Published November 13, 2024 | Published
Journal Article Open

Search for CP-Violating Neutrino Nonstandard Interactions with the NOvA Experiment

Acero, M. A.1 ORCID icon
Acharya, B.2
Adamson, P.3
Aliaga, L.3
Anfimov, N.4
Antoshkin, A.4
Arrieta-Diaz, E.5
Asquith, L.6
Aurisano, A.7
Back, A.8
Balashov, N.4
Baldi, P.9
Bambah, B. A.10
Bat, A.11, 12
Bays, K.13, 14
Bernstein, R.3
Bezerra, T. J. C.6
Bhatnagar, V.15
Bhattarai, D.2
Bhuyan, B.16
Bian, J.9, 13
Booth, A. C.17, 6
Bowles, R.8
Brahma, B.18
Bromberg, C.19
Buchanan, N.20
Butkevich, A.21
Calvez, S.20
Carroll, T. J.22, 23
Catano-Mur, E.24
Cesar, J. P.22
Chatla, A.10
Chaudhary, S.16
Chirco, R.14
Choudhary, B. C.25
Christensen, A.20
Cicala, M. F.26
Coan, T. E.27
Cooleybeck, A.23
Cortes-Parra, C.5
Coveyou, D.28
Cremonesi, L.17
Davies, G. S.2 ORCID icon
Derwent, P. F.3
Djurcic, Z.29
Dolce, M.30, 31
Doyle, D.20
Dueñas Tonguino, D.7
Dukes, E. C.28
Dye, A.2
Ehrlich, R.28
Ewart, E.8
Filip, P.32
Franc, J.33
Frank, M. J.34
Gallagher, H. R.31
Gao, F.35
Giri, A.18
Gomes, R. A.36
Goodman, M. C.29
Groh, M.20, 8
Group, R.28
Habig, A.37
Hakl, F.38
Hartnell, J.6
Hatcher, R.3
He, M.39
Heller, K.13
Hewes, V7
Himmel, A.3
Ivaneev, Y.4
Ivanova, A.4
Jargowsky, B.9
Jarosz, J.20
Johnson, C.20
Judah, M.20, 35
Kakorin, I.4
Kaplan, D. M.14
Kalitkina, A.4
Kleykamp, J.2
Klimov, O.4
Koerner, L. W.39
Kolupaeva, L.4
Kralik, R.6, 15
Kuruppu, C. D.40
Kus, V.33
Lackey, T.3, 8
Lang, K.22
Lesmeister, J.39
Lister, A.23
Liu, J.9
Lock, J. A.6
Lokajicek, M.32
MacMahon, M.26
Magill, S.29
Mann, W. A.31
Manoharan, M. T.41
Manrique Plata, M.8
Marshak, M. L.13
Martinez-Casales, M.42
Matveev, V.21
Mehta, B.15
Messier, M. D.8
Meyer, H.30
Miao, T.3
Mikola, V.26
Miller, W. H.13
Mishra, S.43
Mishra, S. R.40
Mislivec, A.13
Mohanta, R.10
Moren, A.37
Morozova, A.4
Mu, W.3
Mualem, L.44 ORCID icon
Muether, M.30
Mulder, K.26
Myers, D.22
Naples, D.35
Nath, A.16
Nelleri, S.41
Nelson, J. K.24
Nichol, R.26
Niner, E.3
Norman, A.3
Norrick, A.3
Nosek, T.45
Oh, H.7
Olshevskiy, A.4
Olson, T.39
Ozkaynak, M.26
Pal, A.46
Paley, J.3
Panda, L.46
Patterson, R. B.44 ORCID icon
Pawloski, G.13
Petrova, O.4
Petti, R.40
Prais, L. R.2 ORCID icon
Rafique, A.29
Raj, V.44
Rajaoalisoa, M.7
Ramson, B.3
Ravelhofer, M.42, 8
Rebel, B.3, 23
Roy, P.30
Samoylov, O.4
Sanchez, M. C.47, 42
Sánchez Falero, S.42
Shanahan, P.3
Sharma, P.15
Shmakov, A.9
Sheshukov, A.4
Shukla, S.43
Singha, D. K.10
Shorrock, W.6
Singh, I.25
Singh, P.17, 25
Singh, V.43
Smith, E.8
Smolik, J.33
Snopok, P.14
Solomey, N.30
Sousa, A.7
Soustruznik, K.45
Strait, M.13
Suter, L.3
Sutton, A.47, 42, 28
Sutton, K.44
Swain, S.46
Sweeney, C.26
Sztuc, A.26
Tapia Oregui, B.22
Tas, P.45
Thakore, T.7
Thomas, J.26, 23
Tiras, E.12, 42
Torun, Y.14
Tripathi, J.15
Trokan-Tenorio, J.24
Urheim, J.8
Vahle, P.24
Vallari, Z.44 ORCID icon
Vasel, J.8
Villamil, J. D.5
Vockerodt, K. J.17
Vrba, T.33
Wallbank, M.7
Wetstein, M.42
Whittington, D.48
Wickremasinghe, D. A.3
Wieber, T.13
Wolcott, J.31
Wrobel, M.20
Wu, S.13
Wu, W.9
Xiao, Y.9
Yaeggy, B.7
Yahaya, A.30
Yankelevich, A.9
Yonehara, K.3
Yu, Y.14
Zadorozhnyy, S.21
Zalesak, J.32
Zwaska, R.3
NOvA Collaboration
  • 1. ROR icon University of Atlántico
  • 2. ROR icon University of Mississippi
  • 3. ROR icon Fermilab
  • 4. ROR icon Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
  • 5. ROR icon University of Magdalena
  • 6. ROR icon University of Sussex
  • 7. ROR icon University of Cincinnati
  • 8. ROR icon Indiana University Bloomington
  • 9. ROR icon University of California, Irvine
