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Published March 20, 2009 | Published + Supplemental Material
Journal Article Open

All-Sky LIGO Search for Periodic Gravitational Waves in the Early Fifth-Science-Run Data

Abbott, B. P.
Abbott, R.
Adhikari, Rana X. ORCID icon
Ajith, P. ORCID icon
Allen, B.
Allen, G.
Amin, R. S.
Anderson, S. B. ORCID icon
Anderson, W. G.
Arain, M. A.
Araya, M.
Armandula, H.
Armor, P.
Aso, Y.
Aston, S.
Aufmuth, P.
Aulbert, C.
Babak, S.
Baker, P.
Ballmer, S.
Bantilan, H.
Barish, B. C.
Barker, C.
Barker, D.
Barr, B.
Barriga, P.
Barsotti, L.
Barton, M. A.
Bartos, I. ORCID icon
Bassiri, R.
Bastarrika, M.
Behnke, B.
Benacquista, M.
Betzwieser, J.
Beyersdorf, P. T.
Bilenko, I. A.
Billingsley, G. ORCID icon
Biswas, R. ORCID icon
Black, E.
Blackburn, J. K. ORCID icon
Blackburn, L.
Blair, D.
Bland, B.
Bodiya, T. P.
Bogue, L.
Bork, R.
Boschi, V.
Bose, S. ORCID icon
Brady, P. R. ORCID icon
Braginsky, V. B.
Brau, J. E.
Brinkmann, M.
Brooks, A. F. ORCID icon
Brown, D. A. ORCID icon
Brunet, G.
Bullington, A.
Buonanno, A.
Burmeister, O.
Byer, R. L. ORCID icon
Cadonati, L.
Cagnoli, G.
Camp, J. B.
Cannizzo, J.
Cannon, K. C. ORCID icon
Cao, J.
Cardenas, L.
Cardoso, V.
Caride, S.
Casebolt, T.
Castaldi, G.
Caudill, S. ORCID icon
Cavaglià, M.
Cepeda, C.
Chalkley, E.
Charlton, P.
Chatterji, S.
Chelkowski, S.
Chen, Yanbei ORCID icon
Christensen, N.
Clark, D.
Clark, J.
Clayton, J. H.
Cokelaer, T.
Conte, R.
Cook, D.
Corbitt, T. R. C.
Cornish, N.
Coyne, D. C. ORCID icon
Creighton, J. D. E. ORCID icon
Creighton, T. D.
Cruise, A. M.
Cumming, A.
Cunningham, L.
Cutler, R. M.
Danzmann, K.
Daudert, B.
Davies, G.
DeBra, D.
Degallaix, J.
Dergachev, V.
Desai, S.
DeSalvo, R.
Dhurandhar, S.
Díaz, M.
Dickson, J.
Dietz, A.
Donovan, F.
Dooley, K. L.
Doomes, E. E.
Drever, R. W. P.
Duke, I.
Dumas, J. C.
Dwyer, J.
Echols, C.
Edgar, M.
Effler, A.
Ehrens, P.
Ely, G.
Espinoza, E.
Etzel, T.
Evans, M.
Evans, T.
Fairhurst, S.
Faltas, Y.
Fan, Y.
Fazi, D.
Fejer, M. M. ORCID icon
Finn, L. S.
Flasch, K.
Foley, S.
Forrest, C.
Fotopoulos, N.
Franzen, A.
Frei, Z.
Freise, A. ORCID icon
Frey, R.
Fricke, T. T.
Fritschel, P.
Frolov, V. V.
Fyffe, M.
Garofoli, J. A.
Gholami, I.
Giaime, J. A.
Giampanis, S.
Giardina, K. D.
Goda, K.
Goetz, E.
Goggin, L. M.
González, G.
Gossler, S.
Gouaty, R.
Grant, A.
Gras, S.
Gray, C.
Gray, M.
Greenhalgh, R. J. S.
Gretarsson, A. M.
Grimaldi, F.
Grosso, R.
Grote, H.
Grunewald, S.
Guenther, M.
Gustafson, E. K.
Gustafson, R.
Hage, B.
Hallam, J. M.
Hanna, C.
Hanson, J.
Harms, J. ORCID icon
Harry, G.
Harstad, E. D.
Haughian, E.
Hayama, K.
Hayler, T.
Heefner, J.
Heng, I. S.
Heptonstall, A.
Hewitson, M.
Hild, S.
Hirose, E.
Hoak, D.
Holt, K.
Hosken, D.
Hough, J.
Huttner, S. H.
Ingram, D.
Ito, M.
Ivanov, A.
Johnson, B.
Johnson, W. W.
Jones, D. I.
Jones, G.
Jones, R.
Ju, L.
Kalmus, P.
Kalogera, V. ORCID icon
Kamat, S.
Kanner, J. B. ORCID icon
Kasprzyk, D.
Katsavounidis, E.
Kawabe, K.
Kawamura, S.
Kawazoe, F.
Kells, W.
Keppel, D. G.
Khalaidovski, A.
Khalili, Farid Ya.
Khan, R.
Khazanov, E.
King, P.
Kissel, J. S. ORCID icon
Klimenko, S.
Kocsis, B. ORCID icon
Kokeyama, K.
Kondrashov, V.
Kopparapu, R.
Koranda, S.
Kozak, D. ORCID icon
Kozhevatov, I.
Krishnan, B.
Kwee, P.
Landry, M.
Lantz, B.
Lazzarini, A.
Lei, M.
