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Published June 2012 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Frequency-Based Load Control in Power Systems


Maintaining demand-supply balance and regulating frequency are key issues in power system control. Conventional approaches focus on adjusting the generation so that it follows the load. However, relying on solely regulating generation is inefficient, especially for power systems where contingencies like a sudden loss in generation or a sudden change in load frequently occur. We present a frequency-based load control scheme for demand-supply balancing and frequency regulation. We formulate a load control optimization problem which aims to balance the change in load with the change in supply while minimizing the overall end-use disutility. By studying the power system model that characterizes the frequency response to real power imbalance between demand and supply, we design decentralized synchronous and asynchronous algorithms which take advantage of local frequency measurements to solve the load control problem. Case studies show that the proposed load control scheme is capable of relatively quickly balancing the power and restoring the frequency under generation-loss like contingencies, even when users only have the knowledge of a simplified system model instead of an accurate one.

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© 2012 AACC. Date of Current Version: 01 October 2012. This work is supported by NSF NetSE grants CNS 0911041, Southern California Edison (SCE), Okawa Foundation, and Boeing Corporation.

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August 19, 2023
October 19, 2023