Published February 28, 2024 | Submitted
Discussion Paper Open

Designed mosaic nanoparticles enhance cross-reactive immune responses in mice


Using computational methods, we designed 60-mer nanoparticles displaying SARS-like betacoronavirus (sarbecovirus) receptor-binding domains (RBDs) by (i) creating RBD sequences with 6 mutations in the SARS-COV-2 WA1 RBD that were predicted to retain proper folding and abrogate antibody responses to variable epitopes (mosaic-2COMs; mosaic-5COM), and (ii) selecting 7 natural sarbecovirus RBDs (mosaic-7COM). These antigens were compared with mosaic-8b, which elicits cross-reactive antibodies and protects from sarbecovirus challenges in animals. Immunizations in naïve and COVID-19 pre-vaccinated mice revealed that mosaic-7COM elicited higher binding and neutralization titers than mosaic-8b and related antigens. Deep mutational scanning showed that mosaic-7COM targeted conserved RBD epitopes. Mosaic-2COMs and mosaic-5COM elicited higher titers than homotypic SARS-CoV-2 Beta RBD-nanoparticles and increased potencies against some SARS-CoV-2 variants than mosaic-7COM. However, mosaic-7COM elicited more potent responses against zoonotic sarbecoviruses and highly mutated Omicrons. These results support using mosaic-7COM to protect against highly mutated SARS-CoV-2 variants and zoonotic sarbecoviruses with spillover potential.

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This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship: 1745302 (E.W.), the National Institutes of Health: 1-R61-AI161805-01 and U19AI057229 (A.K.C.), the National Institutes of Health: P01-AI165075 (P.J.B.), Wellcome Leap (P.J.B.), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: INV-034638 (P.J.B.), the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) (P.J.B.), and the Merkin Institute for Translational Research (Caltech). E.W. and A.K.C. acknowledge the MIT SuperCloud and Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center for providing HPC resources that have contributed to the research results reported within this work.

We thank Jesse Bloom (Fred Hutchinson), Allie Greaney (University of Washington), and Tyler Starr (University of Utah) for RBD libraries and help setting up DMS at Caltech, Noor Youssef (Harvard Medical School) and Ziyan Wu (Caltech) for radar plot Python scripts, Jost Vielmetter, Luisa Segovia, Annie Lam, and the Caltech Beckman Institute Protein Expression Center for protein production, Igor Antoshechkin and the Caltech Millard and Muriel Jacobs Genetics and Genomics Laboratory for Illumina sequencing, Chengcheng Fan for generating RBD-NP models, Labcorp Drug Development (Denver, PA) for performing mouse immunizations, and Anthony West for calculating the probabilities of identical neighboring RBDs.


Conceptualization: E.W, A.K.C., A.A.C., P.J.B.; Methodology: E.W, A.K.C. (computations); J.R.K., A.V.R., Y.M.A., P.N.P.G. (experiments); Computation and Software: E.W., A.K.C.; Investigation: E.W. (computations); J.R.K., A.V.R., Y.M.A., P.N.P.G. (experiments); Writing – original draft: E.W., A.K.C, A.A.C, L.F.C., P.J.B.; Writing – review and editing: E.W., A.K.C, A.A.C, L.F.C., P.J.B.; Visualization: E.W., A.A.C, L.F.C.; Supervision: A.K.C, P.J.B.; Project Administration: A.K.C., P.J.B.; Funding: A.K.C., P.J.B.

Conflict of Interest

A.K.C. is a consultant (titled “Academic Partner”) for Flagship Pioneering, consultant and Strategic Oversight Board Member of its affiliated company, Apriori Bio, and is a consultant and Scientific Advisory Board Member of another affiliated company, Metaphore Bio.

P.J.B. and A.A.C. are inventors on a US patent application (17/523,813) filed by the California Institute of Technology that covers mosaic RBD-NPs. P.J.B. is a scientific advisor for Vaccine Company, Inc. and for Vir Biotechnology.


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May 3, 2024
May 3, 2024