Published October 2022 | public
Journal Article

Spatiotemporal characteristics of uniform momentum zones: Experiments and modeling


The probability density function (PDF) of the instantaneous streamwise velocity has consistently been used to extract information on the formation of uniform momentum zones (UMZs) in wall-bounded flows. Its temporal evolution has previously revealed patterns associated with the geometry and amplitude of the underlying velocity fluctuations [Laskari and McKeon, J. Fluid Mech. 913, A6 (2021)]. In this paper, we examine the robustness of these patterns in a variety of data sets including experiments and wall-bounded flow models. Experimental data sets spanning a range of Reynolds numbers, with very long temporal and spatial domains, suggest that the rate of the observed temporal variations scales in inner units. The use of a convection velocity, uniform across heights, to transform space into time has a marginal effect on these features. Similarly, negligible effects are observed between internal and external geometries. Synthetic databases generated following the resolvent framework and the attached eddy model are employed to draw comparisons to the experimental databases. Our findings highlight the distinctive strengths of each: The broadband frequency input of the attached eddy model allows for a better statistical description as opposed to a narrow frequency input in the resolvent data sets; instantaneously, however, representative eddies are seen to lack some structural details leading to the observed temporal behavior, which is better replicated by resolvent modes. Overall, given the considerable variety of the input data tested, the agreement between the data sets highlights the robustness of the spatiotemporal characteristics of the examined UMZs. It also underpins the need for their proper inclusion in UMZ modeling from a statistical as well as an instantaneous viewpoint; the current analysis accentuates important performance indicators for both.

Additional Information

The support of ONR through Grant No. N00014-17-1-3022 (A.L., B.J.M.) is gratefully acknowledged.

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August 22, 2023
October 23, 2023