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Published September 1, 2023 | v2
Journal Article Open

First Measurement of the Nuclear-Recoil Ionization Yield in Silicon at 100 eV

Albakry, M. F.
Alkhatib, I.
Alonso, D.
Amaral, D. W. P.
Aralis, T.1 ORCID icon
Aramaki, T.
Arnquist, I. J.
Ataee Langroudy, I.
Azadbakht, E.
Banik, S.
Bathurst, C.
Bhattacharyya, R.
Brink, P. L.
Bunker, R.
Cabrera, B.
Calkins, R.
Cameron, R. A.
Cartaro, C.
Cerdeño, D. G.
Chang, Y.-Y.1
Chaudhuri, M.
Chen, R.
Chott, N.
Cooley, J.
Coombes, H.
Corbett, J.
Cushman, P.
Das, S.
De Brienne, F.
Rios, M.
Dharani, S.
di Vacri, M. L.
Diamond, M. D.
Elwan, M.
Fascione, E.
Figueroa-Feliciano, E.
Fink, C. W.
Fouts, K.
Fritts, M.
Gerbier, G.
Germond, R.
Ghaith, M.
Golwala, Sunil1 ORCID icon
Hall, J.
Harms, S. A. S.
Hassan, N.
Hines, B. A.
Hong, Z.
Hoppe, E. W.
Hsu, L.
Huber, M. E.
Iyer, V.
Kashyap, V. K. S.
Kelsey, M. H.
Kubik, A.
Kurinsky, N. A.
Lee, M.
Litke, M.
Liu, J.
Liu, Y.
Loer, B.
Lopez Asamar, E.
Lukens, P.
MacFarlane, D. B.
Mahapatra, R.
Mast, N.
Mayer, A. J.
Meyer zu Theenhausen, H.
Michaud, É.
Michielin, E.
Mirabolfathi, N.
Mohanty, B.
Nebolsky, B.
Nelson, J.
Neog, H.
Novati, V.
Orrell, J. L.
Osborne, M. D.
Oser, S. M.
Page, W. A.
Pandey, L.
Pandey, S.
Partridge, R.
Pedreros, D. S.
Perna, L.
Podviianiuk, R.
Ponce, F.
Poudel, S.
Pradeep, A.
Pyle, M.
Rau, W.
Reid, E.
Ren, R. ORCID icon
Reynolds, T.
Tanner, E.
Roberts, A.
Robinson, A. E.
Saab, T.
Sadek, D.
Sadoulet, B.
Sahoo, S. P.
Saikia, I.
Sander, J.
Sattari, A.
Schmidt, B.
Schnee, R. W.
Scorza, S.
Serfass, B.
Poudel, S. S.
Sincavage, D. J.
Sinervo, P.
Speaks, Z.
Street, J.
Sun, H.
Terry, G. D.
Thasrawala, F. K.
Toback, D.
Underwood, R.
Verma, S.
Villano, A. N.
von Krosigk, B.
Watkins, S. L.
Wen, O.1 ORCID icon
Williams, Z.
Wilson, M. J.
Winchell, J.
Wykoff, K.
Yellin, S.
Young, B. A.
Yu, T. C.
Zatschler, B.
Zatschler, S.
Zaytsev, A.
Zeolla, A.
Zhang, E.
Zheng, L.
Zheng, Y.
Zuniga, A.
An, P.
Barbeau, P. S.
Hedges, S. C.
Li, L.
Runge, J.
SuperCDMS Collaboration
  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology


We measured the nuclear-recoil ionization yield in silicon with a cryogenic phonon-sensitive gram-scale detector. Neutrons from a monoenergetic beam scatter off of the silicon nuclei at angles corresponding to energy depositions from 4 keV down to 100 eV, the lowest energy probed so far. The results show no sign of an ionization production threshold above 100 eV. These results call for further investigation of the ionization yield theory and a comprehensive determination of the detector response function at energies below the keV scale.

Copyright and License

© 2023 American Physical Society


The SuperCDMS Collaboration gratefully acknowledges the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) facility and its staff. Funding and support were received from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Fermilab URA Visiting Scholar Grant No. 15-S-33, NSERC Canada, the Canada First Excellence Research Fund, the Arthur B. McDonald Institute (Canada), the Department of Atomic Energy Government of India (DAE), the Department of Science and Technology (DST, India) and the DFG (Germany)—Project No. 420484612 and under Germany's Excellence Strategy—EXC 2121 "Quantum Universe"—390833306. Femilab is operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC; SLAC is operated by Stanford University; and PNNL is operated by the Battelle Memorial Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contracts No. DE-AC02-37407CH11359, No. DE-AC02-76SF00515, and No. DE-AC05-76RL01830, respectively. The TUNL accelerator is operated and maintained for the U.S. Department of Energy with Grant No. DE-FG02-97ER41033. This research was enabled in part by support provided by SciNet [43] and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada [44].

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November 2, 2023
November 2, 2023