Published August 13, 2015 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Advanced and In Situ Analytical Methods for Solar Fuel Materials


In situ and operando techniques can play important roles in the development of better performing photoelectrodes, photocatalysts, and electrocatalysts by helping to elucidate crucial intermediates and mechanistic steps. The development of high throughput screening methods has also accelerated the evaluation of relevant photoelectrochemical and electrochemical properties for new solar fuel materials. In this chapter, several in situ and high throughput characterization tools are discussed in detail along with their impact on our understanding of solar fuel materials.

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© 2016 Springer. A.S.B. thanks the United State Air Force Academy Faculty Pipeline program for support. L.T. and the synthesis/optical characterization of thin-film electrocatalysts were supported by the National Science Foundation under the Centers for Chemical Innovation Program, grant CHE-1102637. The development of the optocatalytic model was supported by the DOE Basic Energy Sciences grant DE-FG02-12ER16323. S.W.B. thanks the Research Corporation for Science Advancement for a Cottrell Scholar Award.

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August 22, 2023
January 13, 2024