules, CNRS/IN2P3, Villeurbanne, France
- 42. Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon (IP2I), Villeurbanne, France
- 43. Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia
- 44. RWTH Aachen University, I. Physikalisches Institut, Aachen, Germany
- 45. RWTH Aachen University, III. Physikalisches Institut A, Aachen, Germany
- 46. RWTH Aachen University, III. Physikalisches Institut B, Aachen, Germany
- 47. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, Germany
- 48. University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
- 49. Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany
- 50. Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (INPP), NCSR Demokritos, Aghia Paraskevi, Greece
- 51. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
- 52. National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
- 53. University of Ioánnina, Ioánnina, Greece
- 54. HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary
- 55. MTA-ELTE Lendület CMS Particle and Nuclear Physics Group, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
- 56. Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
- 57. Institute of Nuclear Research ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary
- 58. Karoly Robert Campus, MATE Institute of Technology, Gyongyos, Hungary
- 59. Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
- 60. University of Delhi, Delhi, India
- 61. Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Madras, India
- 62. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, HBNI, Kolkata, India
- 63. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- 64. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research-B, Mumbai, India
- 65. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research-A, Mumbai, India
- 66. National Institute of Science Education and Research, An OCC of Homi Bhabha National Institute, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
- 67. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, India
- 68. Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
- 69. Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran
- 70. University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
- 71. INFN Sezione di Bari, Bari, Italy
- 72. Università di Bari, Bari, Italy
- 73. Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy
- 74. INFN Sezione di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
- 75. Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
- 76. INFN Sezione di Catania, Catania, Italy
- 77. Università di Catania, Catania, Italy
- 78. INFN Sezione di Firenze, Firenze, Italy
- 79. Università di Firenze, Firenze, Italy
- 80. INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, Italy
- 81. INFN Sezione di Genova, Genova, Italy
- 82. Università di Genova, Genova, Italy
- 83. INFN Sezione di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
- 84. Università di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
- 85. INFN Sezione di Napoli, Napoli, Italy
- 86. Università di Napoli 'Federico II', Napoli, Italy
- 87. Università della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
- 88. INFN Sezione di Padova, Padova, Italy
- 89. Università di Padova, Padova, Italy
- 90. INFN Sezione di Pavia, Pavia, Italy
- 91. Università di Pavia, Pavia, Italy
- 92. INFN Sezione di Perugia, Perugia, Italy
- 93. Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy
- 94. INFN Sezione di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
- 95. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
- 96. Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
- 97. Università di Siena, Siena, Italy
- 98. INFN Sezione di Roma, Roma, Italy
- 99. Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, Italy
- 100. INFN Sezione di Torino, Torino, Italy
- 101. Università di Torino, Torino, Italy
- 102. Università del Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy
- 103. INFN Sezione di Trieste, Trieste, Italy
- 104. Università di Trieste, Trieste, Italy
- 105. Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
- 106. Department of Mathematics and Physics - GWNU, Gangneung, Korea
- 107. Chonnam National University, Institute for Universe and Elementary Particles, Kwangju, Korea
- 108. Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
- 109. Korea University, Seoul, Korea
- 110. Kyung Hee University, Department of Physics, Seoul, Korea
- 111. Sejong University, Seoul, Korea
- 112. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
- 113. Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea
- 114. University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea
- 115. Yonsei University, Department of Physics, Seoul, Korea
- 116. University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
- 117. College of Engineering and Technology, American University of the Middle East (AUM), Dasman, Kuwait
- 118. Kuwait University - College of Science - Department of Physics, Safat, Kuwait
- 119. Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia
- 120. University of Latvia (LU), Riga, Latvia
- 121. Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 122. National Centre for Particle Physics, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 123. Universidad de Sonora (UNISON), Hermosillo, Mexico
- 124. Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico City, Mexico
- 125. Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico
- 126. Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico
- 127. University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
- 128. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
- 129. National Centre for Physics, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
- 130. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications, Krakow, Poland
- 131. National Centre for Nuclear Research, Swierk, Poland
- 132. Institute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
- 133. Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
- 134. Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, Lisboa, Portugal
- 135. Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- 136. VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- 137. Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), Madrid, Spain
- 138. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
- 139. Universidad de Oviedo, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Espaciales de Asturias (ICTEA), Oviedo, Spain
- 140. Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA), CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain
- 141. University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- 142. University of Ruhuna, Department of Physics, Matara, Sri Lanka
- 143. CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland
- 144. Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
- 145. ETH Zurich - Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics (IPA), Zurich, Switzerland
- 146. Universität Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
- 147. National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan
- 148. National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan
- 149. High Energy Physics Research Unit, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
- 150. Çukurova University, Physics Department, Science and Art Faculty, Adana, Turkey
- 151. Middle East Technical University, Physics Department, Ankara, Turkey
- 152. Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
- 153. Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
- 154. Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
- 155. Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
- 156. Institute for Scintillation Materials of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
- 157. National Science Centre, Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkiv, Ukraine
- 158. University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
- 159. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United Kingdom
- 160. Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
- 161. Brunel University, Uxbridge, United Kingdom
- 162. Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA
- 163. Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, USA
- 164. The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
- 165. Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
- 166. Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
- 167. University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA
- 168. University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- 169. University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, USA
- 170. University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, USA
- 171. University of California, Santa Barbara - Department of Physics, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
California Institute of Technology
- 173. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL, USA
- 174. University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
- 175. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
- 176. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
- 177. Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
- 178. Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, USA
- 179. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
- 180. The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA
- 181. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
- 182. The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA
- 183. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA
- 184. University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
- 185. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
- 186. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
- 187. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA
- 188. State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA
- 189. Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
- 190. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
- 191. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA
- 192. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
- 193. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
- 194. University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR, USA
- 195. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
- 196. Purdue University Northwest, Hammond, IN, USA
- 197. Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
- 198. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA
- 199. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ, USA
- 200. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA
- 201. Texas AM University, College Station, TX, USA
- 202. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
- 203. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
- 204. Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
- 205. University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, USA
- 206. Authors affiliated with an institute or an international laboratory covered by a cooperation agreement with CERN
The polarizations of prompt and non-prompt and ψ(2S) mesons are measured in proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV, using data samples collected by the CMS experiment in 2017 and 2018, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 103.3fb−1. Based on the analysis of the dimuon decay angular distributions in the helicity frame, the polar anisotropy, λϑ, is measured as a function of the transverse momentum, pT, of the charmonium states, in the 25–120 and 20–100 GeV ranges for the and ψ(2S), respectively. The non-prompt polarizations agree with predictions based on the hypothesis that, for pT≳25GeV, the non-prompt and ψ(2S) are predominantly produced in two-body B meson decays. The prompt results clearly exclude strong transverse polarizations, even for pT exceeding 30 times the mass, where λϑ tends to an asymptotic value around 0.3. Taken together with previous measurements, by CMS and LHCb at s=7 TeV, the prompt polarizations show a significant variation with pT, at low pT.
