Published June 2024 | Published
Journal Article Open

Influence of Farallon Slab Loading on Intraplate Stress and Seismicity in Eastern North America in the Presence of Pre‐Existing Weak Zones

  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology


Despite the stability of the continental interior, eastern North America has hosted many significant historical earthquakes. Seismicity concentrates within tectonically inherited structures, which can act as weak zones where stress accumulates. Within these zones, systematic stress rotations may be explained by long-wavelength sources. We test the hypothesis that mantle-flow driven by the Farallon slab contributes to intraplate seismicity via the reactivation of pre-existing faults. We model the stress field using seismically constrained global high-resolution finite-element flow models with CitcomS. To isolate the slab's effect, we vary its buoyancy between a case of neutrality and a case with full negative thermal buoyancy derived from tomography. Low-viscosity lithospheric weak zones located at failed rifts, loaded by a mass anomaly at depth, transmit elevated stresses to the overlying crust. The sinking of the Farallon slab drives localized mantle flow beneath the central-eastern US, generating a large stress amplification of 100–150 MPa peaking over the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). This stress amplification exerts a continent-wide clockwise rotation on the stress field, which in the presence of weak zones reproduces some observed deviations of the seismically inferred SHmax from the regional borehole SHmax, bringing optimally oriented faults, closer to failure, some of which are associated with major historical earthquakes, including the Reelfoot Fault in the NMSZ and the Timiskaming Fault in Western Quebec. However, stronger lithospheric viscosity gradients, shallower weak zones, or weaker faults are still needed to fully reproduce the observed stress field in some areas.

Copyright and License

© 2024 The Author(s). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf ofAmerican Geophysical Union. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use,distribution and reproduction in anymedium, provided the original work isproperly cited


We thank Robert Moucha and William Holt for their thorough and insightful reviews, which helped to greatly improve the manuscript. We also thank Mark Simons, Joann Stock, Zach Ross, and Michael Watkins for their discussions and commentary on this research, which helped strengthen the work. This work was supported in part by an NSF GRFP Fellowship to E. Hightower under award DGE-1745301, as well as USGS contract G19AC00125 and the Caltech President's and Director's Research and Development Fund. Computations were performed on the NSF-supported compute clusters Anvil at Purdue University and Stampede2 at the Texas Advanced Computing Center under NSF ACCESS award EAR160027 and Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) Science Gateway and Community Codes for the Geodynamics Community ACCESS award MCA08X011, respectively.

Data Availability

The seismic velocity model (TX2019, Lu et al., 2019) used to constrain the temperature field is freely available from IRIS at The BurnMan mineral physics software (Cottaar et al., 2014; Myhill et al., 2021) used in the conversion of seismic velocities to temperature is a Python package freely available from The scripts and files used in the velocity to temperature conversion are included within the V2T_Conversion directory in the Supporting Information data available at and are described in Supporting Information S1 document. The seafloor age grid used to constrain the oceanic lithospheric temperatures is from Seton et al. (2020) and is freely available from The thermal model used to constrain the continental lithospheric temperature field is from Artemieva (2006) and is freely available at Stress data is available from the World Stress Map Project at (Heidbach et al., 2018). Data on rift geometries (polygons) and geology used to construct the weak zone input is available from the Central Eastern United States Seismic Source Characterization for Nuclear Facilities database ( (CEUS-SSC-Project, 2011).

CitcomS version 3.3.1 (McNamara & Zhong, 2004; Moresi et al., 2014; Tan et al., 2006; Zhong et al., 2000) is an open-source publicly available geodynamics code maintained by Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics and available from or The code has excellent strong scaling on parallel computers with up to 1,000 s of cores. Our calculations were performed on the NSF ACCESS HPC clusters Stampede2 at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) and Anvil at Purdue University using 16 nodes and 768 processors per run. Typical compute times per simulation are about 8–12 hr and are highly dependent on the viscosity structure, which can span up to six orders of magnitude. The Supporting Information S1 also includes a copy of the version of CitcomS used, as well as all pre- and post-processing scripts.

Data sets containing model inputs, outputs, and procedures, as well as scripts for making the figures presented in the paper, are available from the CaltechDATA repository ( These include the final 3D temperature field input to CitcomS; the 3D viscosity field; the modeled 3D velocity field; the modeled SHmax orientation, principal stresses, stress magnitudes, and strain rates; and fault segment data taken from sources cited within the text. See Supporting Information S1 for an explanation of each of the included datasets. Figures were constructed with either Python or GMT 6 (or PyGMT) (Wessel et al., 2019).

Supporting information S!


Geochem Geophys Geosyst - 2024 - Hightower - Influence of Farallon Slab Loading on Intraplate Stress and Seismicity in.pdf

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June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024