Measurement of the ve-Nucleus Charged-Current Double-Differential Cross Section at ⟨Eν⟩=2.4GeV
- Creators
Acero, M. A.1
- Adamson, P.2
- Aliaga, L.2
Anfimov, N.3
- Antoshkin, A.3
Arrieta-Diaz, E.4
- Asquith, L.5
- Aurisano, A.6
- Back, A.7, 8
- Baird, M.7, 5, 9
- Balashov, N.3
- Baldi, P.10
- Bambah, B. A.11
- Bashar, S.12
- Bays, K.13, 14
- Bernstein, R.2
- Bhatnagar, V.15
- Bhattarai, D.16
Bhuyan, B.17
Bian, J.10, 18
- Booth, A. C.19, 5
- Bowles, R.7
Brahma, B.20
- Bromberg, C.21
- Buchanan, N.22
Butkevich, A.23
- Calvez, S.22
- Carroll, T. J.24, 25
- Catano-Mur, E.26
- Childress, S.2
Chatla, A.11
- Chirco, R.14
- Choudhary, B. C.27
- Christensen, A.22
- Coan, T. E.28
- Colo, M.26
Cremonesi, L.19
- Davies, G. S.16, 7
- Derwent, P. F.2
Ding, P.2
Djurcic, Z.29
- Dolce, M.12
- Doyle, D.22
- Dueñas Tonguino, D.6
- Dukes, E. C.9
- Ehrlich, R.9
- Elkins, M.8
- Ewart, E.7
- Feldman, G. J.30
- Filip, P.31
- Franc, J.32
- Frank, M. J.33
- Gallagher, H. R.12
Gandrajula, R.21, 9
- Gao, F.34
- Giri, A.20
- Gomes, R. A.35
- Goodman, M. C.29
Grichine, V.36
- Groh, M.22, 7
- Group, R.9
Guo, B.37
Habig, A.38
- Hakl, F.39
- Hall, A.9
Hartnell, J.5
- Hatcher, R.2
- Hausner, H.25
- He, M.40
- Heller, K.18
- Hewes, V.6
- Himmel, A.2
- Jargowsky, B.10
- Jarosz, J.22
- Jediny, F.32
- Johnson, C.22
Judah, M.22, 34
- Kakorin, I.3
- Kaplan, D. M.14
- Kalitkina, A.3
Keloth, R.41
- Klimov, O.3
- Koerner, L. W.40
Kolupaeva, L.3
- Kotelnikov, S.36
- Kralik, R.5
- Kullenberg, Ch.3
- Kubu, M.32
- Kumar, A.15
- Kuruppu, C. D.37
- Kus, V.32
- Lackey, T.2, 7
- Lang, K.24
- Lasorak, P.5
- Lesmeister, J.40
- Lin, S.22
Lister, A.25
- Liu, J.10
Lokajicek, M.31
- Lopez, J. M. C.42
- Mahji, R.11
- Magill, S.29
- Manrique Plata, M.7
- Mann, W. A.12
Manoharan, M. T.41
- Marshak, M. L.18
Martinez-Casales, M.8
- Matveev, V.23
- Mayes, B.5
- Messier, M. D.7
Meyer, H.43
- Miao, T.2
Mikola, V.42
- Miller, W. H.18
- Mishra, S.44
- Mishra, S. R.37
- Mislivec, A.18
Mohanta, R.11
- Moren, A.38
- Morozova, A.3
- Mu, W.2
Mualem, L.13
- Muether, M.43
- Mulder, K.42
- Naples, D.34
Nath, A.17
Nayak, N.10
- Nelleri, S.41
- Nelson, J. K.26
Nichol, R.42
- Niner, E.2
- Norman, A.2
- Norrick, A.2
Nosek, T.45
- Oh, H.6
- Olshevskiy, A.3
- Olson, T.12
Ott, J.10
- Pal, A.46
Paley, J.2
- Panda, L.46
Patterson, R. B.13
- Pawloski, G.18
- Petrova, O.3
- Petti, R.37
- Phan, D. D.24, 42
- Plunkett, R. K.2
- Pobedimov, A.3
Porter, J. C. C.5
Rafique, A.29
- Prais, L. R.16
- Raj, V.13
- Rajaoalisoa, M.6
- Ramson, B.2
Rebel, B.2, 25
- Rojas, P.22
- Roy, P.43
- Ryabov, V.36
Samoylov, O.3
- Sanchez, M. C.8
Sánchez Falero, S.8
- Shanahan, P.2
Shukla, S.44
- Sheshukov, A.3
- Singh, I.27
Singh, P.19, 27
- Singh, V.44
- Smith, E.7
- Smolik, J.32
Snopok, P.14
Solomey, N.43
- Sousa, A.6
Soustruznik, K.45
Strait, M.18
- Suter, L.2
Sutton, A.9
Swain, S.46
- Sweeney, C.42
Sztuc, A.42
- Talaga, R. L.29
- Tapia Oregui, B.24
- Tas, P.45
- Temizel, B. N.14
Thakore, T.6
- Thayyullathil, R. B.41
Thomas, J.42, 25
Tiras, E.47, 8
- Tripathi, J.15
- Trokan-Tenorio, J.26
Torun, Y.14
- Urheim, J.7
Vahle, P.26
Vallari, Z.13
- Vasel, J.7
- Vrba, T.32
- Wallbank, M.6
- Warburton, T. K.8
- Wetstein, M.8
Whittington, D.48, 7
- Wickremasinghe, D. A.2
- Wieber, T.18
Wolcott, J.12
Wu, W.10
- Xiao, Y.10
Yaeggy, B.6
- Yallappa Dombara, A.48
- Yankelevich, A.10
- Yonehara, K.2
- Yu, S.29, 14
- Yu, Y.14
Zadorozhnyy, S.23
Zalesak, J.31
- Zhang, Y.5
- Zwaska, R.2
- NOvA Collaboration
University of Atlántico
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
University of Magdalena
University of Sussex
University of Cincinnati
Indiana University Bloomington
Iowa State University
