Published July 10, 2023 | Published
Journal Article Open

The NANOGrav 15 yr Data Set: Bayesian Limits on Gravitational Waves from Individual Supermassive Black Hole Binaries

Agazie, Gabriella ORCID icon
Anumarlapudi, Akash ORCID icon
Archibald, Anne M. ORCID icon
Arzoumanian, Zaven ORCID icon
Baker, Paul T. ORCID icon
Bécsy, Bence ORCID icon
Blecha, Laura ORCID icon
Brazier, Adam ORCID icon
Brook, Paul R. ORCID icon
Burke-Spolaor, Sarah ORCID icon
Case, Robin ORCID icon
Casey-Clyde, J. Andrew ORCID icon
Charisi, Maria ORCID icon
Chatterjee, Shami ORCID icon
Cohen, Tyler ORCID icon
Cordes, James M. ORCID icon
Cornish, Neil J. ORCID icon
Crawford, Fronefield ORCID icon
Cromartie, H. Thankful ORCID icon
Crowter, Kathryn ORCID icon
DeCesar, Megan E. ORCID icon
Demorest, Paul B. ORCID icon
Digman, Matthew C. ORCID icon
Dolch, Timothy ORCID icon
Drachler, Brendan
Ferrara, Elizabeth C. ORCID icon
Fiore, William ORCID icon
Fonseca, Emmanuel ORCID icon
Freedman, Gabriel E. ORCID icon
Garver-Daniels, Nate ORCID icon
Gentile, Peter A. ORCID icon
Glaser, Joseph ORCID icon
Good, Deborah C. ORCID icon
Gültekin, Kayhan ORCID icon
Hazboun, Jeffrey S. ORCID icon
Hourihane, Sophie ORCID icon
Jennings, Ross J. ORCID icon
Johnson, Aaron D. ORCID icon
Jones, Megan L. ORCID icon
Kaiser, Andrew R. ORCID icon
Kaplan, David L. ORCID icon
Kelley, Luke Zoltan ORCID icon
Kerr, Matthew ORCID icon
Key, Joey S. ORCID icon
Laal, Nima ORCID icon
Lam, Michael T. ORCID icon
Lamb, William G. ORCID icon
Lazio, T. Joseph W.
Lewandowska, Natalia ORCID icon
Liu, Tingting ORCID icon
Lorimer, Duncan R. ORCID icon
Luo, Jing ORCID icon
Lynch, Ryan S. ORCID icon
Ma, Chung-Pei ORCID icon
Madison, Dustin R. ORCID icon
McEwen, Alexander ORCID icon
McKee, James W. ORCID icon
McLaughlin, Maura A. ORCID icon
McMann, Natasha ORCID icon
Meyers, Bradley W. ORCID icon
Meyers, Patrick M. ORCID icon
Mingarelli, Chiara M. F. ORCID icon
Mitridate, Andrea ORCID icon
Ng, Cherry ORCID icon
Nice, David J. ORCID icon
Ocker, Stella Koch ORCID icon
Olum, Ken D. ORCID icon
Pennucci, Timothy T. ORCID icon
Perera, Benetge B. P. ORCID icon
Petrov, Polina ORCID icon
Pol, Nihan S. ORCID icon
Radovan, Henri A. ORCID icon
Ransom, Scott M. ORCID icon
Ray, Paul S. ORCID icon
Romano, Joseph D. ORCID icon
Sardesai, Shashwat C. ORCID icon
Schmiedekamp, Ann ORCID icon
Schmiedekamp, Carl ORCID icon
Schmitz, Kai ORCID icon
Shapiro-Albert, Brent J. ORCID icon
Siemens, Xavier ORCID icon
Simon, Joseph ORCID icon
Siwek, Magdalena S. ORCID icon
Stairs, Ingrid H. ORCID icon
Stinebring, Daniel R. ORCID icon
Stovall, Kevin ORCID icon
Susobhanan, Abhimanyu ORCID icon
Swiggum, Joseph K. ORCID icon
Taylor, Jacob
Taylor, Stephen R. ORCID icon
Turner, Jacob E. ORCID icon
Unal, Caner ORCID icon
Vallisneri, Michele1 ORCID icon
van Haasteren, Rutger ORCID icon
Vigeland, Sarah J. ORCID icon
Wahl, Haley M. ORCID icon
Witt, Caitlin A. ORCID icon
Young, Olivia ORCID icon
NANOGrav Collaboration
  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology


