Published February 23, 2010 | Published
Book Section - Chapter Open

Towards Prediction and Control of Large Scale Turbulent Structure Supersonic Jet Noise


In this paper, we report on progress towards developing physics-based models of sound generation by large-scale turbulent structures in supersonic jet shear layers generally accepted to be the source of aft-angle noise. Aside from obtaining better engineering prediction schemes, the development and optimization of long term jet noise reduction strategies based on controlling instability wave generated large-scale turbulence structures in the shear layer can be more successful if based on predictive flow-noise models, rather than on build and test approaches alone. Such models, if successful, may also provide a path by which laboratory scale demonstrations can be more reliably translated to engine scale. Results show that the noise radiated by large-scale structures in turbulent jet shear layers may be modeled using a RANS based PSE method and projected to the far-field using a Kirchhoff surface approach. A key enabler in this procedure is the development of near-field microphone arrays capable of providing the pressure statistics needed to validate the instability wave models. Our framework provides, for the first time, a deterministic model that will allow understanding and predicting noise radiated by large-scale turbulence.

Additional Information

© 2009 by ASME. Paper No. GT2009-60300. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of TTC Technologies Inc., the SBIR lead partner in this NAVAIR sponsored work.

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August 19, 2023
October 20, 2023