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Published July 15, 2018 | Submitted + Published
Journal Article Open

Measurement of optical losses in a high-finesse 300 m filter cavity for broadband quantum noise reduction in gravitational-wave detectors


Earth-based gravitational-wave detectors will be limited by quantum noise in a large part of their spectrum. The most promising technique to achieve a broadband reduction of such noise is the injection of a frequency-dependent squeezed vacuum state from the output port of the detector, with the squeeze angle rotated by the reflection off a Fabry-Perot filter cavity. One of the most important parameters limiting the squeezing performance is represented by the optical losses of the filter cavity. We report here the operation of a 300 m filter cavity prototype installed at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. The cavity is designed to obtain a rotation of the squeeze angle below 100 Hz. After achieving the resonance of the cavity with a multiwavelength technique, the round trip losses have been measured to be between 50 and 90 ppm. This result demonstrates that with realistic assumptions on the input squeeze factor and the other optical losses, a quantum noise reduction of at least 4 dB in the frequency region dominated by radiation pressure can be achieved.

Additional Information

© 2018 American Physical Society. Received 27 May 2018; published 31 July 2018. We thank Jérôme Degallaix for fruitful discussions about the loss measurement and the help with OSCAR simulations. We thank also the Advanced Technology Center of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan for the support. This work was supported by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant No. 15H02095), the JSPS Core-to-Core Program, A. Advanced Research Networks, and the European Commission under the Framework Program 7 (FP7) "People" project ELiTES (Grant Agreement No. 295153) and EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 734303. E. C. was supported by the European Gravitational Observatory, by the scholarship "For Women in Science" from the Fondation l'Oréal UNESCO, and by the scholarship "Walter Zellidja" from the Académie Française.

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Published - PhysRevD.98.022010.pdf

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