Published June 12, 2023 | In Press
Journal Article Open

Geomorphic and environmental controls on microbial mat fabrics on Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands


To interpret microbially influenced paleoenvironments in the sedimentary record, it is crucial to understand what processes control the development of microbial mats in modern environments. This article reports results from a multiyear study of Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, an uninhabited island floored by broad tracts of well-developed microbial mats on the wind-dominated and wave-dominated Caicos Platform. Uncrewed aerial vehicle-based imaging, differential global positioning system topographic surveys, radiocarbon data, and in situ sedimentological and microbial ecological observations were integrated to identify and quantify the environmental factors that influence the distribution and morphologies of Little Ambergris Cay microbial mats, including their response to large storm events. Based on these data, this study proposes that Little Ambergris Cay initially developed from the accretion and rapid lithification of carbonate sediment delivered by converging wave fronts in the lee of adjacent Big Ambergris Cay. Broad tracts of microbial mats developed during late Holocene time as the interior became restricted due to beach ridge development. Minor elevation differences regulate subaerial exposure time and lead to three categories of microbial mats, differentiated by surface texture and morphology: smooth mats, polygonal mats and blister mats. The surface texture and morphology of the mats is controlled by subaerial exposure time. In addition to elevation, the spatial distribution of mats is largely controlled by hydrodynamics and sediment transport during large storm events. This detailed assessment of the controls on mat formation and preservation at Little Ambergris Cay provides a framework within which to identify and understand the interactions between microbial communities and sediment transport processes in ancient high-energy carbonate depositional systems.

Additional Information

© 2023 The Authors. Sedimentology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Association of Sedimentologists. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We thank the Agouron Institute for funding and the Turks and Caicos Islands Department of Environment and Coastal Resources for permitting this research. EJT and MLG were funded by NASA grant 80NSSC18K0278. We thank the Tarika family, P. Mahoney, J. Seymour and J. Grancich for logistical support. Thanks to J. Dickson for analytical support. J. Alleon, A. Bahniuk, A. Hayden, C. Howard, H. Grotzinger, S. Jamison-Todd, T. Mahseredjian, K. Metcalfe, D. Morris, I. Overeem, C. Sanders, E. Sibert, M. Tarika, S. O'Reilly, L.A. Riedman and M. Thorpe assisted fieldwork. Thanks also to Jeffrey Dravis, Sam Purkis, Rick Sarg and an anonymous reviewer for their input. DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT. The data that support this work, as well as full resolution base maps and DEMs of Little Ambergris Cay, are available at

Attached Files

In Press - Sedimentology_-_2023_-_Stein_-_Geomorphic_and_environmental_controls_on_microbial_mat_fabrics_on_Little_Ambergris_Cay_.pdf



Additional details

August 22, 2023
October 23, 2023