Published January 8, 2025 | Published
Journal Article Open

Characteristics of the meandering effect in a stratified wake

  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology
  • 2. ROR icon Pennsylvania State University


The gradual suppression of the vertical motions and the emergence of large-scale horizontal structures in the late wake are commonly seen in a stratified wake flow. These long-lived coherent patterns are referred to as meandering and their impacts on the statistics are still not well studied. This paper aims to examine the kinematic impacts of the meandering effect in stratified wakes and how it affects the statistics of the velocity profiles, wake width, and wake height. To do this, we isolate wake meandering from the stationary velocity, i.e., the velocity without meandering, by utilizing direct numerical simulations (DNS) covering bulk Reynolds numbers Re_𝐵=𝑈_𝐵⁢𝐷/𝜈 in the range [10000,50000] and bulk Froude number Fr_𝐵=𝑈_𝐵/𝑁⁢𝐷 in the range [2,50] (𝑈_𝐵 is the free-stream velocity, 𝐷 is the characteristic length scale, and 𝑁 is the buoyancy frequency). The results show that the range of meandering increases in both the horizontal and vertical directions as the flow evolves. This complies with the wake width growth in the horizontal direction, but is opposed to the wake height in the vertical direction. The traditional scalings of the velocity, width, and height rely on the assumption of self-similarity and simultaneous transitions for all three scalings. However, the meandering, especially in the horizontal direction, leads to the distortion of the instantaneous velocity and layered flow structures. Thus, the mean velocity profile deviates from two-dimensional self-similarity in the late wake. Apart from the distortion of the velocity profile, the meandering of the wake also imposes anisotropy on the scaling of the statistics. The scaling of the width and the height transitions at different points, and they are related to the scaling of the velocity deficit through the momentum flux equation. Through theoretical analysis, we obtain the superposition of the meandering to the stationary velocity. We can accurately measure how the meandering distorts the self-similar velocity profile and impacts the scaling of the width and height, and thus how the meandering changes the scaling of the velocity deficit.

Copyright and License

©2025 American Physical Society.


This work is supported the U.S. Office of Naval Research Grant No. N000142012315, and the computation is conducted on the Penn State Roar system. The authors would like to thank Dr. Xiang I. A. Yang for the fruitful discussion on the results, and Dr. Mogeng Li for the technical support for the visualization and the discussion on the results.


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January 27, 2025
January 27, 2025