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Published May 2023 | campus only + Published
Journal Article

The 2022 Chihshang, Taiwan, Earthquake: Initial GEER Team Observations


We recently returned from a post-earthquake reconnaissance trip to Taiwan sponsored by the National Science Foundation–funded Geoengineering Extreme Events Reconnaissance (GEER) Association. We studied the effects of the September 18, 2022 MW6.9 Chihshang, Taiwan earthquake. The earthquake occurred on the Central Range strike-slip fault, with the rupture direction extending north from the epicenter. Nearfield seismic stations measured peak ground accelerations (PGAs) exceeding 0.5g along the fault. Peak ground velocities (PGVs) increased in the direction of the rupture with average intensities of 8 cm/s near the epicenter, increasing along the fault to 89 cm/s at the northern terminus. The ground motion recordings of the east (approximately fault parallel) component indicated strong velocity pulses in the direction of the rupture (Fig. 1).

Additional Information

© 2023 ASCE. The National Science Foundation (NSF) supported the work under the GEER Association Grant No. CMMI-1826118. We gratefully acknowledge the support of our Taiwanese colleagues, who will be coauthors of the forthcoming GEER report.

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August 22, 2023
August 22, 2023