Leonor, I.
Li, C.
Lin, H.
Lindquist, P. E.
Littenberg, T. B.
Lockerbie, N. A.
Lodhia, D.
Lormand, M.
Lu, P.
Lubinski, M.
Lucianetti, A.
Lück, H.
Machenschalk, B.
MacInnis, M.
Mageswaran, M.
Mailand, K.
Mandel, I. ORCID icon
Mandic, V.
Márka, S.
Márka, Z.
Markosyan, A.
Markowitz, J.
Maros, E.
Martin, I. W.
Martin, R. M.
Marx, J. N.
Mason, K.
Matichard, F. ORCID icon
Matone, L.
Matzner, R.
Mavalvala, N.
McCarthy, R.
McClelland, D. E.
McGuire, S. C.
McHugh, M.
McIntyre, G.
McKechan, D.
McKenzie, K.
Mehmet, M.
Melissinos, A.
Mendell, G.
Mercer, R. A.
Meshkov, S.
Messenger, C. J.
Meyers, D.
Miller, A.
Miller, J.
Minelli, J.
Mitra, S.
Mitrofanov, V. P.
Mitselmakher, G.
Mittleman, R.
Miyakawa, O.
Moe, B.
Mohanty, S. D.
Moreno, G.
Mors, K.
Mossavi, K.
MowLowry, C.
Mueller, G. ORCID icon
Muhammad, D.
Mukherjee, S.
Mukhopadhyay, H.
Mullavey, A.
Müller-Ebhardt, H.
Munch, J.
Murray, P. G.
Myers, E.
Myers, J.
Nash, T.
Nelson, J.
Newton, G.
Nishizawa, A. ORCID icon
Numata, K.
Ochsner, E.
O'Dell, J.
Ogin, G.
O'Reilly, B.
O'Shaughnessy, R. ORCID icon
Ottaway, D. J. ORCID icon
Ottens, R. S.
Overmier, H.
Owen, B. J.
Pan, Y.
Pankow, C.
Papa, M. A.
Parameshwaraiah, V.
Patel, P.
Pedraza, M.
Penn, S.
Perraca, A.
Petrie, T.
Pinto, I. M.
Pitkin, M.
Pletsch, H. J.
Plissi, M. V.
Postiglione, F.
Principe, M.
Prix, R.
Quetschke, V. ORCID icon
Raab, F. J.
Rabeling, D. S.
Radkins, H.
Raffai, P.
Rainer, N.
Rakhmanov, M.
Ramsunder, M.
Reed, T.
Rehbein, H.
Reid, S.
Reitze, D. H.
Riesen, R.
Riles, K.
Rivera, B.
Robertson, N. A.
Robinson, C.
Robinson, E. L.
Roddy, S.
Rogan, A. M.
Rollins, J. ORCID icon
Romano, J. D.
Romie, J. H.
Rowan, S.
Rüdiger, A.
Ruet, L.
Russell, P.
Ryan, K.
Sakata, S.
Sancho de la Jordana, L.
Sandberg, V.
Sannibale, V.
Santamaria, L.
Saraf, S.
Sarin, P.
Sathyaprakash, B. S.
Sato, S.
Saulson, P. R.
Savage, R.
Savov, P.
Scanlan, M.
Schediwy, S. W.
Schilling, R.
Schnabel, R. ORCID icon
Schofield, R.
Schutz, B. F.
Schwinberg, P.
Scott, J.
Scott, S. M.
Searle, A. C.
Sears, B.
Seifert, F.
Sellers, D.
Sengupta, A. S.
Sergeev, A.
Shapiro, B.
Shawhan, P.
Shoemaker, D. H.
Sibley, A.
Siemens, X.
Sigg, D. ORCID icon
Sinha, S.
Sintes, A. M.
Slagmolen, B. J. J.
Slutsky, J.
Smith, J. R.
Smith, M. R.
Smith, N. D.
Somiya, K.
Sorazu, B.
Stein, L. C. ORCID icon
Strain, K. A.
Stuver, A.
Summerscales, T.
Sun, K. X.
Sung, M.
Sutton, P. J.
Takahashi, H.
Tanner, D. B. ORCID icon
Taylor, R.
Taylor, R.
Thacker, J.
Thorne, K. A.
Thorne, K. S.
Thüring, A.
Tokmakov, K. V.
Torres, C.
Torrie, C.
Traylor, G.
Trias, M.
Ugolini, D.
Urbanek, K.
Vahlbruch, H.
Van Den Broeck, C.
van der Sluys, M. V.
van Veggel, A. A.
Vass, S.
Vaulin, R.
Vecchio, A. ORCID icon
Veitch, J. D.
Veitch, P.
Villar, A.
Vorvick, C.
Vyachanin, S. P.
Waldman, S. J.
Wallace, L.
Ward, H.
Ward, R. L.
Weinert, M.
Weiss, R.
Wen, L.
Wen, S.
Wette, K.
Whelan, J. T.
Whitcomb, S. E.
Whiting, B. F. ORCID icon
Wilkinson, C.
Willems, P. A.
Williams, H. R.
Williams, L.
Willke, B.
Wilmut, I.
Winkler, W.
Wipf, C. C.
Wiseman, A. G.
Woan, G.
Wooley, R.
Worden, J. ORCID icon
Wu, W.
Yakushin, I.
Yamamoto, H.
Yan, Z.
Yoshida, S.
Zanolin, M.
Zhang, J.
Zhang, L. ORCID icon
Zhao, C. ORCID icon
Zotov, N.
Zucker, M. E. ORCID icon
zur Mühlen, H.
Zweizig, J. ORCID icon
Weinstein, Alan J. ORCID icon