  • 10. ROR icon University of Hyderabad
  • 11. ROR icon Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University
  • 12. ROR icon Erciyes University
  • 13. ROR icon University of Minnesota
  • 14. ROR icon Illinois Institute of Technology
  • 15. ROR icon Panjab University
  • 16. ROR icon Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
  • 17. ROR icon Queen Mary University of London
  • 18. ROR icon Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
  • 19. ROR icon Michigan State University
  • 20. ROR icon Colorado State University
  • 21. ROR icon Institute for Nuclear Research
  • 22. ROR icon The University of Texas at Austin
  • 23. ROR icon University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • 24. ROR icon William & Mary
  • 25. ROR icon University of Delhi
  • 26. ROR icon University College London
  • 27. ROR icon Southern Methodist University
  • 28. ROR icon University of Virginia
  • 29. ROR icon Argonne National Laboratory
  • 30. ROR icon Wichita State University
  • 31. ROR icon Tufts University
  • 32. ROR icon Institute of Physics
  • 33. ROR icon Czech Technical University in Prague
  • 34. ROR icon University of South Alabama
  • 35. ROR icon University of Pittsburgh
  • 36. ROR icon Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • 37. ROR icon University of Minnesota, Duluth
  • 38. ROR icon Institute of Computer Science
  • 39. ROR icon University of Houston
  • 40. ROR icon University of South Carolina
  • 41. ROR icon Cochin University of Science and Technology
  • 42. ROR icon Iowa State University
  • 43. ROR icon Banaras Hindu University
  • 44. ROR icon California Institute of Technology
  • 45. ROR icon Charles University
  • 46. ROR icon National Institute of Science Education and Research
  • 47. ROR icon Florida State University
  • 48. ROR icon Syracuse University
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This Letter reports a search for charge-parity (CP) symmetry violating nonstandard interactions (NSI) of neutrinos with matter using the NOvA Experiment, and examines their effects on the determination of the standard oscillation parameters. Data from νμ(ν¯μ)→νμ(ν¯μ) and νμ(ν¯μ)→νe(ν¯e) oscillation channels are used to measure the effect of the NSI parameters ϵeμ and ϵeτ. With 90% CL the magnitudes of the NSI couplings are constrained to be |ϵeμ|≲0.3 and |ϵeτ|≲0.4. A degeneracy at |ϵeτ|≈1.8 is reported, and we observe that the presence of NSI limits sensitivity to the standard CP phase δCP.

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Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.


This document was prepared by the NOvA Collaboration using the resources of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, HEP User Facility. Fermilab is managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA), acting under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy; the U.S. National Science Foundation; the Department of Science and Technology, India; the European Research Council; the MSMT CR, GA UK, Czech Republic; the RAS, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and RFBR, Russia; CNPq and FAPEG, Brazil; UKRI, STFC, and the Royal Society, United Kingdom; and the state and University of Minnesota. We are grateful for the contributions of the staffs of the University of Minnesota at the Ash River Laboratory, and of Fermilab.


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November 19, 2024
November 19, 2024