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Published July 1, 2006 | public
Journal Article Open

Feedback cooling of atomic motion in cavity QED


We consider the problem of controlling the motion of an atom trapped in an optical cavity using continuous feedback. In order to realize such a scheme experimentally, one must be able to perform state estimation of the atomic motion in real time. While in theory this estimate may be provided by a stochastic master equation describing the full dynamics of the observed system, integrating this equation in real time is impractical. Here we derive an approximate estimation equation for this purpose, and use it as a drive in a feedback algorithm designed to cool the motion of the atom. We examine the effectiveness of such a procedure using full simulations of the cavity QED system, including the quantized motion of the atom in one dimension.

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©2006 The American Physical Society (Received 8 October 2005; published 31 July 2006) The authors would like to thank Andrew Doherty and Sze Tan for helpful discussions. This research was performed in part using the resources of the Advanced Computing Laboratory, Institutional Computing Initiative, and LDRD program of Los Alamos National Laboratory.


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