Evidence for a low-frequency stochastic gravitational-wave background has recently been reported based on analyses of pulsar timing array data. The most likely source of such a background is a population of supermassive black hole binaries, the loudest of which may be individually detected in these data sets. Here we present the search for individual supermassive black hole binaries in the NANOGrav 15 yr data set. We introduce several new techniques, which enhance the efficiency and modeling accuracy of the analysis. The search uncovered weak evidence for two candidate signals, one with a gravitational-wave frequency of ∼4 nHz, and another at ∼170 nHz. The significance of the low-frequency candidate was greatly diminished when Hellings–Downs correlations were included in the background model. The high-frequency candidate was discounted due to the lack of a plausible host galaxy, the unlikely astrophysical prior odds of finding such a source, and since most of its support comes from a single pulsar with a commensurate binary period. Finding no compelling evidence for signals from individual binary systems, we place upper limits on the strain amplitude of gravitational waves emitted by such systems. At our most sensitive frequency of 6 nHz, we place a sky-averaged 95% upper limit of 8 × 10−15 on the strain amplitude. We also calculate an exclusion volume and a corresponding effective radius, within which we can rule out the presence of black hole binaries emitting at a given frequency.

Copyright and License

© 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.


The NANOGrav collaboration receives support from National Science Foundation (NSF) Physics Frontiers Center award Nos. 1430284 and 2020265, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, NSF AccelNet award No. 2114721, an NSERC Discovery Grant, and CIFAR. The Arecibo Observatory is a facility of the NSF operated under cooperative agreement (AST-1744119) by the University of Central Florida (UCF) in alliance with Universidad Ana G. Méndez (UAGM) and Yang Enterprises (YEI), Inc. The Green Bank Observatory is a facility of the NSF operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the NSF operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. L.B. acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation under award AST-1909933 and from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement under Cottrell Scholar Award No. 27553. P.R.B. is supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council, grant No. ST/W000946/1. S.B. gratefully acknowledges the support of a Sloan Fellowship, and the support of NSF under award No. 1815664. The work of R.C., N.La., X.S., and J.T. is partly supported by the George and Hannah Bolinger Memorial Fund in the College of Science at Oregon State University. M.C., P.P., and S.R.T. acknowledge support from NSF AST-2007993. M.C. and N.S.P. were supported by the Vanderbilt Initiative in Data Intensive Astrophysics (VIDA) Fellowship. Support for this work was provided by the NSF through the Grote Reber Fellowship Program administered by Associated Universities, Inc./National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Support for H.T.C. is provided by NASA through the NASA Hubble Fellowship Program grant No. HST-HF2-51453.001 awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS5-26555. K.C. is supported by a UBC Four Year Fellowship (6456). M.E.D. acknowledges support from the Naval Research Laboratory by NASA under contract S-15633Y. T.D. and M.T.L. are supported by an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Grant (AAG) award No. 2009468. E.C.F. is supported by NASA under award No. 80GSFC21M0002. G.E.F., S.C.S., and S.J.V. are supported by NSF award PHY-2011772. The Flatiron Institute is supported by the Simons Foundation. S.H. is supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under grant No. DGE-1745301. A.D.J. and M.V. acknowledge support from the Caltech and Jet Propulsion Laboratory President's and Director's Research and Development Fund. A.D.J. acknowledges support from the Sloan Foundation. N.La. acknowledges the support from Larry W. Martin and Joyce B. O'Neill Endowed Fellowship in the College of Science at Oregon State University. Part of this research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004). D.R.L. and M.A.M. are supported by NSF No. 1458952. M.A.M. is supported by NSF No. 2009425. C.M.F.M. was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant Nos. NSF PHY-1748958 and AST-2106552. A.Mi. is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under Germany's Excellence Strategy—EXC 2121 Quantum Universe—390833306. The Dunlap Institute is funded by an endowment established by the David Dunlap family and the University of Toronto. K.D.O. was supported in part by NSF grant No. 2207267. K.D.O. acknowledges the Tufts University High Performance Compute Cluster (, which was utilized for some of the research reported in this paper. T.T.P. acknowledges support from the Extragalactic Astrophysics Research Group at Eötvös Loránd University, funded by the Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH), which was used during the development of this research. S.M.R. and I.H.S. are CIFAR Fellows. Portions of this work performed at NRL were supported by ONR 6.1 basic research funding. J.D.R. also acknowledges support from start-up funds from Texas Tech University. J.S. is supported by an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship under award AST-2202388, and acknowledges previous support by the NSF under award 1847938. S.R.T. acknowledges support from an NSF CAREER award No. 2146016. C.U. acknowledges support from BGU (Kreitman fellowship), and the Council for Higher Education and Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Excellence fellowship). C.A.W. acknowledges support from CIERA, the Adler Planetarium, and the Brinson Foundation through a CIERA-Adler postdoctoral fellowship. O.Y. is supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under grant No. DGE-2139292. This work was conducted in part using the resources of the Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education (ACCRE) at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.


