Published July 5, 2024 | Published
Journal Article Open

Microscopic Origin of the Quantum Mpemba Effect in Integrable Systems


The highly complicated nature of far from equilibrium systems can lead to a complete breakdown of the physical intuition developed in equilibrium. A famous example of this is the Mpemba effect, which states that nonequilibrium states may relax faster when they are further from equilibrium or, put another way, hot water can freeze faster than warm water. Despite possessing a storied history, the precise criteria and mechanisms underpinning this phenomenon are still not known. Here, we study a quantum version of the Mpemba effect that takes place in closed many-body systems with a 𝑈⁡(1) conserved charge: in certain cases a more asymmetric initial configuration relaxes and restores the symmetry faster than a more symmetric one. In contrast to the classical case, we establish the criteria for this to occur in arbitrary integrable quantum systems using the recently introduced entanglement asymmetry. We describe the quantum Mpemba effect in such systems and relate the properties of the initial state, specifically its charge fluctuations, to the criteria for its occurrence. These criteria are expounded using exact analytic and numerical techniques in several examples, a free fermion model, the Rule 54 cellular automaton, and the Lieb-Liniger model.

Copyright and License

© 2024 American Physical Society.


This work has been supported by the Royal Society through the University Research Fellowship No. 201101 (B. B.), the Leverhulme Trust through the Early Career Fellowship No. ECF-2022-324 (K. K.), the European Research Council under Consolidator Grant No. 771536 “NEMO” (F. A., P. C., and C. R.), the Caltech Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (S. M.), and the Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics at Caltech (S. M.). B. B., P. C., K. K., and S. M. warmly acknowledge the hospitality of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics during the program “Fluctuations, Entanglements, and Chaos: Exact Results” where this work was completed.

Data Availability

In the supplemental material we report some useful information complementing the main text. In particular

I: In Sec.1 we perform the asymptotic analysis of Eq. (8).

II: In Sec.2 we report a proof of Eq. (4) of the main text in three different cases. Free fermions, Rule 54, and generic interacting integrable models.

III: In Sec. 3 we consider an asymptotic expansion of the Rnyi Asymmetry in free fermionic systems.

IV: In Sec. 4 we provide details and explicit formulae for the quench of the Lieb Liniger model discussed in the main text.


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July 2, 2024
July 2, 2024