Published January 1, 1986 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Explanatory Text for the Continent-Ocean Transect: Corridor C2 Central California Offshore to the Colorado Plateau


The North American Continent-Ocean Transects Program is a study of the structure and Phanerozoic evolution of the transitional region of North America between its bordering ocean basins and the craton or long-stable continental interior. Studies are concentrated in 26 corridors, each 100 to 200 km wide, that are chosen to provide a comprehensive comparison of the variations in modern and ancient continental margin structure and tectonics. In the broadest sense, North America can be divided into four major tectonic domains. The boundaries and composition of at least some of these domains are not yet well documented or agreed upon, and it is a goal of the Transects Program to improve tectonic divisions and delineations.

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© 1986 The Geological Society of America, Inc.

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August 22, 2023
January 14, 2024