Published December 15, 2000 | Published
Journal Article Open

Detection of variable frequency signals using a fast chirp transform


The detection of signals with varying frequency is important in many areas of physics and astrophysics. The current work was motivated by a desire to detect gravitational waves from the binary inspiral of neutron stars and black holes, a topic of significant interest for the new generation of interferometric gravitational wave detectors such as LIGO. However, this work has significant generality beyond gravitational wave signal detection. We define a fast chirp transform (FCT) analogous to the fast Fourier transform. Use of the FCT provides a simple and powerful formalism for detection of signals with variable frequency just as Fourier transform techniques provide a formalism for the detection of signals of constant frequency. In particular, use of the FCT can alleviate the requirement of generating complicated families of filter functions typically required in the conventional matched filtering process. We briefly discuss the application of the FCT to several signal detection problems of current interest.

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© 2000 American Physical Society. Received 1 February 2000; published 14 November 2000. We acknowledge informative and pivotal discussions with Ben Owen and B. Sathyaprakash. We also acknowledge helpful and stimulating discussions with Alessandra Buonanno, Tibault Damour, Scott Hughes and Albert Lazzarini. This work was supported in part by the LIGO Laboratory under cooperative agreement NSF-PHY-9210038 and by grant NSF-PHY-9970877. This paper is LIGO document LIGO P000003-00-R.

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