Arecibo - Arecibo observatory, GBT - Green Bank Telescope, VLA - Very Large Array

Software References

QuickCW (Bécsy et al. 2023), enterprise (Ellis et al. 2019), enterprise extensions (Taylor et al. 2021), libstempo (Vallisneri 2020), tempo (Nice et al. 2015), tempo2 (Hobbs et al. 2006), PINT (Luo et al. 2019), matplotlib (Hunter 2007), astropy (Price-Whelan et al. 2018; Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013), cosmopy (Kelley 2022), healpy (Zonca et al. 2019), HEALPix (Górski et al.2005)


An alphabetical-order author list was used for this paper in recognition of the fact that a large, decade timescale project such as NANOGrav is necessarily the result of the work of many people. All authors contributed to the activities of the NANOGrav collaboration leading to the work presented here, and reviewed the manuscript, text, and figures prior to the paper's submission. Additional specific contributions to this paper are as follows. G.A., A.A., A.M.A., Z.A., P.T.B., P.R.B., H.T.C., K.C., M.E.D., P.B.D., T.D., E.C.F., W.F., E.F., G.E.F., N.G., P.A.G., J.G., D.C.G., J.S.H., R.J.J., M.L.J., D.L.K., M.K., M.T.L., D.R.L., J.L., R.S.L., A.M., M.A.M., N.M., B.W.M., C.N., D.J.N., T.T.P., B.B.P.P., N.S.P., H.A.R., S.M.R., P.S.R., A.S., C.S., B.J.S., I.H.S., K.S., A.S., J.K.S., and H.M.W. developed the 15 yr data set through a combination of observations, arrival time calculations, data checks and refinements, and timing model development and analysis; additional specific contributions to the data set are summarized in NG15 Agazie et al. (2023a). B.B. and N.J.C. coordinated the analysis and paper writing. B.B., N.J.C., and M.C.D. developed the new analysis method, and B.B. and M.C.D. implemented and maintain the QuickCW code used for the analysis. B.B., R.C., M.C.D., K.D.O., P.P., and J.T. performed analysis for the project, including exploratory runs. B.B., S.C., and C.A.W. updated the pulsar distance priors. S.H. performed all re-weighing analysis to account for correlated noise. A.M.A., B.B., D.L.K., and P.M. examined the covariance with the binary model of PSR J1713+0747. B.B. and J.S.H. explored the use of advanced noise models. M.C. and P.P. compared the localization volume of the high-frequency candidate with the NANOGrav galaxy catalog. L.Z.K. developed the method of calculating number density upper limits. J.S.H., A.B., and J.S.K. served as the analysis review team. B.B. produced the figures. B.B., M.C., N.J.C., L.Z.K., and K.D.O. contributed text to the manuscript. P.T.B., M.C., T.D., T.J.W.L., K.D.O., and R.V.H. provided valuable feedback on the manuscript.


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July 11, 2024
July 11, 2024