Published April 2024 | Published
Journal Article Open

Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of Kodiak Butte, Western Delta of Jezero Crater, Mars

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High-resolution 2D and 3D data remotely acquired by SuperCam's Remote Micro-Imager and Mastcam-Z aboard the Perseverance rover enabled us to characterize the stratigraphic architecture and sedimentary record of the Kodiak butte, an isolated remnant of the western delta fan of Jezero crater. Using these data, we build up on previous interpretations of the butte interpreted as a prograding Gilbert-type deltaic series. We characterize three individual stratigraphic Units 0 to 2 on the eastern and northern faces of the butte. Each Unit displays the same vertical succession of prodeltaic/lacustrine bottomsets, delta slope toesets and foresets, and fluvially influenced topsets of a deltaic plain with a braided river pattern, shown by 11 individual sedimentary facies. We infer that these individual Units record the formation of three distinct deltaic mouth bars successively across time and space. For the first time on another planet than Earth, we are able to construct a precise sequence stratigraphic framework to highlight lake-level fluctuations at the time the Kodiak butte was emplaced, during the latest stages of deltaic activity. We identify four hydrogeological cycles indicated by alternating rises and falls of the lake-level on the order of 5–10 m. These were most probably linked to climatic events and variations controlling lake water inputs in probable relation to an astronomical control.

Copyright and License

© 2024. The Authors. This is an open access article under theterms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use,distribution and reproduction in anymedium, provided the original work isproperly cited.


The authors are thankful to the engineering and science teams of the Mars 2020 mission for carrying out operations that allowed acquisition of the data presented in this work. We also thank Deanne Rogers (Editor), Janok P. Bhattacharya and another anonymous Reviewer for their comments and suggestions that helped improve this manuscript. GC, GD, NM, SLM, OG, OB, and SM work was supported by French Space Agency CNES, focused on SuperCam and on Mars2020-Perseverance. SG acknowledges support from the UK Space Agency under Grants ST/X002373/1 and ST/Y000153/1. LCK and RMEW acknowledge support from the M2020 SHERLOC-WATSON instrument team. CT, JFB, JIN and JWR acknowledge support from the M2020 Mastcam-Z instrument team. AJW acknowledges support from the M2020 Participating Scientist program under Grant 80NSSC21K0332. KMS's effort was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. RCW acknowledges support from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant F.10050029.02.003.

Data Availability

All of the Mastcam-Z (Bell & Maki, 2021) images used in this manuscript are freely available through the Planetary Data System Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node. All of the SuperCam's Remote-Micro Imager (Wiens & Maurice, 2021) images used in this manuscript are freely available through the Planetary Data System Geosciences node. Detailed list of used mosaics and their Sol of acquisition is available in Table S2 in Supporting Information S1. All 3D Digital Outcrop Models presented in this manuscript are freely accessible for visualization, including in Virtual Reality, on the Sketchfab web-platform ( and Supplementary illustrations and table presented in the Supporting Information S1 of this work are available in the Zenodo open-source online repository (Caravaca et al., 2023).

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This article also appears in:


JGR Planets - 2024 - Caravaca - Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of Kodiak Butte Western Delta of Jezero.pdf

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June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024