Iodine oxoacids enhance nucleation of sulfuric acid particles in the atmosphere
- Creators
He, Xu-Cheng
Simon, Mario
Iyer, Siddharth
Xie, Hong-Bin
Rörup, Birte
- Shen, Jiali
Finkenzeller, Henning
Stolzenburg, Dominik
- Zhang, Rongjie
Baccarini, Andrea
Tham, Yee Jun
Wang, Mingyi
Amanatidis, Stavros
Piedehierro, Ana A.
Amorim, Antonio
Baalbaki, Rima
Brasseur, Zoé
Caudillo, Lucía
Chu, Biwu
Dada, Lubna
Duplissy, Jonathan
El Haddad, Imad
Flagan, Richard C.1
Granzin, Manuel
Hansel, Armin
Heinritzi, Martin
Hofbauer, Victoria
Jokinen, Tuija
Kemppainen, Deniz
Kong, Weimeng
Krechmer, Jordan
Kürten, Andreas
Lamkaddam, Houssni
- Lopez, Brandon
Ma, Fangfang
Mahfouz, Naser G. A.
Makhmutov, Vladimir
Manninen, Hanna E.
Marie, Guillaume
Marten, Ruby
Massabò, Dario
Mauldin, Roy L.
Mentler, Bernhard
Onnela, Antti
Petäjä, Tuukka
- Pfeifer, Joschka
Philippov, Maxim
Ranjithkumar, Ananth
Rissanen, Matti P.
Schobesberger, Siegfried
Scholz, Wiebke
Schulze, Benjamin
Surdu, Mihnea
Thakur, Roseline C.
Tomé, António
Wagner, Andrea C.
Wang, Dongyu
Wang, Yonghong
Weber, Stefan K.
Welti, André
- Winkler, Paul M.
Zauner-Wieczorek, Marcel
Baltensperger, Urs
Curtius, Joachim
Kurtén, Theo
Worsnop, Douglas R.
Volkamer, Rainer
Lehtipalo, Katrianne
Kirkby, Jasper
Donahue, Neil M.
Sipilä, Mikko
Kulmala, Markku
The main nucleating vapor in the atmosphere is thought to be sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄), stabilized by ammonia (NH₃). However, in marine and polar regions, NH₃ is generally low, and H₂SO₄ is frequently found together with iodine oxoacids [HIOₓ, i.e., iodic acid (HIO₃) and iodous acid (HIO₂)]. In experiments performed with the CERN CLOUD (Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets) chamber, we investigated the interplay of H₂SO₄and HIOₓ during atmospheric particle nucleation. We found that HIOₓ greatly enhances H₂SO₄(-NH₃) nucleation through two different interactions. First, HIO₃ strongly binds with H₂SO₄ in charged clusters so they drive particle nucleation synergistically. Second, HIO₂ substitutes for NH₃ , forming strongly bound H₂SO₄-HIO₂ acid-base pairs in molecular clusters. Global observations imply that HIO x is enhancing H₂SO₄(-NH₃) nucleation rates 10- to 10,000-fold in marine and polar regions.
Copyright and License
© 2023 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. This is an article distributed under the terms of the Science Journals Default License.
We thank CERN for supporting CLOUD with important technical and financial resources and for providing a particle beam from the CERN Proton Synchrotron. We thank the CSC IT Center for Science in Espoo, Finland, for computing time.
This work was supported by Research Council of Finland ACCC Flagship nos. 337549 and 337552; Research Council of Finland professorship (302958); Research Council of Finland Centre of Excellence nos. 346371, 346372, and 346373; Research Council of Finland project nos. 335844, 334514, 345125, 325656, 316114, 314798, 325647, 353836, 341349, 346372, 296628, and 349659; European Research Council (ERC) project nos. 742206, 714621, 616075, and 101002728; Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement nos. 316662, 701647, 895875, and 764991; National Natural Science Foundation of China grant nos. 42175118 and 22236004; the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFC3701000, Task 1); Swiss National Science Foundation grant nos. 200021_169090, 200021_213071, 206021_198140, 200020_172602, and 20FI20_172622; US National Science Foundation grants nos. AGS-2132089, AGS-1801897, AGS-1801574, AGS-1801280, AGS-2027252, AGS-2215522, AGS-1602086, AGS-1801329, and AGS-2215527; German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) project no. 01LK1601A; and Portuguese Science Foundation project CERN/FIS-COM/0028/2019. R.C.T. and M.K. thank the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation for funding. M.K. received funding from Prince Albert Foundation contract no. 2859. M.W. thanks the Schmidt Science Fellowship for support. X.-C.H. and M.K. thank the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation for funding.