University of Virginia
University of California, Irvine
University of Hyderabad
Tufts University
California Institute of Technology
Illinois Institute of Technology
Panjab University
University of Mississippi
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
University of Minnesota
Queen Mary University of London
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Michigan State University
Colorado State University
Institute for Nuclear Research
The University of Texas at Austin
University of Wisconsin–Madison
William & Mary
University of Delhi
Southern Methodist University
Argonne National Laboratory
Harvard University
Institute of Physics
Czech Technical University in Prague
University of South Alabama
University of Pittsburgh
Universidade Federal de Goiás
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
University of South Carolina
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Institute of Computer Science
University of Houston
Cochin University of Science and Technology
University College London
Wichita State University
Banaras Hindu University
Charles University
National Institute of Science Education and Research
Erciyes University
Syracuse University
The inclusive electron neutrino charged-current cross section is measured in the NOvA near detector using 8.02×1020 protons-on-target in the NuMI beam. The sample of GeV electron neutrino interactions is the largest analyzed to date and is limited by ≃17% systematic rather than the ≃7.4% statistical uncertainties. The double-differential cross section in final-state electron energy and angle is presented for the first time, together with the single-differential dependence on 𝑄2 (squared four-momentum transfer) and energy, in the range 1 GeV≤𝐸𝜈<6 GeV. Detailed comparisons are made to the predictions of the GENIE, GiBUU, NEUT, and NuWro neutrino event generators. The data do not strongly favor a model over the others consistently across all three cross sections measured, though some models have especially good or poor agreement in the single differential cross section vs 𝑄2.
Copyright and License
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.
This document was prepared by the NOvA Collaboration using the resources of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, HEP User Facility. Fermilab is managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA), acting under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy; the U.S. National Science Foundation; the Department of Science and Technology, India; the European Research Council; the MSMT CR, GA UK, Czech Republic; the RAS, MSHE, and RFBR, Russia; CNPq and FAPEG, Brazil; UKRI, STFC and the Royal Society, United Kingdom; and the state and University of Minnesota. We are grateful for the contributions of the staffs of the University of Minnesota at the Ash River Laboratory, and of Fermilab.
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Additional details
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- United States Department of Energy
- Office of Science
- Office of High Energy Physics
- National Science Foundation
- Department of Science and Technology
- European Research Council
- Ministry of Education Youth and Sports
- Russian Academy of Sciences
- Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
- Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás
- UK Research and Innovation
- Science and Technology Facilities Council
- Royal Society
- University of Minnesota System
- Fermi Research Alliance
- DE-AC02-07CH11359
- Accepted
- Available
2023-02-03Published online
- Publication Status
- Published