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Published February 20, 2024 | Published
Journal Article Open

Properties of an Interplanetary Shock Observed at 0.07 and 0.7 au by Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter


The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter (SolO) missions opened a new observational window in the inner heliosphere, which is finally accessible to direct measurements. On 2022 September 5, a coronal mass ejection (CME)-driven interplanetary (IP) shock was observed as close as 0.07 au by PSP. The CME then reached SolO, which was radially well-aligned at 0.7 au, thus providing us with the opportunity to study the shock properties at different heliocentric distances. We characterize the shock, investigate its typical parameters, and compare its small-scale features at both locations. Using the PSP observations, we investigate how magnetic switchbacks and ion cyclotron waves are processed upon shock crossing. We find that switchbacks preserve their V–B correlation while compressed upon the shock passage, and that the signature of ion cyclotron waves disappears downstream of the shock. By contrast, the SolO observations reveal a very structured shock transition, with a population of shock-accelerated protons of up to about 2 MeV, showing irregularities in the shock downstream, which we correlate with solar wind structures propagating across the shock. At SolO, we also report the presence of low-energy (∼100 eV) electrons scattering due to upstream shocklets. This study elucidates how the local features of IP shocks and their environments can be very different as they propagate through the heliosphere.

Copyright and License

© 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.


This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101004159 (SERPENTINE, www.serpentine-h2020.eu). A.L. is supported by STFC Consolidated grant ST/T00018X/1. C.H.K.C. is supported by UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship MR/W007657/1 and STFC Consolidated Grants ST/T00018X/1 and ST/X000974/1. H.H. is supported by the Royal Society University Research Fellowship URF/R1/180671. N.D. is grateful for support by the Academy of Finland (SHOCKSEE, grant No. 346902). The PSP/FIELDS experiment was developed and is operated under NASA contract NNN06AA01C. Work at IRAP is supported by CNRS, UPS, and CNES. E.E.D acknowledges funding by the European Union (ERC, HELIO4CAST, 101042188). Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. X.B.C. is grateful for PAPIIT DGAPA grant IN110921. This work was supported by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) grant ST/W001071/1. L.F. is supported by the Royal Society University Research Fellowship No. URF\R1\231710. R.F.W.S. thanks the German Space Agency (DLR) for its support of SOLO/EPD under grant 50OT2002.

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Parker Solar Probe: Insights into the Physics of the Near-Solar Environment


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March 15, 2024
March 15, 2024