Copyright and License
© 2024 CERN for the benefit of the CMS Collaboration. Published by Elsevier B.V. Funded by SCOAP³ under a Creative Commons license.
We congratulate our colleagues in the CERN accelerator departments for the excellent performance of the LHC and thank the technical and administrative staffs at CERN and at other CMS institutes for their contributions to the success of the CMS effort. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the computing centers and personnel of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid and other centers for delivering so effectively the computing infrastructure essential to our analyses. Finally, we acknowledge the enduring support for the construction and operation of the LHC, the CMS detector, and the supporting computing infrastructure provided by the following funding agencies: SC (Armenia), BMBWF and FWF (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, FAPERGS, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES and BNSF (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MOST, and NSFC (China); Minciencias (Colombia); MSES and CSF (Croatia); RIF (Cyprus); SENESCYT (Ecuador); ERC PRG, RVTT3 and MoER TK202 (Estonia); Academy of Finland, MEC, and HIP (Finland); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); SRNSF (Georgia); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRI (Greece); NKFIH (Hungary); DAE and DST (India); IPM (Iran); SFI (Ireland); INFN (Italy); MSIP and NRF (Republic of Korea); MES (Latvia); LMTLT (Lithuania); MOE and UM (Malaysia); BUAP, CINVESTAV, CONACYT, LNS, SEP, and UASLP-FAI (Mexico); MOS (Montenegro); MBIE (New Zealand); PAEC (Pakistan); MES and NSC (Poland); FCT (Portugal); MESTD (Serbia); MCIN/AEI and PCTI (Spain); MoSTR (Sri Lanka); Swiss Funding Agencies (Switzerland); MST (Taipei); MHESI and NSTDA (Thailand); TUBITAK and TENMAK (Turkey); NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE and NSF (USA).
Individuals have received support from the Marie-Curie programme and the European Research Council and Horizon 2020 Grant, contract Nos. 675440, 724704, 752730, 758316, 765710, 824093, 101115353, 101002207, and COST Action CA16108 (European Union); the Leventis Foundation; the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; the Science Committee, project no. 22rl-037 (Armenia); the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office; the Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l'Industrie et dans l'Agriculture (FRIA-Belgium); the Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT-Belgium); the F.R.S.-FNRS and FWO (Belgium) under the “Excellence of Science – EOS” – be.h project n. 30820817; the Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, No. Z191100007219010 and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (China); The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) of the Czech Republic; the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, grant FR-22-985 (Georgia); the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), under Germany's Excellence Strategy – EXC 2121 “Quantum Universe” – 390833306, and under project number 400140256 - GRK2497; the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), Project Number 2288 (Greece); the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the New National Excellence Program - ÚNKP, the NKFIH research grants K 131991, K 133046, K 138136, K 143460, K 143477, K 146913, K 146914, K 147048, 2020-2.2.1-ED-2021-00181, and TKP2021-NKTA-64 (Hungary); the Council of Science and Industrial Research, India; ICSC – National Research Centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing and FAIR – Future Artificial Intelligence Research, funded by the NextGenerationEU program (Italy); the Latvian Council of Science; the Ministry of Education and Science, project no. 2022/WK/14, and the National Science Center, contracts Opus 2021/41/B/ST2/01369 and 2021/43/B/ST2/01552 (Poland); the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, grant CEECIND/01334/2018 (Portugal); the National Priorities Research Program by Qatar National Research Fund; MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, ERDF “a way of making Europe”, and the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia María de Maeztu, grant MDM-2017-0765 and Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias (Spain); the Chulalongkorn Academic into Its 2nd Century Project Advancement Project, and the National Science, Research and Innovation Fund via the Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation, grant B37G660013 (Thailand); the Kavli Foundation; the Nvidia Corporation; the SuperMicro Corporation; the Welch Foundation, contract C-1845; and the Weston Havens Foundation (USA).
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