Published October 10, 2002 | public
Journal Article

A Super-Grid-Scale Model for Simulating Compressible Flow on Unbounded Domains


A new buffer region (absorbing layer, sponge layer, fringe region) technique for computing compressible flows on unbounded domains is proposed. We exploit the connection between coordinate mapping from bounded to unbounded domains and filtering of the equations of motion in Fourier space in order to develop a model to damp flow disturbances (advective and acoustic) that propagate outside an arbitrarily defined near field. This effectively simulates a free-space boundary condition. Damping the solution in the far field is accomplished in a simple and effective way by applying a filter (similar to that used in large-eddy simulation) on a mesh in Fourier space, followed by a secondary filtering of the equations on the physical grid and implementation of a model for the unresolved scales. The final form of the buffer region is given in real space, independent of any discretization of the equations. Here we use a dealiased, Fourier spectral collocation method to demonstrate the efficacy of the buffer region for several model problems: acoustic wave propagation, convection of a finite-amplitude vortex, and a viscous starting jet in two dimensions. The results compare favorably to previous nonreflecting and absorbing boundary conditions.

Additional Information

© 2002 Elsevier. Received 8 January 2002, Revised 20 June 2002, Available online 26 February 2003. The authors thank Mr. Matt Barone for generously sharing the data on PML presented in Section 4.1. TC wishes to acknowledge Prof. Jon Freund for many helpful discussions on boundary conditions.

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August 19, 2023
October 20, 2023