We report on an all-sky search with the LIGO detectors for periodic gravitational waves in the frequency range 50–1100 Hz and with the frequency's time derivative in the range -5 x 10^(-9)–0 Hzs^(-1). Data from the first eight months of the fifth LIGO science run (S5) have been used in this search, which is based on a semicoherent method (PowerFlux) of summing strain power. Observing no evidence of periodic gravitational radiation, we report 95% confidence-level upper limits on radiation emitted by any unknown isolated rotating neutron stars within the search range. Strain limits below 10^(-24) are obtained over a 200-Hz band, and the sensitivity improvement over previous searches increases the spatial volume sampled by an average factor of about 100 over the entire search band. For a neutron star with nominal equatorial ellipticity of 10^-6, the search is sensitive to distances as great as 500 pc.

Additional Information

© 2009 The American Physical Society. Received 18 October 2008; published 20 March 2009. We thank Deepto Chakrabarty and David Kaplan for useful discussions. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the U.S. National Science Foundation for the construction and operation of the LIGO Laboratory and the Science and Technology Facilities Council of the U.K., the Max Planck Society, and the State of Niedersachsen, Germany, for support of the construction and operation of the GEO600 detector. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the support of the research by these agencies and by the Australian Research Council, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of India, the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare of Italy, the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, the Conselleria d'Economia Hisenda i Innovació of the Govern de les Illes Balears, the Royal Society, the Scottish Funding Council, the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Carnegie Trust, the Leverhulme Trust, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Research Corporation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

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