Published June 27, 2024 | Accepted
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Rubinite, Ca₃Ti³⁺₂Si₃O₁₂, a new mineral in CV3 carbonaceous chondrites and a refractory garnet from the solar nebula

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Rubinite (IMA 2016-110) is a recently discovered Ti3+-dominant refractory mineral in the garnet group from the solar nebula. It has the Ia3d garnet-type structure with a = 12.19(1) Å, and Z = 8, and end-member formula of Ca3Ti3+2Si3O12. Rubinite was identified as micrometer-sized crystals in five refractory Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) from the CV3 carbonaceous chondrites Allende, Efremovka, and Vigarano. In the Vigarano CAI V3, it occurs in the central portion of an ultrarefractory fragment with Zr,Y,Sc-oxide, spinel and davisite-diopside, all enclosed within an amoeboid olivine aggregate. In the Allende Compact Type A (CTA) CAI AE01-01, it occurs with gehlenitic melilite, perovskite, spinel, hibonite, davisite, grossmanite, and diopside. In Efremovka, rubinite occurs within gehlenitic melilite with perovskite, spinel, and grossmanite in three CTA CAIs E101, E105, and 40E-1 (in a compound CAI). Rubinite is present in spinel-poor regions in all four of the Efremovka and Allende CAIs but it is in contact with spinel in the Vigarano inclusion.

The mean chemical composition of type rubinite in Allende is (in wt%) CaO 32.68, Ti2O3 14.79, TiO2 13.06, SiO2 28.37 Al2O3 3.82, Sc2O3 1.80, Na2O 1.01, ZrO2, 0.80, MgO 0.79, V2O3 0.61, FeO 0.53, Y2O3 0.07, Cr2O3 0.05, total 98.38, giving rise to an empirical formula of (Ca2.94Na0.08)(Ti3+1.04Ti4+0.59Sc0.13Mg0.10V0.04Fe0.04Zr0.03)(Si2.38Al0.38Ti4+0.24)O12, where Ti3+ and Ti4+ are partitioned based on stoichiometry. Efremovka rubinite has a similar composition with a mean empirical formula of (Ca2.97Na0.06)(Ti3+1.05Ti4+0.66Mg0.12Sc0.09Zr0.03V0.03Y0.01Fe0.01)(Si2.36Al0.48Ti4+0.16)O12. Vigarano rubinite is much more Y-, Sc-, and Zr-rich, having an empirical formula of (Ca1.89Y0.83Mg0.28)(Ti3+0.59Sc0.50Zr0.72Mg0.2V0.02Cr0.01)(Si1.64Al1.18Ti4+0.07Fe0.06)O12. All rubinites are Ti3+-rich but a significant amount (11–46%) of the Ti is 4+.

In the Efremovka CTAs, spinel is 16O-rich (Δ17O ~ –24‰); rubinite and perovskite show limited ranges of Δ17O (from –24 to –16‰; most analyses range from –24 to –20‰); melilite and grossmanite are the most 16O-depleted minerals (Δ17O range from ~ –10 to –4‰ and from –8 to –5‰, respectively). In the Allende CTA AE01-01, spinel and hibonite are 16O-rich (Δ17O ~ –24‰); melilite, rubinite and perovskite show large ranges in Δ17O (from –23 to –3‰, from –21 to –6‰, and from –14 to – 2‰, respectively); grossmanite is uniformly 16O-depleted (Δ17O ~ –3‰).

Rubinite formed under highly reducing conditions in the solar nebula by gas-solid condensation and by crystallization from a Ca, Al, and Ti-rich melt. Subsequently, most rubinite grains in the Allende CAI and some in the Efremovka CAIs may have experienced O-isotope exchange to a various degree with an 16O-depleted (Δ17O ~ – 2‰) aqueous fluid on the CV chondrite parent asteroid. However, crystallization from a Ca,Al,Ti-rich melt that recorded O-isotope exchange: with nebular gas with variable Δ17O or post-crystallization O-isotope with such gas cannot be excluded. The mineral name is in honor of Alan E. Rubin (b. 1953), a cosmochemist at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA, for his many contributions to research in cosmochemistry and mineralogy of meteorites.

Copyright and License

© 2024 by the Mineralogical Society of America.


SEM, EBSD nd EPMa analyses were carried out at th Caltech GPS Division Analytical Facility, which is supported, in part, by NSF Grants EAR-0318518 and DMRR00080065. We appreciate Issei Narita and Yoshinori Ito for technical assistance  for EPMA analyses at Tohoku University , and Makoto Kimura for provising EPMA standar materials. The meteorite sections studied are from Caltech, Tohoku University, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, and the Vernadsky Institute. Marina A. TY acknowledges supports form the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JP18J20708), GP-EES Research Grant and DIARE Research Grant. MAI acknowledges the support form the Vernadsky Institute. SIMS measurements were supported by NASA grant 80NSSC23K0253 (PI A.N. Krot). We thank Jessica Johnson, an anonymous reviewer and Associate Editor Steven B. Simon for their constructive reviews on the manuscript.


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July 2, 2024
July 2, 2024