X.-C.H., J.Kir., M.Sip., and M.K. planned the experiments. X.-C.H., M.Sim., B.R., J.S., H.F., D.S., A.B., Y.J.T., M.W., S.A., A.A.P., A.A., R.B., Z.B., L.C., B.C., L.D., J.D., I.E.H., R.C.F., M.G., M.H., V.H., W.K., J.Kre., A.K., H.L., B.L., N.G.A.M., V.M., H.E.M., G.M., R.M., D.M., R.L.M., B.M., A.O., T.P., J.P., M.P., M.P.R., S.S., W.S., B.S., M.Sur., A.T., A.C.W., D.W., Y.W., S.K.W., A.W., P.M.W., M.Z.-W., J.Kir., U.B., K.L., J.C., R.V., M.Sip., and M.K. prepared the CLOUD facility or measuring instruments. X.-C.H., M.Sim., S.I., B.R., J.S., H.F., D.S., A.B., Y.J.T., A.A., R.B., L.C., L.D., J.D., I.E.H., M.G., M.H., V.H., T.J., D.K., W.K., J.Kre., H.L., B.L., N.G.A.M., V.M., H.E.M., G.M., R.M., D.M., R.LM., B.M., J.P., A.R., W.S., R.C.T., A.C.W., D.W., S.K.W., M.Z.-W., J.Kir., J.C., and R.V. collected the data. X.-C.H., S.I., H.-B.X., H.F., D.S., R.Z., Y.J.T., L.C., L.D., R.C.F., F.M., W.S., R.C.T., S.K.W., P.M.W., T.K. and D.R.W. analyzed the data. X.-C.H., N.M.D. and J.Kir. wrote the manuscript with contributions from S.I., H.-B.X., B.R. and R.Z. X.-C.H., M.Sim., S.I., H.-B.X., B.R., J.S., H.F., D.S., R.Z., A.B., L.D., J.D., I.E.H., R.C.F., A.H., H.L., N.G.A.M., T.P., S.S., W.S., R.C.T., A.C.W., J.Kir., U.B., K.L., J.C., T.K., D.R.W., R.V., N.M.D., M.Sip. and M.K. commented on and edited the manuscript.
Data Availability
Data for all figures in the main text and supplementary materials are available at the Zenodo repository (43). Correspondence and additional requests for materials should be addressed to X.-C.H. (institutional email:; permanent email:
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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- 1095-9203
- European Research Council
- 742206
- European Research Council
- 714621
- European Research Council
- 616075
- European Research Council
- 101002728
- European Research Council
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship 316662
- European Research Council
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship 701647
- European Research Council
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship 895875
- European Research Council
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship 764991
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 42175118
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 22236004
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- 200021_169090
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- 200021_213071
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- 206021_198140
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- 200020_172602
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- 20FI20_172622
- National Science Foundation
- AGS-2132089
- National Science Foundation
- AGS-1801897
- National Science Foundation
- AGS-1801574
- National Science Foundation
- AGS-1801280
- National Science Foundation
- AGS-2027252
- National Science Foundation
- AGS-2215522
- National Science Foundation
- AGS-1602086
- National Science Foundation
- AGS-1801329
- National Science Foundation
- AGS-2215527
- Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
- CERN/FIS-COM/0028/2019
- Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation
- Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
- 2859
- Schmidt Family Foundation
- Jenny ja Antti Wihurin Rahasto