Published August 15, 2023 | Published
Journal Article Open

Entropy growth in perturbative scattering

  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology


Inspired by the second law of thermodynamics, we study the change in subsystem entropy generated by dynamical unitary evolution of a product state in a bipartite system. Working at leading order in perturbative interactions, we prove that the quantum n-Tsallis entropy of a subsystem never decreases, ΔSₙ ≥ 0, provided that subsystem is initialized as a statistical mixture of states of equal probability. This is true for any choice of interactions and any initialization of the complementary subsystem. When this condition on the initial state is violated, it is always possible to explicitly construct a "Maxwell's demon" process that decreases the subsystem entropy, ΔSₙ < 0. Remarkably, for the case of particle scattering, the circuit diagrams corresponding to n-Tsallis entropy are the same as the on shell diagrams that have appeared in the modern scattering amplitudes program, and ΔSₙ ≥ 0 is intimately related to the nonnegativity of cross sections.

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Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. 

Funded by SCOAP3.


C. C., T. H., and A. S. are all supported by the Department of Energy (Grant No. DE-SC0011632) and by the Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics. T. H. and A. S. are also supported by the Heising-Simons Foundation "Observational Signatures of Quantum Gravity" Collaboration Grant No. 2021-2817. We are grateful to Ning Bao, Daniel Carney, Soonwon Choi, Julio Parra-Martinez, and Grant Remmen for insightful discussions and useful comments on the draft.


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October 16, 2023
October 16, 2023