Published October – December 2024 | Published
Journal Article

Learning Quantum States and Unitaries of Bounded Gate Complexity

  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology
  • 2. ROR icon Harvard University
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While quantum state tomography is notoriously hard, most states hold little interest to practically minded tomographers. Given that states and unitaries appearing in nature are of bounded gate complexity, it is natural to ask if efficient learning becomes possible. In this work, we prove that to learn a state generated by a quantum circuit with 𝐺 two-qubit gates to a small trace distance, a sample complexity scaling linearly in 𝐺 is necessary and sufficient. We also prove that the optimal query complexity to learn a unitary generated by 𝐺 gates to a small average-case error scales linearly in 𝐺. While sample-efficient learning can be achieved, we show that under reasonable cryptographic conjectures, the computational complexity for learning states and unitaries of gate complexity 𝐺 must scale exponentially in 𝐺. We illustrate how these results establish fundamental limitations on the expressivity of quantum machine-learning models and provide new perspectives on no-free-lunch theorems in unitary learning. Together, our results answer how the complexity of learning quantum states and unitaries relate to the complexity of creating these states and unitaries.

Copyright and License

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.


We thank John Preskill for valuable feedback and continuous support throughout this project. We also thank Ryan Babbush, Yiyi Cai, Charles Cao, Alexandru Gheorghiu, András Gilyén, Alex B. Grilo, Jerry Huang, Minghao Liu, Nadine Meister, Chris Pattison, Alexander Poremba, Xiao-Liang Qi, Ruohan Shen, Mehdi Soleimanifar, Yu Tong, Tzu-Chieh Wei, Tai-Hsuan Yang, and Nengkun Yu for fruitful discussions. Finally, we thank Antonio Anna Mele and the anonymous reviewers for feedback on an earlier version of this paper. H.Z. was supported by a Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). L.L. was supported by a Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship. H.H. was supported by a Google Ph.D. Fellowship and a MediaTek Research Young Scholarship. H.H. acknowledges the visiting associate position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This work is supported by a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and other agencies. Y.Q. acknowledges financial support from the Quantum Systems Accelerator program funded by the National Quantum Information Science Research Centers under the DOE Office of Science. M.C.C. was supported by a Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME) fellowship. This work was done (in part) while a subset of the authors were visiting the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing. The Institute for Quantum Information and Matter is a National Science Foundation Physics Frontiers Center.


Y.Q., H.H., and M.C.C. conceived the project. H.Z., L.L., and I.K. led the development of the theory and the analytic calculations. H.Z., I.K., and H.H. designed and conducted the numerical experiments. All authors contributed to the mathematical aspects of this work. H.Z. and L.L. wrote the manuscript, with input from all authors.

Additional details

December 4, 2024
December 4, 2024