Recently, the entanglement asymmetry emerged as an informative tool to understand dynamical symmetry restoration in out-of-equilibrium quantum many-body systems after a quantum quench. For integrable systems the asymmetry can be understood in the space-time scaling limit via the quasiparticle picture, as it was pointed out in Ares et al (2023 Nat. Commun.14 2036) . However, a quasiparticle picture for quantum quenches from generic initial states was still lacking. Here we conjecture a full-fledged quasiparticle picture for the charged moments of the reduced density matrix, which are the main ingredients to construct the asymmetry. Our formula works for quenches producing entangled multiplets of an arbitrary number of excitations. We benchmark our results in the XX spin chain. First, by using an elementary approach based on the multidimensional stationary phase approximation we provide an ab initio rigorous derivation of the dynamics of the charged moments for the quench treated in Ares et al (2023 SciPost Phys.15 089). Then, we show that the same results can be straightforwardly obtained within our quasiparticle picture. As a byproduct of our analysis, we obtain a general criterion ensuring a vanishing entanglement asymmetry at long times. Next, by using the Lindblad master equation, we study the effect of gain and loss dissipation on the entanglement asymmetry. Specifically, we investigate the fate of the so-called quantum Mpemba effect (QME) in the presence of dissipation. We show that dissipation can induce QME even if unitary dynamics does not show it, and we provide a quasiparticle-based interpretation of the condition for the QME.
Entangled multiplets, asymmetry, and quantum Mpemba effect in dissipative systems
- Creators
Caceffo, Fabio
- Murciano, Sara
Alba, Vincenzo
Copyright and License
© 2024 The Author(s). Published on behalf of SISSA Medialab srl by IOP Publishing Ltd. Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
We thank Filiberto Ares, Pasquale Calabrese and Vittorio Vitale for useful discussions and collaboration on a related topic. V A acknowledges support by the project 'Artificially devised many-body quantum dynamics in low dimensions—ManyQLowD' funded by the MIUR Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) Bando 2022 - Grant 2022R35ZBF. S M thanks support from Caltech Institute for Quantum Information and Matter and the Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics at Caltech.
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- Ministero dell'Istruzione e del Merito
- 2022R35ZBF
- California Institute of Technology
- Institute for Quantum Information and Matter
- California Institute of Technology
- Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Caltech groups
- Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics