Published February 9, 2007 | Supplemental Material
Journal Article Open

Direct Measurements of the Convective Recycling of the Upper Troposphere


We present a statistical representation of the aggregate effects of deep convection on the chemistry and dynamics of the upper troposphere (UT) based on direct aircraft observations of the chemical composition of the UT over the eastern United States and Canada during summer. These measurements provide unique observational constraints on the chemistry occurring downwind of convection and the rate at which air in the UT is recycled. These results provide quantitative measures that can be used to evaluate global climate and chemistry models.

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© 2007 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Received for publication 31 August 2006. Accepted for publication 19 December 2006. We thank the flight and ground crews of the NASA DC-8 aircraft and the entire INTEX-NA science team for their contributions during the 2004 intensive field campaign; A. M. Thompson, I. Folkins, M. G. Lawrence, and D. Allen for helpful discussions; T. Kucsera for help with the GEOS-4 calculations; and W. H. Brune and X. Ren for OH and HO_2 data. NLDN data were collected by Vaisala-Thunderstorm and provided to the INTEX Science Team by the Global Hydrology Resource Center at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Work at UC Berkeley was supported by NASA grants NNG05GH196 and NAG5-13668. The INTEX-NA field program was supported by the NASA-ESE Tropospheric Chemistry Program.

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