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Published November 20, 1992 | Published
Journal Article Open

Initial investigation of the Landers, California, Earthquake of 28 June 1992 using TERRAscope


The 1992 Landers earthquake (M_s =7.5, M_w =7.3) was recorded at six TERRAscope stations in southern California. Peak accelerations ranged from 0.16 g at SVD (Δ=63 km) to 0.0092 g at ISA (Δ=245 km), decreasing with distance away from the fault zone. The peak velocity showed a different pattern reflecting the rupture directivity from south to north. The largest peak velocity, 19 cm/sec, was observed at GSC (Δ=125 km). Moment tensor inversion of long‐period surface waves yielded a mechanism with M_0=1.1×10^(27) dyne‐cm (M_w =7.3), dip=74°, rake=−176°, and strike=340°. Inversion of teleseismic P and S waves revealed two distinct sub‐events of 6 and 8 sec duration and about 10 sec apart. The source parameters for the first and second events are: M_0=1.9×10^(26) dyne‐cm, dip=83°, rake=179°, strike=359°; and M_0=6.1×10^(26) dyne‐cm, dip=87°, rake=178°, strike=333°, respectively. The radiated wave energy, E_S, was estimated as 4.3×10^(23) ergs. The ratio E_s/M_0=3.9×10^(−4) corresponds to a stress drop of 280 bars, and suggests that the Landers earthquake belongs to the group of high stress drop earthquakes, and occurred on a fault with a long recurrence time. The rupture directivity can be seen clearly in the records from PFO (Δ=68 km) located to the south and GSC located to the north of the epicenter. The maximum displacement at PFO is only 13% of that at GSC despite the shorter epicentral distance to PFO than to GSC. The slip distribution determined with the empirical Green's function method indicates that the Landers earthquake consists of two distinct sub‐events about 30 km apart, with the second sub‐event to the north being about twice as large as the first one. This slip distribution is consistent with the teleseismic data and the surface offsets mapped in the field.

Additional Information

© 1992 American Geophysical Union. Received September 3, 1992; accepted September 29, 1992. Thome Lay provided us with preliminary results of deconvolution of teleseismic data. Göran Ekström re-examined their moment tensor solution (CMT solution) upon our request. We thank Ken Hudnut for providing us with the figure for surface break. Reviews by David Boore and Ralph Archuleta were helpful in improving the paper. TERRAscope is mainly supported by grants from the L. K. Whittier Foundation and Arco Foundation. This research was partially supported by the U.S. 9eological Survey Grant 14-08-0001-Gl356. Contribution No. 5196, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125. Southern California Earthquake Center Contribution No. 12.

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